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Military Developments in the Republic of Wallonia


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Aurelie Desmarais stood with a number of files held in one hand, a cigarette dangling between the fingers of the other. Her eyes swept swiftly over each word, each word its own harbinger of good news, and a smile began to creep upon the ever-frowning lips of the president of the Republic of Wallonia.

"All very excellent," she said, turning her desk chair to face once more towards Allan Chevalier, who sat with one leg over the other, apparently admiring the Charleroi landscape that was visible through the window behind Aurelie. "Our developments astound even myself. It has been a month, perhaps, since we declared independence, and already we are making progress with our own satellite, and an IRBM project."

"Indeed," Allan agreed vaguely, nodding his head almost drowsily. "I mean--so far, we have only the engine and the mobile launch platform prepared, but it's a start. As for the IRBM, once we produce and successfully test the first, we can begin mass production. In the mean time, we have begun the construction of up to 20 Raduga Kh-55s and 80 BGM-109 Tomahawk missiles. We can expect for these to be finished within the upcoming year."

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The satellite, officially designated the WRS-01 Martel, was only half complete after three and a half months, with the launch station and engines entirely complete, and the satellite itself only a quarter finished.

The IRBM project had gone ahead smoothly: a successful launch test into Wallonian ocean territory proved successful, and two IRBMs had been mass produced after the successful test, with more hopefully to be designed.

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WRS-01 Martel was successfully launched after another several months of construction and testing, to be used for weather and geographic analysis, and, if necessary, for military purposes as well.

Two more IRBMs were completed and mass produced, and 10 Radugas and 40 Tomahawk cruise missiles were currently underway as part of the 20/80 plan.

Finally, the Wallonian military has begun work on mass producing 20 more units of the GC-140 Titan Heavy VTOL transport, whose blueprints and rights were purchased from Soldania Modern Arms. The entire order is expected to be completed within four months.

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Work has begun on the production of the 2K12 Kub surface-to-air missile system, to be mounted on GM chassis's. The Wallonian High Command predicts that by within the year thirty of the Kub surface-to-air missile systems, along with GM chassis's, will be completed and prepared to be phased into the armed forces for military use.

In conjunction with the 2K12 Kub/GM chassis project, plans to begin production of a series of P-40 mobile radar systems has been approved, and development of the P-40 mobile radar system has begun. An estimated fifteen units will be completed by the time the Kub surface-to-air missile system project will be completed.

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Several military sponsored programmes were opened up in the largest cities in Wallonia, particularly Charleroi, Namur, Leige, and Seraing, providing military-level training without requiring military service. Advertisements were administered throughout these cities, with content typically something along the lines of "When the enemy is at your doorstep, only you can drive them out of your land". The military intended for these programmes to create a prepared, non-military reserve that would be able to maintain a guerrilla war in the event that the military was crippled by an enemy. Within the first few days, a total of three thousand men and women had signed up for the programme and begun training in Charleroi, Namur, Leige, and Seraing.

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