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Morning's Rise

AFK 47

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"[i]Do it again![/i]" shouted Senior Combat Instructor Seton Thukker. Though his name was a misnomer, he was a Brutor military NCO that was currently in the unfortunate position of instructor in the new Republic Militia. The current batch of troopers were hardly adequate material. Poorly equipped and barely of age, the seven hundred men he was tasked with giving a proper military education were hopelessly inept. The only possible redeeming virtue they contained, was zeal for their cause. Regrettably, that would not enable them to complete the task at hand in this training session.

The soldiers were instructed to take the simulated command post, using their simunition filled rifles and grenades. They were split into two groups, each with 350 soldiers lead by two officers and three NCO's. They inevitably charged against imposing forces of significantly lower in number forces (roughly two hundred civilians given weapons and fast training), and still they failed to gain a clear advantage. Though they did manage to take the "CP", they also suffered a two thirds casualty rate. Completely unacceptable in a defensive war, should it ever occur.

"[i]But sir, we just don't have any experience! We're doing exactly what you said to do![/i]" they all grumbled their assent at this comment. It was true, the troops had little to no experience, but they were resourceful. The sort of small unit and tactical advances given to modern armies just was not the style of the new militia. The military school had tried to take valuable examples from the Portuguese and Wallonian armies, but it had not grafted well here. The new militia was more suited to guerrilla warfare and small unit hit-and-run tactics.

"[i]Alright, take a break. Head back to the barracks and study your field manuals. I will talk to the brass.[/i]" They saluted Steon, and all dispersed to their respective buildings. The training had been ongoing for weeks now, and they were getting nowhere. Their proficiency with weapons had greatly increased, but they just did not have the ability to launch coordinated, en masse attacks on a tactical or strategic level. To make matters worse, they also lacked armored vehicles of any kind, and were reduced to what civilian vehicles they could find.

To make matters worse, they were about to go to war. Very soon...

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