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Germanic Republic

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OOC: For RPs that don't justify a completely new thread


[b]Free Republican Media[/b]
[i]Montgomery: 5 dead, 7 wounded in women's clinic bombing, shooting[/i]
Two doctors, Cheyenne Heidelberg and Elsye Kesselring, and 3 patients were killed when a pipe bomb was detonated at a women's clinic in Montgomery, and a shooting took place in the aftermath. 7 people were wounded. The suspect, Eric Murphy, was carrying a Tec-9, several magazines, and explosives on his person when he laid siege to the clinic. After the shooting, the suspect holed up in the center as police and the Federal Special Weapons Unit encircled the building and demanded his surrender. A negotiator was called in, for fear of hostages being taken, however the remaining employees and patients had managed to flee through a side entrance in the chaos.

The suspect proceeded to fortify the clinic until FSWU officers decided to breach, bang, and clear the building from the side and front entrances. Element 1 of the FSWU set up position next to the front door while Element 2 set up at the side door, and proceeded to pump tear gas into the building. The FSWU detonated shaped charges on the doors and crippled the suspect's senses with flashbang grenades, before knocking him to the ground and taking him in.

Eric Murphy was a former American Front strongman and enforcer, and had been known for his anti-abortion and anti-homosexual violence-- including a summary execution of 19 year old Jacob Zimmermann and his family for accusations of harboring "sodomites" and then-secularist militants. As the American Front collapsed and the FRA became free once more from tyranny, Eric Murphy managed to use his government pull to escape justice and began working as an active American Front volunteer and public speaker, lecturing for groups such as [i]Operation Life[/i] and the radical [i]Pro-life Action[/i] group at private universities. This is the climax in a string of anti-abortion and anti-homosexual violence that has been believed to have been spurred on by Pro-Life Action and Eric Murphy, including the listing of a website with a checklist of known doctors-- which was updated last night to include the murders of Cheyenne Heidelberg and Elsye Kesselring.

Recent legislation has been passed by Congress detailing heightened police protection to clinics nation-wide, and moving demonstrations to safer distances from the clinics to spare the nation both the risk of harassment and violence. Safeline, the owner of the private clinics, has announced a new company policy detailing armed security, and the options for doctors to carry concealed hand-guns in the event of an attack.

[b]Reason & Progress Radio[/b]
“Hello, this is Mark with Reason & Progress Radio, here to give you the news on the international stage. It seems that with the collapse of Girltopia, after being invaded by the Chinese and other foreign powers, the Romanov Federation decided to take a stand against the Chinese and Finns. Unfortunately, they sat right the hell down as soon as they declared war and were bandwagoned upon by the Greeks and other opportunists, and surrendered rather quickly.

During this period, United Isosceles was invaded by the Chinese and occupied by the Slavs for supposedly offering to help the Romanovs in standing up for the late Girltopian nation. UI folded within the day, after applying scorched earth tactics and destroying millions of dollars worth of their own turf and oil!

The chaos doesn't quite end here, folks. Apparently the Dictator Party was elected in Blue Haven, and in response to this free and fair election of a non-democratic party, a secessionist movement started-- and has so far parted ways with Blue Haven. A civil war has broken out, and it looks like it's going to be a bloody one, friends. Let's hope that they can resolve the conflict soon, and without too many civilian qualities, and that our government doesn't get involved. Texas was a waste of time, to spare from the Amerikanisches Reich, and don't think that spilling American blood for foreigners will go over well with any patriotic American! I understand our government seeks to maintain stability within North America, hence our treaty with the United States of America, J Andres, and peaceful overtures towards Atlantis, but we simply cannot intervene.

What do you think, my fellow Americans? Send in your calls after the break, thanks.”

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  • 2 weeks later...

[b]Reason & Progress Radio[/b]
[i]America seeks treaties, solidifies position in the face of deteriorating conditions[/i]

The Federal Republic of America has sought to solidify the treaty with J Andres, signing a mutual defensive and optionally aggressive treaty with our former union partners-- that is no surprise to anybody. But the real kicker is who we signed a movement treaty with next-- the Atlantic States. What was once our nemesis on this continent and even an enemy belligerent, has become a friend, with the signing of a detente between the FRA and the Atlantic States. The borders have been demilitarized and trade has finally allowed to flow through-- also, I-10 and other highways may be used by Atlantic soldiers to transport materials from Florida to Louisiana and North Carolina.

This positive news is the silver lining of this weeks cloud-- events in North America seemed to be at peace with the resolution of the Tahoan-Louisiana conflict, but Virginia and Delaware have seceded from the United States of America. In response, the United States issued a declaration of war, and are attempting to bring the states in by force. Nuclear threats have been issued, as well as a notice from China that they will deploy nuclear ICBMs if a weapon is launched at the United States of America.

