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3BR Agricultural Orange


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I think it's safe to say 48 hours will be enough time for everyone to cancel their existing trades and replace them, I'm also going to send mine out now so long as you've all got room. Great job by everyone involved in getting this together, didn't take long at all.

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What do we do about the ones without harbors?

If Trollhammer and Conrad Birdie are the only two without harbors, they could simply not trade with eachother until they both have them, so the circle isn't disrupted. I'm actually not going to be able to send any money, I'm in the middle of a 5 slot tech deal right now...

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Hey everyone, just a tip. Because we get Uranium in this trade circle, there's something I suggest you all do.

Go into "My government position" and for the second question, pick the second option. Doing so will give you +$3.00 per citizen and +$0.15 for every level of tech purchased up to level 30, but you'll lose one happiness point as a result. Generally the extra money makes up for the loss of happiness, but that's up to you.

Thanks for the trade circle guys!

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