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[New] ORANGE Trade Circle Forming


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LONG-TERM Orange Trade Circle with 8 Bonus Resources + URANIUM!!



Aluminum - Sinjin

Coal - hilowe

Gold - Chr0ncBlunt

Iron - Prometheus Rex

Lead - Sinjin

Lumber - Jiang kai shek

Marble - April

Oil - Chr0ncBlunt

Rubber - hilowe

Water - Prometheus Rex

Wheat - April

Extra Resources: +1

Uranium - Jiang kai shek

Bonus Resources:

- Asphalt

- Automobiles

- Beer

- Construction

- Microchips

- Radiation Cleanup

- Scholars

- Steel

PLUS full Orange Trade Happiness Bonus!

This is the BEST Trade Set to reduce infra/technology costs, build nukes AND protect your economy the next time nuclear war breaks out. So, if your tired of looking for trades when someone cancels on you, this trade circle is for you!

You know you want it! :awesome:

Edited by PrometheusR3x
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Count me in, I've alerted the other posters in my trade ring thread to post here also, that should bring in a couple other resources.

Nation: Freizland

Ruler: Astiroth

Resources: Oil and Wheat

We already have wheat. :(

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sinjin: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=195358

Hopefully this gets finished as it's excatly what I'm looking for.

I got you down Sinjin. It's nice to have another Vanguard member in the TC. :awesome:

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Maybe we(you) should find the rest manually. There seems to be quite a lot gold/lumber pairs and also oil/uranium. :jihad:

I just got Lumber and Uranium.

So, all that's left is someone with Gold & Oil! :awesome:

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