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French Galicia Achievements

Razgriz 2K9

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OOC: Since I'm too lazy to cover any achievements made daily, I decided to cover all important events Bi-Monthly starting with today. Also, I needed something to do to keep at it.

With French support, Galicia managed to recover from the Galician Crisis. Over the course of the month since the war began, the region has had a large population and economic boom, with the nation clearly far into the Green.

The nation's autonomous Federal Police Force has increased in size to keep up with the Population Boom, doubling it's police forces to about 6,000. In addition, Galician natives have requested permission to join the French Royal Military, which has yet to be passed by Parliament before being sent to the Duke Philip Alphonse Zellise.

La Coruna Air Port has recently completed it's expansion yesterday, allowing international flights to nations across Europe and North Africa. There are plans by Air Galicia to begin International flights from La Coruna to Manila to happen later this year.

A Prominent Environmentalists has been made a major advisor to Prime Minister Fraga. His first order o business was the Establishment of a National Environment Month beginning last month. His support of the Environment won him much support both from the political scene as well as the people themselves, with the goal being to make La Coruna one of the cleanest cities in the world.

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