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Join The Russian Empire !

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[i]His Majesty's Imperial Government would like to officially invite any ruler looking for a new start or a new home to apply to become a Imperial Citizen of The Russian Empire. TRE is a newly re-formed and reestablished alliance that is based on the former Russian Empire of 1721-1917 under a constitutional monarchy. We seek to promote national growth, inter-alliance friendship and the security and protection of the Russian peoples.
[size="5"]Benefits of joining The Russian Empire:[/size]

[b]Protection:[/b] As an Imperial Citizen you will have protection from any and all unprovoked aggression from Rogue nations. We are protected as an alliance by The Hansetic League having signed a formal protectorate agreement, with this security our members can build up their nations without the worry of being attacked by other nations.

[b]Aid:[/b] As a new member upon successful acceptance into our borders, you are eligible for a guaranteed $3,000,000 in start-up aid. Members who contribute to the alliance can request to receive development aid to help build up their nations. If your nation falls under enemy attack you shall receive war aid to help you get back on your feet.

[b]Tech Deals:[/b] We encourage members to partake in tech deals to build up their nations aswell as grow The Russian Empire as a whole. Tech deals/circles shall be available to any nation wishing to participate in one and are organized on a regular basis.

[b]Government Opportunity's:[/b] As a newly started alliance, for members wishing to contribute to helping develop the Russian State and its Ministry's, their are several Minister position's available that need to be filled.

*Minister of Defense
*Minister of Foreign Affairs
*Minister of Finance

[b]Community:[/b] Become apart of a growing and diverse community of friendly individuals of non-russian and russian nations alike, all coming together for the enjoyment of CN and reliving the Imperial Monarchy of The Russian Empire.

Still Interested and want to learn more about how you too can become an Imperial Citizen ?

Visit our official alliance forums at http://www.cn-russianempire.com and register and post you application today in our Immigration Office.

Any questions feel free to contact me at anytime here on the forums/ingame at my nation of Peterhof or in our alliance IRC Channal at #TRE

Long live The Russian Empire !

HM Emperor Alexei Romanov

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