That's all for this week, we'll keep you posted.

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[b]Reason & Progress Radio[/b]
[i]American Congress, President, & TPW cancels treaty with United States, angers Democratic Party[/i]
The President issued a suggestion to congress to nullify the treaty with the United States the Federal Republic of America holds, and the resolution passed with opposition from the Democratic Party. Nikolai Kunis cited international uneasiness, secessionist movements, and a disinterest in communication for the cancellation of the USA treaty, in stark contrast to the strengthening of relations between the Maritime Republic of J Andres and the FRA, and between the Atlantic States and the FRA.

Democratic party leader Anthony Stark, spoke out against the cancellation, calling it "Needless alienation and an attempt to destabilize the American continent," by the FRA President and The Progressive Way. Vice-President Andrew Littleton (D), had nothing to say on the matter, either way, out of respect for the President. Anthony Stark lashed out at him, calling him spineless and an ineffectual executive, and that he's on thin ice with the Democratic Party.

OOC: Gave 3 day notice last week, just got around to posting it

[b]Free Republican Media[/b]
[i]Accident at military parade kills 3[/i]
During a regular military parade to boost national pride and faith in the presidency, an accidental weapons discharge ended the lives of three on-lookers. Janet Chito, Hermann Riter, and Chelsea Roeder were all killed in the grandiose display of military might when an automatic carbine went off three times during the march. The families are being compensated, and the military recruit, whose name is not being disclosed for fear of reprisals, is being punished by the military bureaucracy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

[b]Free Republican Media[/b]
[i]Former President Murphy killed in car wreck[/i]

While being taken to a banquet to meet with President Nikolai Kunis, former President Justin Murphy was killed in an automobile collision in Montgomery. Among the deceased were the driver, the former President, and two passengers. Two other passengers were badly wounded, but are in a stable condition. The accident happened when a driver sped through a red light, hitting the vehicle and causing this most unfortunate turn of events. The President was notified, and briefly spoke on it at the banquet, calling it "a national tragedy" and that with the passing of former President Engelmann, this makes him the only living person to hold the office of Presidency in the FRA.

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  • 1 month later...

[b]National Pride Radio[/b]
[i]Turn towards autocracy[/i]
Today, our Imperator and Leader Nikolai Kunis and his to-be wife announced the dissolution of Congress, replacement with a council headed by aforementioned fiancé as Chancellor. Alongside this development, was the arrest and execution of vice president Andrew Littleton and disbanding of fascist and democratic opposition to solidify imperial control over the nation.

**classified movements**

Army Group Charlie heads for Louisiana, Dog head for Mississippi-- Holly Springs. Troops in the ISA begin to mobilize for war.

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  • 1 month later...

[b]Occupation of new territories creates unrest, military forces Kunis down from position[/b]
Imperator Nikolai Kunis was forced from his position today, following riots in the newly acquired states, particularly in fiercely independent cultures like that of Texas. The military forces of the restored so-called Federal Republic of America continue to rule as an inter-rim government and swear by statements to hand over sovereignty to the people, but are more a benevolent dictatorship than anything else. Kunis, aged 54, and his wife, former politician in his administration & Empress, were allowed to settle in Montgomery, while a new general from Austin, Stefan Holden, became the head of the military council managing the federal government.

The agitators in the new territories have been placated so far by the government's concession, however unless further democratization occurs, they won't stay that way for much longer.

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  • 1 month later...

[b]FRA troops leave Anchorage, California[/b]

Per the request by Alaska, the Federal Republic troops stationed in Anchorage have departed for San Francisco, where they were joined by support vehicles in a return to Austin, Texas

A note would be issued to the AU for allowing military access to counter Prussian aggression.

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  • 1 month later...

[b]Emergency War Acts[/b]

Congress has overwhelmingly passed the EWA today, circumventing the volunteer-only military in creating a Civil Defense Force-- all men and women ages 18-50 would be given military training, with an emphasis on bushwhacking and the construction of IEDs. Technically, they aren't a part of the military (OOC: This does not mean they wouldn't count towards my soldier limit, merely a legal maneuver), and so they do not violate the Constitution, which restricts the military to a volunteer-only professional force. All citizens eligible to own a firearm were [i]required[/i] to own a firearm, and they were distributed bundles at a time to civilians-- military-grade rifles, scopes, and explosive materials.

