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DrKintobor and Mykep Meeting


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To discuss the future of thier relationship, DrKintobor and Archon Mykep have decided to meet in Greenland:

A large private jet flew over the frost of Northern Greenland, towards The Eggman Capital. It had been years since the Archonn had visited Greenland, the last time he had been here he was ruler of the Northern Empire, and the city was a capital. Twelve hours after its departure from Benin, the jet landed in the Eggman Capital, and the Archon stepped out.

He climbed into a limousine, He had high expectations for this meeting. The limousine stopped and the door opened. Dr. Kintobor stepped in, closing the door behind him. They shook hands. The Archon smiled and began:

"Good evening, I was hoping we could talk in private and I guessed the limousine was a nice, secure spot. How has Eggman been?"

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To discuss the future of thier relationship, DrKintobor and Archon Mykep have decided to meet in Greenland:

A large private jet flew over the frost of Northern Greenland, towards The Eggman Capital. It had been years since the Archonn had visited Greenland, the last time he had been here he was ruler of the Northern Empire, and the city was a capital. Twelve hours after its departure from Benin, the jet landed in the Eggman Capital, and the Archon stepped out.

He climbed into a limousine, He had high expectations for this meeting. The limousine stopped and the door opened. Dr. Kintobor stepped in, closing the door behind him. They shook hands. The Archon smiled and began:

"Good evening, I was hoping we could talk in private and I guessed the limousine was a nice, secure spot. How has Eggman been?"

"To answer your questions: Correct and quite well. In my absence, I had one of my subordinates, Iblis Kray, run the country. He handled it nicely." DrKintober replied. He leaned forward some, his face turning serious. "Now, down to brass tacks. Merkel has given me most of my country. I plan on getting the rest back, but that's a discussion for another time. Right now I must confess the Eggman Empire is very vulnerable. Merkel decommissioned most of my army and put in his own security forces. Now with him gone, I'm afraid I must scramble to put the pieces back together."

"He was kind enough to give me back my navy. Although with our seaport of Jutzberg still under Merkel's jurisdiction, it's range has been halved. I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you for a little...'protection' while I put my forces back together. It's going to take anywhere from a month to two months. I would like to point out that while the Eggman army is still strong enough to repel an initial invasion, but would most likely crumble after the first two weeks."

Edited by DrKintobor
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Mykep fixed his position in the seat to be more direct and looking at Kintober. He replied with a heavy heart,

"Well this saddens me. I do not like seeing a friend who I almost consider family going through rough times even at the beginning of thier nation. What is it you need? Money? Security? Treaty? Military? I'm here for you."

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Mykep fixed his position in the seat to be more direct and looking at Kintober. He replied with a heavy heart,

"Well this saddens me. I do not like seeing a friend who I almost consider family going through rough times even at the beginning of thier nation. What is it you need? Money? Security? Treaty? Military? I'm here for you."

Kintober grinned. "It's good to have friends, even if they are few and far between. I'm looking for a treaty. Should any other country decide to attack us, I would like Forever Battlefield to assist us militarily, economically, and financially. You would get the benefit of placing bases and trading post inside our country, as well as first pick on any promising business ventures opening up in our country." Kintober leaned forward. "I recommend investing in our pharmaceutical companies. Which reminds me..." He leaned back and opened the metal briefcase he'd brought. Inside were several vials filled with fluid. "A gift." He closed the briefcase and placed it by Mykep's side. "The vials contain a flu vaccine. Made almost entirely by me, it's leaps and bounds ahead of the competition. It's effectively eliminated most normal flu strains, and provided a strong defense against more exotic strains like H1N1 and H5N1."

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"Well, Kintober thank you for the flu vaccine and I most certainly will have my economic regulation staff meet with you over that matter." Mykep then chuckled under his breathe, "I am and always will be a friend of the Eggheads. However, I align myself under neutrality as I've been attempting to make peace in the world. Do not worry though, you have my word that I will defend you and your nation. Other than that, yes, I would like to see an economic treaty of sorts written out to concrete our bond to paper. "

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"Well, Kintober thank you for the flu vaccine and I most certainly will have my economic regulation staff meet with you over that matter." Mykep then chuckled under his breathe, "I am and always will be a friend of the Eggheads. However, I align myself under neutrality as I've been attempting to make peace in the world. Do not worry though, you have my word that I will defend you and your nation. Other than that, yes, I would like to see an economic treaty of sorts written out to concrete our bond to paper. "

Kintober nodded. "More then I could ask for." He chuckled. "Aside from hammering out the details for the treaty, what else do you have on your mind?"

