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The Grand Republic


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The Grand Republic

White Team


Joining The Grand Republic means you want to work to be strong and not depend on others to bail you out when the times get tough. This Alliance is looking for any nations who want to join. The nations who wish to join need to follow the link at the bottom, The Grand Republic Forums, after that change you alliance affiliation to The Grand Republic, and send me a message saying you joined. Then I will test you, its not hard more like getting to know my allies. I know that being attacked can be tough when your enemy are stronger than you. Thats why we will work together. If you get in serious trouble we will help out. If you ask fellow commrades for help and they deny to do so, come to me, 101airborne of United People, then I will help and deal with the one who desides to neglect their commrades. If anything you need help with, advice, wars, aid, ANYTHING! Come to me. I will use the power within me to help you. Please join The Grand Republic.

Emotion, yet peace.

Ignorance, yet knowledge.

Passion, yet serenity.

Chaos, yet harmony.

Death, yet control.

Remember this, everytime you act upon events, wars, and everytime you speak. Not just in CyberNations, but in real life.

I am working on getting money for the alliance so if you need aid it I should have it in a few days.

Be not afraid of life.

Live the fullest of it.

Edited by 101airborne
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