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Ireland to New Ireland


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[b]The Executive Branch[/b]

"Mr. President, the train is ready. Are you prepared to depart?" David stood up and brushed off the sleeves of his $1,600 suit, "Yes Roger. And I heard the flags were set up?" Roger walked outside of the train station and onto the platform; the president followed. A old steam-powered locomotive blew it's whistle, waiting to be boarded by it's precious cargo, "All aboard!" Roger yelled. David gave a chuckle and the two most powerful men on the island walked into the train. They both had entered the first car so David decided to go meet the engineer in the front. He almost fell over on his way because of the jolt of the train but kept making his way. When he opened the car door he carefully walked the 'clanks' to get to the engineer who had a A-k47 on his seat encase anyone wanted to cause trouble.

The engineer closed the coal shaft and almost fell backwards when he saw the president. He raised his hand to his forehead and saluted the president, "At ease! I just wanted to thank you for driving us today!!" the engineer nodded and shook the president's hand. On the man's wrist was a four leaf clover tattooed with rich black ink. After the handshake the engineer helped the president back into the first car where Roger was eagerly waiting. "Dang partner!!! I thought I was the president now. Don't do that again, I'm not prepared yet." David laughed, "I love how you said 'yet'. Planning on my demise are you?" Roger then sarcastically replied, "Yes. The coup starts tomorrow!" the two men laughed and continued the conversation as the old locomotive made it's way from the capital of the UIN to the capital of Ceticania, New Dublin.

After a few minutes of speaking David brought up Ireland, "Do you know if his plane landed yet? I'm dieing to meet him." Roger shrugged and said, "I know he is on his way. New Ireland is going to rejoice for decades because of this as long as everything goes to planning." David chuckled and took a sip of his ginger ale to give the appearance he was drinking whiskey, "The King told me that, 'I am having my Ceticania have so many flags and fireworks it will look like the end of the world!' so I am sure the foreigners will be impressed. Look at me, I am calling the leaders of Ireland foreigners when I was born in Ireland myself." Roger shook his head and laughed, "You never cease to amaze me Mr. President." David punched his old friend, "You too Mr. Vice President."

[b]New Dublin[/b]

Two guards of the president were fighting over a blackberry phone, "I'm sending the email!" "No me!" "You got to shake his hand before now hand it over!" the men struggled for five minutes until the husky one fell on the ground and the lighter man started running and yelling out the words he was typing, "Mr. President! I am happy to tell you that the Irish government is on their way now! Please send a message when you are a few minutes out of the city! HA!" the man smiled and turned around only to see a 285 pound guard jumping on top of him. The husky man got the black berry from his friend and clicked a button. ".........Ha I sent it."

Edited by PresidentDavid
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OOC: I hope I'm supposed to RP my landing now :blush:


"Gerard, I'm needed in Syracuse in America. Therefore, I'm entrusting in you the powers of my office on your visit to the Union of Island Nations."

"Er, your Majesty, what trip to the Union of Island Nations?"

"Ah, hmm... surely I told Ginny to send you a memo? Er, nevertheless, you're to board Eire 2 and fly to New Dublin in the Union of Island Nations. Take Jerry's Marines with you. While we've secured peace with the Coalition, I wouldn't put it past the English to take this time to try something funny in a foreign land."

"Yes, right, any recommendations for policy in regards to U.I.N.?"

"Ah, Gerard, you've been my friend for how long now? Forty years? You know better than I what the policy is, so go out there and represent the Kingdom."

"Er, yes, of course."

Shaking his head in amusement at his friend and king's actions Gerard took the rest of the day off to prepare for his trip to the U.I.N.

A message would be sent to the airport in New Dublin from Eire 2.

"This is Eire 2 requesting permission to land in New Dublin on a diplomatic mission from the Kingdom of Ireland. Please advise as to where you'd like us to land."

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(Red is the city limits)

[b]New Dublin[/b]

Lenard, the skinnier man, slowly got up and coughed a little, "I say that one was a tie." Big J. caught his breath, "Agreed....." he took a couple of breaths and sat down on his dark green chair. Lenard started walking away, "I'm going to the can. Be right back." Big J. put his feet up on the control board of the room and looked at the view of the ocean and then the airport to his left. Then he heard a unfamiliar voice, "This is Eire 2 requesting permission to land in New Dublin on a diplomatic mission from the Kingdom of Ireland. Please advise as to where you'd like us to land." Big J. looked behind to make sure Lenard wasn't there and grabbed the mike. He clicked it and said, "This is uh Big J. at New Dublin air. You can land.. uh now. Permission granted." once the man thanked Big J. he then asked, "Hey uh can I talk to one of the diplomats or someth-" Big J. fell backwards because Lenard pushed over his chair, "Sorry about that, he is in training. Irish diplomats you have permission to land on strip alpha. Over and out."

