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The links to my nation and alliance forum are in my signature. We have punch and pie. Feel free to join. B)



Article I

Section 1 The name of this alliance shall be called the Union of Allied Nations, or UAN.

Section 2 The UAN is open to all nations from Cyber Nations, regardless of team affiliation or lack thereof. Nations are free to come and go from the UAN as they please.

Article II

Section 1 The UAN shall operate under a High Council (UANHC), made up of the full membership of the alliance.

1a The UAN shall maintain a Security Council (SC), for dealing with issues pertaining to the security of the alliance. The Security Council shall consist of a certain number of permanent members, and a determined number of rotating members.

1b The UAN shall maintain a Domestic Relations and Policy Council (DRPC), which shall deal with issues pertaining to intra-alliance relations. The makeup of the DRPC shall be determined by a vote of the UANHC.

1c The UAN shall maintain a Foreign Relations and Policy Council (FRPC), dealing with non-member nations and alliances. The makeup of the FRPC shall be determined by a vote of the UANHC.

Section 2 The UAN shall at no time abide the presence of spies. Spies shall be removed from the alliance upon discovery, following a meeting and vote of the SC.

Section 3

The Security Council shall be comprised of permanent members who have made great contributions to the UAN and are active. There shall also be rotating council members determined by lottery. All members will be given a chance to be on the Security Council. This gives each member nation a fair opportunity to express its views and take part in the Council's decisions. In the event that a permanent member of the Council leaves the alliance or becomes inactive it shall be replaced by vote of the High Council.

Section 4

As with the Security Council, the DRPC and FRPC shall consist of permanent members who have made great contributions to the UAN and are active. As with the Security Council, there shall be rotating council members chosen by lottery. In the event that a permanent member of the DRPC or FRPC leaves the alliance, or becomes inactive, it shall be replaced by vote of the High Council.

Article III

Section 1

The UAN shall protect member any and all nations from unprovoked aggression and wars. At no time, however, shall the UAN support or abide the abuse of this protection -- namely, using cover of UAN protection to launch an unprovoked war or other act of aggression.

Section 2

Protection shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

  1. Providing military support.
  2. Providing financial Support.
  3. Providing diplomatic support to negotiate an end to hostilities.
  4. Providing other material support (i.e. technology, and so forth).

Section 3

A.) The UAN shall reserve the right to make treaties, pacts, and other agreements with other alliances and non-aligned nations. The UAN shall honor all treaties and pacts with such.

B.) The UAN shall ratify all treaties, pacts and agreements by a vote of the High Council, or its senior-most members, as the situation requires.

C.) The UAN shall make no treaty, pact or agreement which would infringe upon the sovereignty of member nations; or which would violate the UAN Charter.

Edited by King Michaelus I
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Note -I have sinced resigned from this alliance, it has nothing to do with the alliance itself, more personal reasons which I cannot discuss. I would still encourage all nations to join this alliance.

May the Gods smile upon you all,


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Just come copy and paste advice for ya.

Just tossing it out there:

Your a little too weak to start your own alliance.

You are the only member of your alliance.

You should learn about using forums before you make an alliance (as a guest I can view everything)

I would recommend you join an alliance for a while, and who knows you may like it there.

I am getting tired of every third person trying to make their own alliance. O well, its their agenda, not mine.

If you want a good alliance to join right now, try mine, the Mafia.

There is a link in my sig and you can message me if you need more info.

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  • 1 month later...

We're actually up to three members now. I realize it's small, but consider the benefit of joining a new alliance; by signing up, you'll be a bigger fish in a little pond. In a large alliance, you have to compete with a lot of other members for aid. Your voice in a large alliance is also more likely to be drowned out in the comparative din. But, in the UAN you don't need to worry about that -- at least, not until the alliance grows its membership. Right now is a very good time to join, because active members will obtain permanent seats on councils. Think about it.


I actually had a nation that was about a year old that went inactive for too long, and got deleted. I was part of the GPA during that time. I figured, why not try my hand at forming my own alliance and see what happens? Why be a small fish in an ocean, when I can be the top dog in my own alliance?

Edited by King Michaelus I
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Come on, someone has to join. You know you want to.... :unsure:

But, seriously it would be cool if we could get more people so our government can start to form and take effect.

Basicly, what I'm saying is join the Union of Allied Nations because it could lead to you having a big say in our government and it would be a cool experiance.

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Article I

Section 1 The name of this alliance shall be called the Union of Allied Nations, or UAN.

Section 2 The UAN is open to all nations from Cyber Nations, regardless of team affiliation or lack thereof. Nations are free to come and go from the UAN as they please.

Article II

Section 1 The UAN shall operate under a High Council (UANHC), made up of the full membership of the alliance.

1a The UAN shall maintain a Security Council (SC), for dealing with issues pertaining to the security of the alliance. The Security Council shall consist of a certain number of permanent members, and a determined number of rotating members.

1b The UAN shall maintain a Domestic Relations and Policy Council (DRPC), which shall deal with issues pertaining to intra-alliance relations. The makeup of the DRPC shall be determined by a vote of the UANHC.

1c The UAN shall maintain a Foreign Relations and Policy Council (FRPC), dealing with non-member nations and alliances. The makeup of the FRPC shall be determined by a vote of the UANHC.

Section 2 The UAN shall at no time abide the presence of spies. Spies shall be removed from the alliance upon discovery, following a meeting and vote of the SC.

Section 3

The Security Council shall be comprised of permanent members who have made great contributions to the UAN and are active. There shall also be rotating council members determined by lottery. All members will be given a chance to be on the Security Council. This gives each member nation a fair opportunity to express its views and take part in the Council's decisions. In the event that a permanent member of the Council leaves the alliance or becomes inactive it shall be replaced by vote of the High Council.

Section 4

As with the Security Council, the DRPC and FRPC shall consist of permanent members who have made great contributions to the UAN and are active. As with the Security Council, there shall be rotating council members chosen by lottery. In the event that a permanent member of the DRPC or FRPC leaves the alliance, or becomes inactive, it shall be replaced by vote of the High Council.

Article III

Section 1

The UAN shall protect member any and all nations from unprovoked aggression and wars. At no time, however, shall the UAN support or abide the abuse of this protection -- namely, using cover of UAN protection to launch an unprovoked war or other act of aggression.

Section 2

Protection shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

  1. Providing military support.
  2. Providing financial Support.
  3. Providing diplomatic support to negotiate an end to hostilities.
  4. Providing other material support (i.e. technology, and so forth).

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