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Long Term Black Trade Circle (7 bonus res)

Richard Cranium

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I am tired of spending half my time looking for trading partners. I am looking for long term people who will stick with it awhile. I am looking to gain 7 bonus resources and keep them long term.

Construction, Asphalt, Steel, Automobiles, Microchips, Scholars, and Radiation Cleanup.

If this fits you, and your team is Black, let me know. I have Oil and Wine, so here is what I need.

Oil- Me (black)

Wine- Me (black)




Marble- Bullgod(black)


Coal-Kendrik (black)


Lead- Bullgod (black)

Wildcard-Gems-Kendrik (black)


Black Alternates:

If Gems and Silver are the wildcards then we would also get Fine Jewelry, but I can take it or leave it.


Ok. I am still having a hard time finding RELIABLE people. I will not accept you unless you have 5 trading spots and have been around at least a little while.

Edited by Richard Cranium
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I would love to be a part of this trade circle. I have lead and wine. I will also change to black when the time is right.


Nation - BrownCoats

Sorry Gregthrawn, I have wine and started the circle, so I won't be leaving anytime soon.

We have someone with,

Marble and Sugar


Lead and Water

Depending on how the last spot plays out, it should be one of you two. We need to find one person with 2 of the 3 resources we need, and then we will be able to complete the circle with one of you two.

Edited by Richard Cranium
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I am tired of spending half my time looking for trading partners. I am looking for long term people who will stick with it awhile. I am looking to gain 7 bonus resources and keep them long term.

Construction, Asphalt, Steel, Automobiles, Microchips, Scholars, and Radiation Cleanup.

If this fits you, and your team is Black, let me know. I have Oil and Wine, so here is what I need.

Oil- Me

Wine- Me











If Gems and Silver are the wildcards then we would also get Fine Jewelry, but I can take it or leave it.

The person with lumber and iron backed out, so there are more open spots.

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