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A Grand tour!

Eggman Empire

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The two leaders reached the Imperial palace, and DrKintober and Mykep stepped out of the limo. In front of them, a short column of Pitbulls and Guardian APCs stood parked infront of the palace. Above them, Mi-28 and Mi-35 attack choppers droned overhead, watching the skies and the ground. MyKep was impressed with the security Kintober had ordered. Moments after stepping out of the limo, a squad of soldiers ushered the two to an APC relatively in the middle of the formation. While passing other vehicles and troops, MyKep noticed an interesting decal that was on every single one of them, man and machine. It was a cartoonish face, completely black except for two empty eyes and a grin that took up half the face. Resting on top of the head was a top hat. MyKep reasoned it was the crest of whatever division or unit these troops were attached to.

They climbed into the APC, along with a squad of troops. The interior was a little cramped, but still large enough to sit comfortably. Kintober was positively beaming. "Well MyKep, what do you think of the LAV Guardian-03 APC?" He asked as the vehicle began to move forward.


OOC:To imagine what the crest looks like, just look at my avatar.

Guardian stats:

Uses:Primary;APC, Anti-infantry. Secondary;Anti-air

Armament:One M242 Bushmaster chain gun, one frontal co-axle 7.62mm M60 machine gun.

Armor:Multiple 5083 Aluminum welded plates

Crew:4;Bushmaster Gunner, Commander/co-axle machine gunner, Comm. officer, driver.

Edited by DrKintobor
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"Sick? Twisted? How could you say such things!? It's a symbol of encouragement; motivation if you will. And the crest, or emblem if you'd like, is exclusive to this unit." Kintober explained smoothly. MyKep raised an eyebrow. Kintober leaned forward. "See, this is my personal unit. They are devoted solely to me and take orders from no others. Their nice to have around on occasions. Like this one." MyKep nodded.

"Fascinating-" He interrupted himself with a yawn, and continued. "-and as much as I would like to continue, I'm a bit fatigued. If you don't mind..." He yawned again and his eyelids drooped. Kintober nodded as well.

"I understand. Carry on." With that, MyKep got as comfortable as he could, closed his eyes, and fell asleep. "Not a bad idea." Kintober mused. He turned to face the leader of the group, a grizzled First Sargent. "Sargent wake me when we reach our destination, would you?"

"By your order." Came the gruff reply.

"Very good. See you in a few hours." Kintober stated, before closing his own eyes and falling asleep.

Edited by DrKintobor
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DrKintober's head snapped up as his body felt the APC stop, and woke himself. He reached over to Mykep and nudged him to wakefulness. "Hey, we're here!" He said excitedly. Mykep shook himself into alertness and stood up. The door opened, and the squad went first, Kintober and Mykep following. Mykep blinked. It was midday when they had left the capital and now it was late in the night. He surveyed his surroundings. They were what appeared to be a small outpost. Cement walls 8 feet high and topped with barbed wire surrounded the base. It was only accessible via two large metal doors, one right behind them and one in the far wall. Guard towers with spotlights and heavy weapons were spaced evenly in the walls. Inside the base, it looked fairly sparse, lite up by halogen stadium lights. Along one wall was a few warehouses, a helipad, the barracks, the armory and messhall, and at the end, a small powerplant. On the other side was the Vehicle depot, a supply building, the command HQ, and a large cement space with a hut next to it. All in all, the place didn't look very impressive. Mykep turned to Kintober.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but this looks like a measly outpost. I trust there's more then meets the eye here?" He asked. Kintober grinned and led Mykep to the open cement pad. He pulled Mykep inside the hut and positioned Mykep against the far wall. Then he began to whisper to the soldier who was sitting infront of a bank of computer terminals and equipment. Kintober pulled an ID card out of his pocket, stuck it in a slot next to one of the computers, typed in a code, and walked up next to Mykep. Kintober gave the soldier a nod, who pressed a button on the control panel. Mykep was suprised when the floor jolted and began to sink. Then he realized it was an elevator. "Clever, a base under a base. I assume the pad has some trap door to let bigger supplies in." Kintober nodded.

They reached the bottom, went through two checkpoints in a row, and finally entered the lab complex. "Well, what do you think?" Kintober asked.


OOC:Just imagine they're in a high-tech lab complex that looks like is from the sci-fi shows.

