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4BR any-color trade circle, aqua preferred


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Aluminum: Kazoo

Wildcard 1: Cattle: Tyler III

Coal: Tyler III

Iron: Harper

Lumber: easyparajuli

Marble: Kazoo

Oil: easyparajuli


Wildcard 2: Silver: Harper


Edit: we had someone drop out. We can still form the circle as-is until we find someone with good resources to join (meaning either wheat or fish, or preferably both.)

Edit: I suggest we stop bumping this thread; I'll create a new thread looking for a final member. In the meantime, let's get to trading amongst ourselves, shall we?

Edit: I'm dropping out of the trade circle because we can't get a 6th and it's driving me crazy and I've been advised to try for a 5BR anyway.

Edited by PsyMar
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CH3LC3Y: sorry, I have uranium myself, and I'm running this show.

Herbert: sure, why not?

I've messaged everyone on aqua who has aluminum and marble; also messaged a bunch of other nations (about 20) in case they'd be willing to switch.

I suggest everyone in the circle go ahead notify their trade partners about dropping trades within a few days.

Edited by PsyMar
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We've got a sixth member! Kazoo of Auzzieland has agreed to join our trade circle.

I suggest we all give notice to our current trade partners that we'll be dropping trades, then start the circle on Friday the 21st of November.

I'm also going to send a message to each of you saying basically the same thing, in case you don't check this topic.

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