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Tango Down

Raoul Duke

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Introduction to Tango Down [TD]

Created the first of October by Raoul Duke & Hastopia former BW/OBR members. Between us we have hundreds of days ingame experience with strong background in military and diplomacy aspects of CN. Originally called Black Lab! we acquired 25+ members very quickly and On Nov4 the decision to change names was finalized thus we are now known as Tango Down. We are an all black sphere military based group providing free speech to all our membership. Our forums could be considered to some as Not-Work-Safe so Those weary of expression need not apply. As we are a close knit community no one shall be left out or forgotten.

What we have to offer our applicants

Our alliance offers applicants/members protection first and fore most. We are very close with our Protectorate UC and thank them gratefully for all the support to date. Our aid cascades are first rate, those active or in interest will be provided the necessary means to grow much quicker than the average user or those lost in bigger alliances. Also additional aid is offered to those who have high activity and wish to contribute in many different ways. As we are still a newly formed group members will be able to play a large part in its creation.

  • Entry Cascade: All new members are enrolled in an entry cascade, 3,000,000 on 50lvls = 2m Profit
  • Continuum & Veteran: Further cascades allow active members continued source of income
  • Merc Jobs: Payments to nations taking official bounties from Gov't
  • Office Jobs: Recruitment or Diplomat services, payment offered 3m Per Month
  • Tech Sales: TD specializes in tech sales and consist of most our growth, we Keep slots busy.
  • Offensive Wars: Many freedoms in regard to raids
  • Treasury: Offers nations in need of money during war time, or loans. Mainly Sales.
  • Ingame: Assistance from experienced players, nation checks, resource guides
    Requirement for Membership:
  • Must support fellow nations during Wartime.
  • Member of Black Color Sphere
  • Acknowledge: A Non Work Safe Environment can be present w/n Forums.
    Rules of Engagement:
  • Members may only attack Non-Affiliated Nations that aren't Black or Red.
    Older Nation Incentive:
  • Gov't Positions
  • Endless Tech Deals
  • Reliable & Strong Protectorate

Signed: Raoul Duke of United Norfolk, Admin of [TD]

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Tango Down also enjoys the protection and diplomatic assistance of Ubercon as an extension of our protectorate agreement with Black Lab! during their transition. New Tango Down applicants need not fear unjustified attacks, as we here at Ubercon are very active in keeping our friends safe and secure.

This is a great bunch of folks!

Cheers, Tango Down!


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