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"You seem to have outdone yourself. I find it hard to believe that this has stayed here since the last Eggman Empire. Or is it of your own design? What kinds of designs, plans, and gadgets are created down here in this sector?"

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"Actually it was built by my father." Kintober replied. Noticing Mykep's surprised look, he chuckled. "If there's one thing you should know about Kintobers, it's that we build to last. Although the original purpose my father had in mind was a conventional weapons research facility. I modified it in the beginning of my reign from conventional to biological. Now it serves to create antidotes and vaccines to pathogens, either natural or man-made." Kintober explained. "I will be honest with you. This is just a medium sized research lab at best.If you're curious as to why this facility only works on pathogens...well, like I said before, we have other compounds and facilities all dedicated to various different types of research and production. You can access and learn about other labs and their purposes if you'd like."

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"Biological lab to create antidotes and vaccines to pathogens. Well I believe this shouldnt really be considered something to hide underground, but something to be publicized to show how amazing your government truly is. "

Mykep walked in a circle, seeing the research at work, then he turn to Kintober.

"Doctor, I dont mean to be rude, but I'm looking for something specificly. I am looking for a weapon facility that might help me with my mission. I am looking for a weapon that will attack military only. No explosives, no civilians die. I am looking for electronic warfare, or a missile that can destroy ammunition through rust...Something that will slow the enemy down."

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Kintober pondered the question. It was one that had haunted politicians and generals alike. How to wage war without killing civilians. After a few seconds of pondering, he suddenly lit up with a grin.

"I think I can help you with your question." He said. He hurried to a terminal, MyKep in tow. His fingers flew across the keyboard as he accessed the information he was looking for. A minute or so later, he pulled up a file. On it, was the specs. for a new computer virus. "So far in field test, it has eaten through the most advanced firewalls and security systems, and has proven to destroy any computer it comes across. If your opponent uses computers for any sort, whether command and control, or targeting systems, they'll be shut down." MyKep nodded. It sounded promising. Kintober continued.

"In addition to that, we have a real virus. It's a non-lethal virus that weakens the body and puts most people on bed rest. It causes extreme nausea, fatigue, restlessness, diarrhea, cramps, migraines, and a few other symptoms that makes holding a weapon a difficult task. The victim eventually recovers, but it takes several weeks. As far as your own troop's well-being, a proven vaccine has already been produced." Kintober turned to Mykep expectantly. "Whatcha think?"

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Mykep examined the first file with great interest.

"Ah. For the virus, does it need to be dowloaded manually or from another computer? I mean, considering viruses come in different shapes and sizes, and specifics?"

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"Well, here's the catch:The virus is much too complicated for something as petty as e-mail delivery. The only sure fire way to put it on an opponent's computer is by planting it in a USB drive and uploading it onto a networking computer of theirs. In otherwords, someone has to infiltrate the enemy compound and manually upload the virus. The good news is that as long as the computer its put on can network with others, you good to go." Kintober explained the drawback, looking a little embarrassed.

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"Ahhh so it has to be directly attached. Networking may be a problem for a job I have in mind. The networks are more...international. So if the only problem is sneaking a person into a nation and downloading it, well, than I guess its still more than I can ask for. Anyway..."

Mykep clicks the minimize button and begins to exhibit the second folder containing the information for the non-lethal virus.

"I understand it is non-lethal, but would you consider it a biological weapon that could kill someone? Elderly? Already sick? Children?"

Mykep stops talking and the room goes silent. He then looks an evil look at his friend and says,

"How many have you tested this on?"

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"How many have you tested this on?"

Kintober shrugged off the look his friend gave him, and proceeded to answer the question. "The virus has been thoroughly tested on all our lab specimens. Healthy test subjects have all survived exposure, and lived to tell the tale." Mykep continued to glare at him. Kintober rolled his eyes and sighed. "Alright, you got me. All healthy, adult subjects survived exposure. Test subject fatality percentages stand at 13% of elderly, 26% of the sick and/or diseased, and 9% adolescence. Does that answer your question?" He asked smoothly.

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Kintober turned and looked through the files. "Uhhh......" He muttered, scrolling for the names. "Says here the computer virus is labeled as CDV#371, while the actual virus is filed under 'ADV/A Batch #12-483.'" Kintober noticed the bemused expression of Mykep. "Of course you can give them whatever fancy names you wish. Like how methylphosphonofluoridate is called Sarin nerve gas. We make that too. Would you like some?"

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