Big J. rolled around for a few moments and then he finally got up, "That's not fair!" he tried to grab the mike but Lenard showed Big J. that he had his Black berry phone, "I guess it's also unfair that I sent another email to the President? Lenard 2 - Big J. 1-" Big J. tackled Lenard.

[b]The Executive Branch[/b]

Robert rolled his eyes while David took a sip of his ginger ale, "What's wrong?" Robert scratched his head and then said, "Do you think the King is going to ask for the rest of New Dublin while we are there? Just because half of it is in Island Republic doesn't mean we don't let the people go to the downtown area in Citicania. Sure they have to pay a $5 toll to cross the land border but-" David shook his head, "He does bring that up every time...... I am sure we can talk to him in private."

The locomotive hissed out steam as it came to a stop in New Dublin. David chugged the rest of his "whiskey" and stepped down with Roger to the platform. The engineer stopped them both, "Hey wait! Mr. uh.. Presidents! Can we take a picture? My kids are guna love this." Roger shrugged so they got in position. The man put his camera on the edge of a support beam and set it for five seconds. The engineer proudly wielded the AK-47 while David and his friend crossed their arms to take a professional picture. "Thank you very much Mr. Presidents. I will see you in a day or two." he tipped his hat cowboy style and then boarded the locomotive to move it to a nearby train yard.

The two executives walked off the platform and a few armed men followed them while they made their way to green square where they then sat at a bench. "Roger if we stay close like this every time we meet a diplomat people are going to assume things..." Roger awkwardly scooted away, "Yes about me considering I'm not married yet." David received another email saying that the diplomats just landed.

[b]The Airport[/b]

Thousands of Irish, UIN, and Cetecanian flags were placed along the runway that the plain of the Irish was to land on for the Irish to see. Thousands of people cheered as they saw the plane approaching the runway. Fireworks flew into the air, not in the direction of the plane or airport but in visible sight off the coast of the island, and all that could be seen was not the beautiful evening stares but the equally beautiful colors of orange, green, and white. There were more people with Irish flags then there were people with UIN flags not for political reasons but for culture ones. It was beautiful. Not one soul was protesting or making a fit. Large speakers set up by the government began playing the [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TezgCpPuys"]UIN theme[/url] which was made by an Irishman who used Irish musicians and music types to make it. The sight was beautiful. The King himself began to cry when he heard the music playing but sucked it up as the cameras arrived. The King was waiting inside the air conditioned building that the Irish were planed to walk into once they landed so he could greet them.

The King turned to his right and saw a fat and skinny man fighting over a pair of binoculars in the control tower but lost interest of the men when he heard the wheels of the small craft scratch the surface of the strip.

Edited by PresidentDavid
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The fasten seatbelts sign pinged as the pilots of Eire 2 began to approach New Dublin. Head Captain Sulivan Daniels raised the New Dublin airport on his microphone. "This is Eire 2 requesting permission to land in New Dublin on a diplomatic mission from the Kingdom of Ireland. Please advise as to where you'd like us to land."

Within a few seconds an unfamiliar voice responded, [i]"This is uh Big J. at New Dublin air. You can land.. uh now. Permission granted."[/i]

"Roger that, er... Big J, beginning approach to land in New Dublin."

Soon, the voice returned with, [i]"Hey uh can I talk to one of the diplomats or someth-"[/i]

Before the man could finish his sentence a new voice took over the New Dublin radio signal, [i]"Sorry about that, he is in training. Irish diplomats you have permission to land on strip alpha. Over and out." [/i]

"Roger that, Eire 2 will land on landing strip Alpha. Over and out."

Captain Daniels glanced over to his co-pilot, a younger man by the name of Jerry and shrugged his shoulders at the weird behavior from the ground. "Trainees are always fun to deal with, eh?"

Jerry just smiled in response.

