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Looking South

Bull Run

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[center]Official Messege of the Meso-American Federation[/center][center][img]http://www.loeser.us/flags/images/mexican/mexico1864.jpg[/img][/center]

As the next step towards the reunification of the land called Mexico has been taken, we seek now the guidence of an established neighbor, the HAE in this progress. The Meso-American Federation now adopts proper measures to accept the new states into the Federation transporting what supplies we can spare for necessary infrastructural efforts & industrialization calling on a new & massive labor pool to work for their new nation. A great success has been acheived, providing a strong native central government to several more Mexican states, & we hope this success will remain so with the aid of our allies to the South.


A military policing force is needed to bring law & order to the far corners of the Federation as well as vital resources to establish a stong & stable nation. We recognize a strong & active relationship with the Holy American Empire & pledge to repay our allies should they answer our calls.

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The Holy American Empire is more than pleased to support its' brother in developing its' reach across the rightful lands it has laid claim to. The Mesoamerican Federation is righteous in its' cause, and just in its' execution. There is every reason to agree with and support our dear friends.
100,000 soldiers of the Empire moved north across the border through land, air, and sea. Armored Vehicles and supply convoys followed in their wake, carrying both the weapons of war and the tools of peace. The Empire would be constructing civilian communities and military bases for their allies, and were only too happy to do so.

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Now supported with HAE troops & supplies, mass convoys advance towards every corner of the federation. Vital supplies can now travel in safety as joint MAF & HAE military efforts secure the movement of resources. Construction efforts for a new highway system to spider the entire Federation, likely merging with the Holy American highway system for eased tranportation take full corse. Small towns & villages are incorporated into the Federation by the hundreds as MAF & HAE militaries stabilize & establish much needed civilian communities for thousands who have been forced to no less than a nomadic way of life. Reincorporating these nomad communities into the Federation would begin with housing them & providing stable labor. Aside from civil constructions, military bases undergo rapid planning within newly set military zones.


Edited by Bull Run
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Soldiers armed with various weapons moved rapidly throughout the areas they had been ordered into. In the past few months, the Empire had already pacified and restored a majority of the communities before withdrawing from the northernmost reaches of its' area; a large percentage had remained in good shape and even showed signs of improving without Imperial impetus.

With great pleasure the Imperial troops retook positions prepared and withdrawn from months past, greeting and being welcomed by natives they had developed a rapport with during their pacification campaign. And for quite some time the crime count in the areas housing Imperial troops dwindled to near-nothing.

Weaponry in advance of their own was shipped in small, but steadily increasing batches to the Meso-American Federation. State-of-the-art Imperial Armor and Aircraft were being exported to their ally at production price plus a measly ten percent. Truly the Federation was getting the deal of a lifetime.

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With the Empire's generous aid, joint efforts had become a massive success across the board. Now, only a handful of towns remained to be stabilized & incorporated. Massive federation-wide housing efforts now employ thousands as troops pass on the work & oversee its progress. Thousands more join in construction efforts including roads, highways, bridges while farms are braught up to Federation standards, and industries tap into a new pool of resources throughout the newly acquired states. Already, new citizens registry is taking place & extensive planning for local elections across the Federation takes place. Stability is all but secure. Now the armed forces focus on temporary policing as well as passing on construction to Federation citizens & focusing efforts on military establishments. The first payments to the Empire have been made.

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