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The Yuktobanian Civil War

Razgriz 2K9

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The Allied forces in Sonza were within sight of the enemy tank brigade. Because the enemy was in holding position, they had better range than the Yuke Army. Therefore, they had to rely on Yuke F-16's and MiG-29's to provide air support. This led to dogfights between the old generation (F-4's and MiG-21's) and the new generation (F-16's and MiG-29's). While the enemy began shooting at the allied tank brigade, Despite reaching the range, they lacked accuracy, which proved to be costly. Only 10 tanks were destroyed by the time the allies got in range of the EoD forces. From there, it'll become a slaughter.....

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<<Classified Message>>

<<From: Gen. Zhukov II>>

<<To: Gen. Voychek and Gen.Muromets>>

We have confirmed through our spies that the leader of the EoD, Vladimir Makarov is in Murska. Voychek's fighters will have to bomb the runway and all aircraft, prevent him from leaving. If we can capture Makarov, we may be able to put an end to the war.

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<<Classified Message>>

<<From: Gen. Voychek>>

<<To: Gen. Zhukov and Gen. Muromets>>

You're on.

<<Back at Battle>>

Yuke forces were in range of the enemy tanks. As soon as the first tank began firing, it became a turkey shoot, as the EoD forces were poorly led, and poorly armed. The EoD forces were losing tanks fast and soldiers were dying left and right. Stubbornly, the EoD forces held their ground despite losing 40% of their military force (to the Yuke-Haruhiist's 20%), fighting to the very end. Voychek was awed at the enemies victory, that when most of the force was surrounded (another 40%), Voychek took them to Cruik, with praise and a promise that no harm will come to their families.

The air duel didn't fair much better for the EoD forces. They lost 15 squads (60 planes) of planes to the Yuke's 5 (20)

The 20% that escaped (30 tanks, 15 planes and 3600 men) took up battle position in Murska Village, near the base where they were holed up between Yuke-haruhiist forces, and the incoming Zargathians. An air raid using 2x Tu-16's were called on to bomb Murska Air Base. The resulting bombing was a Pyrrhic victory, both bombers were lost, but the airbase's runways were destroyed. Makarov can no longer escape from the base.

OOC: I'm gonna let you go in and take down Makarov.

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The infantry had moved ahead of the tanks for a reason, and when all troops were gathered at the edge of the city outskirts the tanks had just about caught up to them as well. The first row of explosions were not caused by the artillery however, but rather by the explosions of ammunition caches, rigged by the infiltrated Marines. Having lost most of their anti-armor artillery, the tanks led a defiant charge into the city on all sides, followed by infantry who was using the vehicles for cover. Fearing to be overrun, the defenders quickly retreated into the relative safety the castle offered them, and cheers broke out in the city as the citizens heralded their liberators. General Muromets stepped out of one of the tanks, lighting a cigar as she prepared to speak to her officers.

- "Good work. We're off to kick some more $@!, you'll be setting up a base here with some troops to ensure the enemy stays in that castle. I've got an Air Base to raid."

The troops that were left behind would number a relatively large amount of snipers. They took up positions in the village where they could get a good view of the castle, and aimed their collective sights at its walls. Any Eagle of Dawn soldier that would peek through a window or around a corner would have his face blown off unless he'd have a white flag on him. They could stay in the castle as long as they wanted to, the Zargathians didn't care. Their objective was the village and port, and those had been taken. Anything beyond that was mere target practise, and with some hundred or so snipers in position any attempt to break out would turn the area into a shooting gallery.

The tanks of Attack Group Yellow rolled out again, following the infantry that had moved out before them again. By the time all forces were in position around Murska, the bombing had already started. Using the distraction to her advantage, the village of Murska found itself under attack from three sides again. With bombs coming in from above, and tanks from every direction but the northwest, morale finally broke, and the EoD troops started running in the only direction they could. Muromets ignored them, they would eventually run into the Yuke-Haruhiist task force or die of the arctic cold, but they'd stop being her problem either way.

Due to the highly aggressive tactics used against a poorly equipped and trained enemy, the Zargathians had only encountered minimal losses, the few pockets of resistance ruthlessly being shelled into submission using heavy artillery. When the artillery fire stopped, they would often find themselves encircled already, those that didn't surrender being greeted by a hail of bullets. Most of their troops and armor had been sent to the Sonza Pass. Snipers once again picking off fortified positions from a distance, the infantry quickly swarmed into the base as both soldiers and tanks were using fire superiority to their fullest advantage. When the smoke cleared, EoD prisoners were being led out of the complex, and Makarov -- along with some of his surviving senior officers -- was locked in Muska Air Base's own brig. Fighting still continued here and there, but with all allied forces linking up in a massive pincer movement it was nothing more than a formality.

In the end, the Zargathians had lost about 10% of their armor along with some 500 men reported wounded or dead. Quite a few EoD prisoners had varying degrees of shell shock however due to the brutality with which their defenses were overrun, and it would likely take years before those men would be able to function normally again. General Muromets could be called many things, but gentle she was not.

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Yuke forces continued their fast paced push into Murska. But news of the EoD's leader's capture spread fast, and reached the frontlines in a matter of minutes. The forces opposing the Yuke-Haruhiist army immediately surrendered, as well as the Darinan government.


Catherine Reznov, from Cruik Fortress was feeling well enough to give a televised message to all sides of the battle. The first speech since the war started.

"To all Eagles of Dawn members still fighting on the battlefield, lay down your arms and surrender, it is time to finally shed the roots of war and bask in peace once more. Their is no point in fighting anymore, as your leaders have agreed to surrender."

Those who did surrender were arrested for treason, with the courts deciding what will happen to them in the future.


Back at Murska, General Voychek met with the Zargathian general, Gen. Muromets. "Thank you for what you did today, our people will have a lot of rebuilding to do, but they will rest happy, knowing that there are friends in high places." The general offered to shake her hand.

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- "Anytime. Any group wanting to pull this kind of stunt will know how fast the Eagles were mopped up here, and think twice before taking up arms."

Muromets gave her Yuke colleague a firm handshake, before taking a cigars from her pocket, offering one to Voychek as well to celebrate the decisive victory they had achieved today. After lighting it, she inhaled deeply before looking at the other General again.

- "Now, about that crate of vodka..."

Edited by Amyante
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