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"Well, I know you are in a weakened state but I do have a proposition for you. You see, the world has gone into a cold war and it threatens to tear the world apart. I have decided to face both of these sides and do whatever I can to avoid this war. For that reason, I have created an initiative to ask as a deterance on any first strike basis. Anyone who declares on someone without a just CB will face myself and all people who have sworn to an oath. Simply, I am defending the world from unjust wars. I would like for you to join me. "

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"Well, I know you are in a weakened state but I do have a proposition for you. You see, the world has gone into a cold war and it threatens to tear the world apart. I have decided to face both of these sides and do whatever I can to avoid this war. For that reason, I have created an initiative to ask as a deterance on any first strike basis. Anyone who declares on someone without a just CB will face myself and all people who have sworn to an oath. Simply, I am defending the world from unjust wars. I would like for you to join me. "

Kintober chuckled."Of course I'll join you. I wouldn't dream of doing things any other way. Now tell me, what type of MAD deterrents do you have in place? Most rulers believe nukes are where it's at, but I hold a different opinion." Mykep eyed him. "Any chucklehead can make a nuke and lob it at someone else. It takes real finesse to eliminate the enemy without either side ever firing a shot. I have the ability to do this. Interested?"

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Mykep pondered, and with little to no hesitation said, "Very, very interested."

DrKintober could feel his pulse quicken. He loved talking about his work. "In the time that I was gone, I worked on several...'projects' that have all shown promise. Electronic viruses that can shut down military computers, acidic gas that can eat through tank hulls, diseases that can put an entire army out of commission. See, while most rulers spend their time building toys that make the most noise, I spend my time focusing on a more subtle method of eliminating my enemies. So what do you say? Want in on some of the action?"

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"Invite me to a seminar on them, or even show me the production of how they are created. If so, sure, I'll take a few." Mykep smiled realizing this would not cause any civilian casualties and at the same time, end a threat all at once. "So, to conclude my point on defending the world from aggressors, do you wish to sign the two arcticles of the 'Global Peace Initiative' ?"

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"Invite me to a seminar on them, or even show me the production of how they are created. If so, sure, I'll take a few." Mykep smiled realizing this would not cause any civilian casualties and at the same time, end a threat all at once. "So, to conclude my point on defending the world from aggressors, do you wish to sign the two arcticles of the 'Global Peace Initiative' ?"

Kintober laughed. "A seminar? No. A tour? Yes. As for this 'Global Peace Initiative', I'm eager to see the results. Of course I'll sign; where's the pen and paper?"

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"No pen or paper required. We simply need your word that you will answer the call when war rises. Agree to these and you are pretty much in.

"The Global Peace Initiative Oath"

The duty and interest of the member states of the Global Peace Initiative (henceforth known as the GPI) require that the GPI in sincerity and good faith pursue impartial conduct toward all other nations, maintaining a strict stance of political and military neutrality until a certain nation provokes an unneccessary aggressive action on another.

Therefore we hereby declare that the GPI is legally bound to defend all nation, and must exhort and warn other nations to avoid any and all acts or proceedings which may in any manner contravene this agreement and thereby violate the neutrality of the GPI, causing swift action to be taken by its members through military, sanction, or other means.

A Hostile Action is defined as an actual attack, invasion, or endeavour to inflict harm upon a targeted nation, or its citizens, territories, or properties.

GPI members are forbidden to knowingly provide any aid to an Aggressor, fighting another nation.

No GPI nation will take part in any non-defensive military or spying action against any other nation.

"legitimate defense by military force"

- The reason for going to war needs to be just and cannot therefore be solely for recapturing things taken or punishing people who have done wrong

- While there may be rights and wrongs on all sides of a conflict, to override the presumption against the use of force, the injustice suffered by one party must significantly outweigh that suffered by the other

- Force may be used only in a truly just cause and solely for that purpose—correcting a suffered wrong is considered a right intention, while material gain or maintaining economies is not.

- Force may be used only after all peaceful and viable alternatives have been seriously tried and exhausted or are clearly not practical. It may be clear that the other side is using negotiations as a delaying tactic and will not make meaningful concessions.

- The anticipated benefits of waging a war must be proportionate to its expected evils or harms. This principle is also known as the principle of macro-proportionality, so as to distinguish it from the jus in bello principle of proportionality.

- The weapons used in war must discriminate between combatants and non-combatants. Civilians are never permissible targets of war, and every effort must be taken to avoid killing civilians. The deaths of civilians are justified only if they are unavoidable victims of a deliberate attack on a military target.

- The ultimate goal of a just war is to re-establish peace. More specifically, the peace established after the war must be preferable to the peace that would have prevailed if the war had not been fought.

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Kintober gave a sick grin. "It would be my pleasure. Any specific time or place?"

Mykep looked down, thought for a moment and return the sick grin, replying "Well...since I'm here."

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Mykep looked down, thought for a moment and return the sick grin, replying "Well...since I'm here."

"No time like the present, eh?" Kintober chuckled. He pulled a cell phone out of his pocket and dialed a number. "Hello, this is Emperor Kintober. security clearance six-six-charlie-victor-lema-one. I'm going to require a delta formation escort with air cover. Have it assembled in front of the palace in twenty minutes. That is all." Mykep was impressed. Kintober ordered an escort like he was ordering a pizza. "Driver" He called up to the front seat. "Bring us to the Emperial palace." He turned back to Mykep. "Is there anything else you'd like to discuss while we wait?"

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