In addition, the DEFCON was set to 2, with production being geared towards arms production. Auto-injectors would be distributed to all soldiers in the event of a nerve-based, or otherwise, chemical attack, such as a VX or chlorine attack. Air crewmen would be on call, ready to take to the skies as soon as the first alarm was sounded. Nuclear weapons would be able to fire in less than a minute, should the FRA be attacked with nuclear weaponry. Missiles would have some of their chemical warheads refitted to work for artillery pieces, or as booby-traps.

And yet, on the face of things, life would be as usual in the FRA.

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DATE: xx-xx-20xx
SUBJECT: Re: Espionage attempts
FAASNF detected aerial photographers, probably [i]Maple[/i] or [i]Gyges[/i]-- identification is being made. FIA Cybercrimes is investigating into the recent hacking attempts at the Gulf harbors, with the same suspects in mind. FAASNF will be conducting aerial recon in the gulf for possible hostile movements, DEFCON 2 switch has CAGs on standby in the event of hostilities against [i]Freedom[/i].

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OOC: [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=97237&view=findpost&p=2647359"]Roll[/url]


DATE: xx-xx-20xx
SUBJECT: Re: Identification of Agents
FAASNF and the SPOOKS identified the aircraft as [i]Gyges[/i] origin, however we're doubtful they obtained any useful data. FIA Cybercrimes failed to identify the hackers at the points, however due to the situation with the [i]Eagle[/i] and their ties with [i]Gyges[/i], we can make an assumption of what they were looking for. Suspect [i]Maple[/i] is highly unlikely, any activity would probably be focused elsewhere.

Nothing important was lost. Be vigilant.

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DATE: xx-xx-20xx
SUBJECT: Re: Further attacks
BODY: FAASNF is taking precautions against further attacks, as is the FIA. Harbor files pertaining to private [i]Eagle[/i] entities are being deleted. An attempt is being made to detect and jam hostile intelligence gathering operations.

Troop deployments have returned to normal (OOC: per factbook), sans the continued presence of counter-terrorist units in Avorez.

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DATE: xx-xx-20xx
SUBJECT: Hacking attempt, files lost
BODY: Enemy aerial intel gathering failed, however [i]Gyges[/i] managed to break into the harbors' servers during the file deletions. Files they retrieved were regarding [i]Eagle's[/i] entrance into [i]Freedom[/i], and we're working on just how bad the damage was. Possible political fallout with [i]Eagle[/i], possible aggressive actions taken against [i]Freedom[/i].

DATE: xx-xx-20xx
SUBJECT: Putting further counters in place
BODY: In light of the recent attempts at aerial reconnaissance and cyberwarfare, the FAASNF has officially designated the attacker as [i]Gyges[/i]-- [i]Maple[/i], [i]Dragon[/i], and [i]Henry[/i] are out of the picture on this one so far. High-powered lasers are being put on stand-by to counter spy satellites, but for the time being, we're making our movements more inconspicuous. The number of [i]Tovarish[/i] members makes blinding all of their satellites unlikely and provocative. "Mock civvie" military transports will be used for the purpose of discretion.

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DATE: xx-xx-20xx
SUBJECT: Hostile troop movements
BODY: Scanners detected troop movements from [i]Tovarish[/i] members into [i]Lobster[/i], troop size unknown... Status with [i]Manhatten[/i] is cordial, I'm unsure if aforementioned state would allow strikes against [i]Freedom[/i] over their territory. Plan for that scenario, however suggested course of action is to improve relations with [i]Manhatten[/i]


In response to possible unwanted elements in Africa, and the conflict there, the borders of the FRA are closed to Africa for the time being.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OOC Edit: DRM not open

[b]Re: Avorez collapse[/b]
The counter-insurgency division in Avorez led the peaceful transition from the defunct and anarchic government of New Mexico to the stable and sane control of the Federal Republic of America, until a referendum could be issued regarding the question of independence. The new citizens of the Federal Republic could feel safe, knowing they had something resembling a sane government.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Highly Classified
TO: Office of the CoC
FROM: Federal American Air, Space, and Nuclear Forces

Construction has begun on "BEXAR" and components to replacing outmoded deterrent capabilities.
Set-up in the long term, manufacturing in the short term after set-up. Will advise if any issues arise.

Winters R., Daniel
Marshal, FAASNF

Construction had begun on "BEXAR", a weapons research complex at Camp Bullis, San Antonio.

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  • 2 weeks later...

TO: Republican Construction
FROM: Federal American Air, Space, and Nuclear Forces
RE: Infrastructural revamping

For the new airforce base to be built, there needs to be a major overhaul and installation of infrastructure throughout Texas. Details will be submitted later.

Winters R., Daniel
Marshal, FAASNF

Construction on the infrastructure surrounding "BEXAR" and in general a working over of the Texas transportation system is underway. Expected completion in several months. "BEXAR"'s completion is contingent on this.

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