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To Blue Water


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Allan Chevalier was, understandably, anxious.

It was his first diplomatic mission entrusted to him by Aurelie. He was ashamed to admit it, but he had almost been half-hoping that she would choose Erich Walther von Model to go to Blue Water. But the Minister of the Interior and Field Marshal was preoccupied with managing the industrialisation of the Republic, and the duty of beginning diplomatic relations with Blue Water fell to Allan. As composed and calm as he often seemed in public, the pressures and stress of being foreign affairs minister were doing their best to tear at him.

He was currently in an airplane on its way to the capital of Blue Water to meet with the government there--Queen Eve, as he understood it. The jet was approaching Blue Water swiftly, and they would soon be landing.

About an hour later, Allan was awoken from the fitful sleep into which he had managed to fall as the jet landed at the airport in the Blue Water capital. Quickly composing himself once more, Allan stood up and made his way off the jet and onto the airport. His face gave no indication of the nervousness within as he awaited the Blue Water officials.

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[color="#4169E1"]The media was EVERYWHERE. Camera's were flashing and reporters were asking questions and practically hammering at the man for questions. Silence was quickly brought to the room when the Queen entered. The reporters didn't ponder her to ask her with questions but instead put there heads down, avoiding eye contact. Most of them bowed first and then kept their eyes away. Eve walked into the room and gave a slight sigh, "Ah my people. I wish you would not batter our guests. They after all want to make friends. We do not give our friends the third degree. Please, if you all let me have this one then I will tell you all about the plan for the north after I am done with our new friend here."

The reporters smiled wildly and rushed to the back of the room, just observing and taking a few photos. The Queen smiled mostly because she knew she probably surprised him that she came herself to pick him up from the airport. "How are you doing today friend?"[/color]

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Allan had been, frankly, shocked that the queen actually came herself to bring him from the airport. Even more shocked was he by the huge media outburst that his arrival in Blue Water had garnered. The media seemed all over the young man, who could only be grateful when Eve herself got the reporters and photographers to retreat from him, leaving Allan at a loss for words momentarily, but otherwise he maintained his calm and collected appearance.

When the media had retreated back enough, he turned back to the queen and, imitating what he had seen the reporters do, bowed deeply to the queen before saying, "It is an honour to speak with you in person, Queen Eve." His English, while accented slightly, was flawless. "The plane flight here on the Blue Water airlines was excellent, thank you for asking. I hope the day finds you well?" Allan was determined to do his duty here well.

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[color="#4169E1"]The Queen smiled at the bow and then replied, "My day is splendid today Mr. Minister. I apoligise on behalf of my people. They are only doing their job as I am to escort you to my home. Let us go now oui?" she smiled and began to walk to the door in-which she had entered. The crowd stayed back but slowly followed to the door as Allan walked the reporters took a step everytime he did, being careful to stay a certain distance so the Queen will keep her promise. Outside was waiting three limos. An armed man in blue/white camouflage opened the door for the Queen and Allan. When they were both situated inside the Queen spoke again, "I apologize for my people... As I said before they are just doing what they are meant to be doing of course." she gave a small smile while she talked showing off her pure white teeth and long blond hair. Her blue eyes matched perfectly with her blue blouse as well. [/color]

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"Ah, oui, allons-y," Allan spoke hastily, surprised that the queen seemed able, at least to some degree, to speak French. He followed her out to the limousines, entering the limousine after the queen. "Ah, it's no problem, of course," he replied when she spoke as the limousine drove. "I understand perfectly." He seemed somewhat taken aback by how...perfect she seemed, and he found that he had to push himself to tear his eyes from her own blue eyes; he hoped that it wasn't obvious, and found himself hoping they would arrive soon.

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[color="#4169E1"]She blushed because she noted at the pauses between her questions and his answers, it obvious that he was watching what he said and it was also obvious to her at his continuous staring. "We are going to take a shortcut through the country. I hope you don't mind. So why is it that the president did not accompany you?"[/color]

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"Oh--of course not. I would very much enjoy taking time to appreciate the scenery of your lovely country." When she asked him the question, he replied, "Well, President Desmarais and Field Marshal von Model are currently overseeing various different matters in the Republic, so as Minister of Foreign Affairs, I decided to visit in her stead. I hope it's not a significant issue?"

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[color="#4169E1"]"No no it is fine. I just love the idea of a female elected leader... Republic's fascinate me. Is it hectic around the time of election?" the limo hit a bump and the Queen slightly hit her head on the window. She took it as a sign from God to get back on topic. "So what is it that interests you about my people? What caught your President's eye?" [/color]

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"Actually, it's rather tranquil...at least, nothing got out of hand in the first elections. I really think Aurelie--that is, President Desmarais knows what is best for Wallonia, and the people knew that as well. " When the car suddenly hit a bump Allan accidentally blurted out, "Are you alright?" But it quickly became apparent that Eve was well, and the conversation got back on topic. "Well, perhaps President Desmarais believed that, in a world where female leaders are still rare and, perhaps, even looked down upon, nations run by women should ally with one another to show the world women are capable of the same feats of leadership men are capable of. And, perhaps, our two nations have more in common, but that remains to be seen."

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[color="#4169E1"]The Queen smiled at the comment and could see the edge of the city approaching. "So on an economic level how do you think this will work? You have a control economy and I have a free one. How will this work?"[/color]

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"As far as economy goes, I believe we can make it work without much effect on the actual economic manner. We could, perhaps, lower export and import costs on products from and to out nations. That would not be affected severely by the economic stance of either nation."

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[color="#4169E1"]"Good, good. My Financial Minister will be happy to hear that." the limo got on Main Street and started heading towards the Palace. Around the steps of the capital were some news reporters that were making sure to stay far back enough not to bother the minister or the Queen but close enough to take good pictures and get some good shots for the news. An armed women this time came and opened the door to let them both out. Eve stepped out; followed by Allan, and began making her way up the steps.

Two armed guards in blue camouflage guarded the door and stood completely still until the Queen walked in between them. They bowed solemnly until the Queen left their presence and continued to stand, not making eye contact with the minister. "Welcome to Blue Water, Allen." the Queen smiled. When he entered he saw beautiful Blue Curtains guarding the windows, a fine blue carpet keeping the floor warm, and so many other blue things it was beyond count. [/color]

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Allan followed the queen into the palace, impressed by the grandeur of the place. The Wallonian centre of government, while grand in its own right, was not nearly as majestic, nor was it nearly as...[i]blue[/i]; blue being, it seemed, the national colour of Blue Water.

When he thought that last sentence, it did seem to make a lot more sense.

"A very beautiful palace, Queen Eve," Allan complimented humbly. He was waiting to arrive where they would discuss diplomacy, but he could not help but admire the palace's grandeur.

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[color="#4169E1"]The Queen lead him to a large dinning room that had very long tables and must have had 500 chairs in the room alone. She lead him to the head table and took a seat, only having pulled out another to signal for him to sit there. "Shall we begin?"[/color]

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