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Neutralist League


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the Neutralist League


The name says it all ladies and gentlemen. The Neutralist League is a newly created alliance based on the ideals of neutrality, democracy, and peace (let's not count out fun!). Sick and tired of all these alliances going to war with eachother, sick and tired of having to pretend to be someone your not to get into a big time alliance? Just want to have some fun, build up your nation without anyone bothering you, and still have a sense of community at the end of the day? This is the alliance for you. I created this alliance just for for that, people who just want to enjoy the game without having to become apart of the cluster of petty politics.

You can trade with anyone, talk with anyone, and just have a good time. The Neutralist does support a strong military only because to protect our own citizens, give them a sense of security. That's about it really, we don't aid other nations unless it's our own, we don't spy, or attack without reason.

As for our government structure, we have a direct democracy policy. All measures or anything of sorts will be voted on by everyone. There will be a small, upper house to deal with international issues, and general representation of the group in the press room. Anyone can propose laws and put them to vote, just as long as it's sensible it'll be alright. For alliances, we're open to any alliance who would want to open an embassy here for general diplomatic means and trade (not aid).

We encourage anyone who wants to be apart of this laid back lifestyle to join the Neutralist League, pretty simple. Since being a new alliance, we're not only looking for nations who support this kind of way, but for people who want to be apart of constructing a new alliance.

If you want to join, well all you need to do just put your nation name in this thread, say you want to join, switch over to the Black Team (the Neutralist League is part of the Black Team by the way), and I'll get to you. Other way is by PMing myself. Forums are being constructed, when that's up, it'll be on here. We don't have a charter because it's pretty simple math here, this is a neutral alliance based on having fun and building your nation in peace.

Have any questions? PM myself or just ask it here.

I hope many of you will accept this way of playing and join up, see you around,

LanceAngels of Great Muskie

Edited by LanceAngels
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Well we got ourselves a little forum here:


You can go there for applications, you can post in the communications sections if you'd like. We're already starting to open embassies and recruitment.

Many interested nations that want to join the Neutralist League have asked this question, what kind of aid will be given to new members (meaning, will we get any money by joining?):

No, at this time there is no offical banking system within the Neutralist League, for new members now they will recieve no "admission gift package". Later on as the League progresses we will open a bank for our alliance only. We do however have trading rings to offer, boost your economy to make more money for the time being.

See ya round,


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