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i want to join an alliance

Kc Ty Flick

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ok, i think i can help you.

i will tell you what i think of a good alliance.

allinace do's:

be a friendly place

care about their members

include members of the alliance in important topics

be respectful

alliance don't s:

pay people to join their alliance ( this is a sure sign they only care about you as a stat)

never include them in government topics

only care about your nation as a stat ( they only care that you are 1 more nation into their alliance)

so join the huns

we are small ( 5 members)

we have protection in numbers ( we are protected by a much larger alliance)

we let all of our members in on what is happening in the alliance

we have open jobs for the taking

we want input and new ideas

we love all

give me a PM or just sign up on our forums ...they are below in large letters

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alliance don't s:

pay people to join their alliance ( this is a sure sign they only care about you as a stat)

well thats not always true as starter aid is a good way for new nations to get up and running

that said you should join KoTC because:

we are protected by LoSS and can defend ourselves as has happened several times while I have been in it

we can give you tech deals to help grow your nations as we have several nations in the buying range.

we are a democracy where every member can vote new or old

we have government positions for members with some expierience

we have only been in one offensive war and were only partially involved so fighting was optional

we are open to change and a few months ago had major changes made to our charter

we have one f, if not the best community in CN

our forums are at http://z8.invisionfree.com/KoTC_High_Chari...dex.php?act=idx

pm me or post a quick pp (don't worry we have only turned down two people one because he refused to regster on the forums and one because he was an aid scammer)

Edited by Z3000
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We can protect ourselves. We always have tech deals and right now we have a lot of tech to move that your nation could get in on. We have many people that played this game for a long time and people that are just getting started. The body of our alliance makes a lot of chocies that affects or alliance and you can take positions if you want to or you can just be in the alliance. If you want to join PM me.

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