Soon, Eire 2's wheels were hitting the pavement, smoke rose into the air as the burning smell of rubber reached the onlooker's nostrils. Everything was going as planned, Eire 2 safely landed and began taxing to its destination gate. As the plane landed, Gerard looked out the window and exclaimed in awe at the wonderful fireworks in the Kingdom's flag's colors. Soon, Captain Michael, the leader of Gerard's Marine bodyguards pointed out to him the many flags lining the runway. It was by far the best landing Gerard had ever participated in. The King would surely be jealous when Gerard told the story of the landing upon returning home.

Upon arriving at their appropriate gate, Michael would open the plane's door and immediately two armed Marines would rush out and ensure that the area was safe for Gerard to appear. Once Michael was given the signal, Gerard would be allowed to exit the plane. Once Gerard exited, the other Marines would form a protective detail around him until he was past the crowds. Crowds were always the bane of any bodyguards existence, their large mass could hide any gunman from immediate site so it was imperative, especially with concerns over English or Scottish assassins that Michael do everything possible to ensure Gerard's safety upon exit.

Once out of the plane, Gerard would make his way to the foreign dignitaries.

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[b]New Dublin (Big J. and Lenard)[/b]

Big J. sat in his chair and had his arms crossed while Lenard looked out through his binoculars at the airplane landing, "This is amazing. This is history right here in the making." Big J. started to get jealous so he plumped himself up and walked over, snatching the binoculars from Lenard, "Let me see...." Lenard tolerated it for about half a minute then snatched them back, "Ten bucks says the King screws everything up." Big J. shook his head, "Hopefully president David will come because God knows what our king will do." Lenard continued to stair at the men now coming out of the craft while Big. J squinted his eyes and tried filming the hole thing with his black berry. People in warm winter clothes were outside waving Irish flags and screaming for joy as the Irish representative came out. The fireworks continued in the evening sky. This celebration was the equivalent to soldiers coming home from, probably ten times greater.

"Wow those must be $70 flags. Great there is the king..." Big J. pushed Lenard and grabbed the binoculars, "K my turn." Lenard threw his hat at Big J. and tried grabbing the binoculars. They each pulled for them until they broke in half. They looked at each other and shrugged. Each closed one eye and looked through their single piece binoculars like a telescope.

[b]The Executive Branch[/b]

"David I am starving..." David face palmed his forehead, "You are going to meet one of the most important people to our people on the planet and your thinking about food?" Robert patted his stomach, "I'm sure our guest might be a little hungry too..." David shook his head, "You can wait for this evening's dinner. I hope the king hasn't doomed us yet." Robert then mumbled under his breath while he fiddled his thumbs, "We should have met him at the airport." David sighed and checked his black berry for new messages which he didn't have any of.

[b]The King, The Count, and [s]The Wardrobe[/s] The Airport [/b]

Gerard and his men walked threw the glass doors of the small building. The King and the Count were face to face. The King kept a straight face, not showing any emotion but looking Count Gerard right in the eyes. On the right of the King was a glass wall that could withstand a 18-wheeler impact and thousands of Irish UINs were watching in silence. Even the fire works ceased. The King stared for a few more minutes and then bowed to the Count. Once he got back upright he held out his hand, "Permission to shake the hand of a brother." The crowd roared and the fireworks presumed. Flags were fluttering in the air as the people waved them in the streets. It was unorganized at first but a chant began to arise, "GOD BLESS THE IRISH. GOD BLESS THE IRISH. GOD BLESS THE IRISH." the king chuckled and said, "Welcome to the Kingdom of Ceticania and the Union of Island Nations. My president and his second in command currently resides in green square downtown. Unless you have an objections I would be honored to accompany you there."

Edited by PresidentDavid
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Gerard broke out in a large smile as he heard the king request permission to shake his hand. "A brother needs no permission to shake his family's hand." With that Gerard reached forward and gave the king a firm hand shake, then moved next to him so that the photographers, both Irish and U.I.N. would be able to have their front page shots. "I would honored to have you accompany me to the green square downtown." Gerard motioned towards his Marines and said, "Michael and two others will have to accompany me of course, but the rest will stay with Eire 2, you know how it is on diplomatic meetings eh."

Still smiling, Gerard waved towards the crowd for a few minutes before turning back to the king and asking, "Shall we proceed downtown?"

