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While I'm not in any position to offer you a government position, the NSO has 2 governemnt positions open at the moment and if you're willing and put in the work, there's no reason why you couldn't get one of the positions. I'd like to know why you left Ragnarok during wartime though before I said anything further.

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Looking to join a semi small alliance at least 30 members that are active. And looking for a government position.

It really depends on how large an alliance you are willing to go to. Mine has 94 members at the moment, so it might be too large for your liking, though we are a very active medium sized alliance. Most senior government positions like Grand Chancellor and Director of Foreign Affairs are hard to get into without being there a while, but smaller government positions are readily available to any nation in the alliance more than a month. The more active you are, the more likely you will get into the government.

You can check us out at our forums if you want: http://cnfear.b1.jcink.com/

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Hello there.


We are a 50 member alliance, and working on growing! you should stop by and see us!

We have 2 minister positions open as of right now, and would be interested in meeting you.

we are #URSA on IRC, btw.



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Welcome fellow player,

I am the member of an alliance called White Knights Entente, we are a brand new alliance compared to some of the other alliances, who would like to ask you to join us. I would like you to join White Knights Entente and help us grow and prosper, in return we offer you protection from Tech raiders and rogues and we offer you friendship and aid to help you grow and become superior in the game. We aid new member’s 1,000,000 each who join White Knights Entente. Our Alliance is new, therefore you can get a alliance positions and your ideas will help shape the alliance.

Our Forums: http://z8.invisionfree.com/WKE/index.php

You need to go there and register and post an application to join our alliance.



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