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Nations of Ascended Honor (NOAH)

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NOAH is a multi-colored alliance which bases itself on the principles of HONOR, RESPECT and INTEGRITY. Our philosophy is one of mutual self improvement for our active participants. Our success does not have be hinged on the exploitation or cost of another nation. Tech trades provide fiscal profit to the farmers and affordable Tech to the buyers. We are a peaceful allinace and choose to stay out of most of the troubles that larger alliances attract. Our concern is for the wellbeing and continued growth of our member nations. All members are encouraged to participate and make their voices heard. If this sounds like a place where you would like to spend your time in CN, check us out and apply at http://www.z6.invisionfree.com/NOAH

- NOAH members also have the option of competing in the Ark Premier League, the official football (soccer) league of NOAH. The Ark Premier League is a competitive league hosted on the Xpert Eleven site (xperteleven.com), which is free to all, so it is easy and quick to learn how to compete. Come and join the fun!

Director of the Congregation: Prd777

Director of Foreign Affairs: Nicolet Hax

Director of Internal Proceedings: Spruce Moose

Director of Finance: Philip the Great

Director of Defence: Ragabash

Director of Awesome Silly Walks: Redeye Gui

High Court Justices: Redd Barron, The KOR, Venerable Gypsy Lord

NOAH Wiki Page - http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/NOAH

Edited by Spruce Moose
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NOAH is more than an Alliance, it is a Community! We take care of each other. We also have a GREAT tech trading system. Assistance is given freely whenever needed. Below is what a few NOAH Members have to say about us:

Sense of Community. All of the active people in the alliance are willing to do their part for each other. As needs arise, we healp each other, be it financial or militaristic. - Venerable Gypsy Lord
I like that I feel like you guys are my friends. - PrincessofDenial
At the end of the day this group is almost more of a family than a alliance, we may disagree but we always have each others back.- Ragabash

Some other things people like are:

My nation has develped to where it is today because of the tech trading system as opposed to tech raiding. I am no hippy, but why ruin someone elses good time for the sake of advancement when others are willing to help sponser developement. - Venerable Gypsy Lord
The Ark Premier League is also a great part of NOAH, BTW! - Philip The Great

So if what you see interests you, come on over and check us out!


Edited by Redd Barron
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