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[b]Big J. And Lenard[/b]

Lenard watched while the two high ranking officials shook hands. Big J., standing next to him, lowered his half of the broken binoculars and said, "I believe you owe me ten dollars." Lenard laughed, "All the times that I bought us both lunch and you forgot to pay me back? I'll just take the ten dollars off your tab." Big J. sighed and felt his belly, "I'm getting kinda hungry... Do you think we could go eat somewhere? Our job was to make sure the plane landed... Mission accomplished." Lenard lowered his broken binocular, "Eh sure."

[b]The Executive Branch[/b]

"I still can't believe you dragged me into a Subway. What if someone sees us? What if King John brings him here!" David started to raise his voice but Robert pushed him hard so he would stop talking. They went up to the counter and a woman said, "How can I help you gentlemen today?"

[b]King John - The Count[/b]

The King smiled, "I believe we shall go." King John lead the way out of the building, threw the crowd, and into a limo with minni Irish and Ceticania flags mounted on the front of the limo. The King took a seat and was followed by the Count himself. "So tell me about Ireland. Tell me about your people. Tell me about your economy. Please I want to know everything!" the King sat back with a smile and wielded his pin with a notepad.

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[b]King John - The Count[/b]

The king enjoyed his talks with the count. The man seemed to know his history pretty well and wasn't an idiot.

John checked his Blackberry phone and gave the directions to the driver. "I'm not exactly sure where the vice president told us to go... We are on the casual side of town." The limo stopped in front of a "Subway" fast food chain and the driver opened the back door. "Here sir." John stepped out and looked at the restaurant, "Did we run out of gas?" John saw Robert stuffing his face with a five dollar foot long while David was drinking a Coke. "I apologize for my leader's choice of... talking." John scratched his head then walked inside.

[b]The Executive Branch[/b]

After having gotten their food, Robert dug into his sandwich. David rolled his eyes, "I can't believe you got one of those sandwiches. Not even worth five dollars." Robert shrugged while a pickle got stuck on his chin, "I got the cashiers number. I think it was worth it." David took another sip of his coke and then saw the time. "Do you realize what time it is!" he stood up and straightened his tie. Robert stayed relaxed, "Don't worry boss, I already have it covered. I told them to come here." David sat down and face palmed his forehead, "Your fired." Robert swallowed the last bit of the Italian foot long, "Look it'll be fine. We're the only ones in here and I'm sure no one is going to realize who we are."

David just silently sat there and kept taking sips of his coke.

[b]Big J. and Lenard[/b]

"For the last time I would never marry a brunette." Big J. laughed at Lenard, "I saw you looking at Lisha last night." Lenard laughed, "At least my standards for a woman isn't a pulse." Big J. swerved the car and Lenard hit his head on the window, "Oops... Do you feel like subway?" Lenard shrugged so Big J. turned in and parked. Once inside Big J. ordered five a couple of sandwiches and Lenard just got a coke. Lenard turned around and saw two men sitting in a corner but didn't pay any attention to them. They took a seat in a far corner.


The king lead the count inside. David stood up, "Good afternoon your highness." the king smiled, "Good afternoon Mr. President. I would like to introduce you to my new friend." David gave a brief look around, "I normally take responsibility when things go wrong but to be perfectly honest this was Robert's fault. I apologize this was our meeting point, it should have been right in the middle of Green Square." Robert scratched his head and looked at his iPhone, "The limo bringing us to the royal palace should be here in ten minutes." David looked at Robert's iPhone and gave him a confused look, "Remind me to talk to you about that. Now back to you." David looked at the Count, "I am sure we can all stay here for a few minutes... Nothing a few gentlemen can't handle..."
David sat back in the booth, "So Mr. Gerard, I hope the king has shown you good of our country. I understand your king sent you to represent him?"

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Gerard was rather surprised to be meeting a foreign nation's leaders at a fast food restaurant. This practice certainly wouldn't have occurred in the Kingdom, but he wasn't about to judge a foreign nation's customs on the first meeting, besides the people seemed rather friendly. "Ah, yes, this won't be bad for a few minutes. Unfortunately, my King is away on trip to Pravus Ingruo so he sent me to represent the Kingdom in his absence."

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[b]Four Leaders[/b]

David couldn't have been happier then when the limo came to pick them up. The ride was only a few minutes and the king enjoyed pointing out historical parts of the city to the Count. Once the four leaders arrived at the palace the king proudly got out first, "Gentlemen, welcome to my palace." The king backed up to show one of the most beautifully decorated buildings in all of the island. Outside was the same excited crowd yelling and screaming for joy. The palace, which was actually a castle, had many flags hanging off of it and green, white, and orange confetti fell to the ground while the crowd roared. Once the men made it inside the crowd turned their attention back to the band that was playing on a stage outside of the castle. Once inside, the men were brought to a meeting room. Everyone sat down except for David.

The young president waited until the other leaders were seated to sit himself, trying to be polite. "Now gentlemen, we are all here for the sake of peace." David looked at Gerard, "Have you anything written up yet good sir?"

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David cracked his knuckles then sat forward. "Well there are a few things we would like in the treaty. Obviously non-aggression, even though I know that you have no desire or resent for a little rock smaller than London.
Also of what we want obvious recognition that the UIN is sovereign. Now as for defense..." David looked over to Robert who jumped in, "As for defense I- we believe that we should make a mutual defense pact between our two nations. Just as simple as that.

Also, I have a sort of buisness proposition for our nations... Don't get me wrong, the UIN is not communist or socialist; although some of our member states may think more that way, the UIN government is capitalist. But we would like to provide a basic government utility to our people... Firewood. You being from the grand island yourself, you should know that Ireland has more cold days then hot. Heat is essential to pleasure, comfort, and in many cases life. Our government has a very tight budget of..." Robert looked over at David for approval to give at the amount of money, "$3,675,281,250 per year. We are still working out our budget but we plan to pump $3,000,000,000 a year into our budget program and save approximately $675,000,000 per year to put in our treasury.

We have our agency set up to provide the wood to every household in the UIN. This is where you come in... We need lumber... Here is our economical plan in a nutshell."



Ireland Will Sell a 1.5ft block of wood to the UIN government for: 75¢

The UIN government will “Tax” this wood 50% and then sell it to it's people for $1.10 per log. We plan to sell 15 logs to each home for 275 of the coldest days of the year.

16,678 groups will receive 15 logs per day for 275 days a year. This equals out to 68,796,750 logs a year.

If Ireland sell's individual logs of wood for us for 75¢ a log, then Ireland will make get $51,597,562.50 a year.

We plan to keep it cheep so that even the poorest of families can stay warm in the winter. 98% of UIN homes are still traditionally wood heated in the winter.[/quote]

The King smiled at his beautiful plan that he designed himself and watched the Count read it over. David took a sip from his glass of water, "So what do you think of our ideas? I hope neither was to radical of course."

Edited by PresidentDavid
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"I'm afraid the Kingdom of Ireland doesn't own its own logging operation, so I can't negotiate in good faith that. I can, however, offer to sell U.I.N. coal or natural gas to heat your homes or I can offer a few suggestions of logging companies in Ireland in which you can inquire about contacts. Naturally, on your first point, the Kingdom of Ireland already recognizes your nation as sovereign. Obviously, the Kingdom holds no desire to see your nation harmed either so a NAP and an MDP is acceptable as well. Let me see if I can draft something real quick along these guidelines, one moment." Gerard pulled out a sheet of paper and quickly wrote on it.

Article I: Recognition of Sovereignty

Both the Kingdom of Ireland and the Union of Island Nations shall recognize each other as sovereign nations with all the rights and responsibilities thereof.

Article II: Non-Aggression

The Kingdom of Ireland and the Union of Island Nations shall not engage, nor actively participate in activites whose purpose is to harm each other be it financially, militarily or otherwise.

Article III: Intelligence Sharing

Should either party have information that is necessary for the other's national defense, it is required that the information be turned over as soon as possible.

Article IV: Mutual Defense

The Kingdom of Ireland and the Union of Island Nations shall be obligated to defend each other from foreign aggression when called on. [/quote]

After he was done writing, Gerard slid the paper across the table and said, "In addition to the points talked about I felt it necessary to add an intelligence sharing clause to ensure our two nation's greatest cooperation. Thoughts?"

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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1290576497' post='2521864']
Robert and the King looked over at David and David thought for a moment. "I aprove. I think you have a clean enough hand writing... Could we just sign this? And as far as the logging goes, I would love to be recommended to some of your private companies!"

"Excellent, just sign here," Gerard pointed, "and as to logging companies, inquire with R.E. Logging, Irish Works, or Belure Company - those are logging companies that I have personally used or know of people who've used that have received top recommendations. As for my signature...."

Gerard quickly put his signature on the document.

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