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United Earth Defense

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The United Earth Defense is a young and prosperous alliance, that is growing and succeeding more and more everyday. United Earth Defense is a place of freedom, stability, and activeness. UED is young and still has positions open, so join now and take advantage of this opportunity.

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Official Charter of the United Earth Defense

Article I


Sub Article I

The United Earth Defense was founded on June 21st, 2008. The alliance was founded to give the players of Cyber Nations a home, a refuge, and a headquarters. The United Earth Defense exists solely for it's core group of members, and protecting them, and upholding their honor. The UED's (United Earth

Defense) mission is to build and create a formidable alliance within the Cyber-Verse, and to ensure the safety of itself and its members.

Article II

Off Site Forums and Contact

Sub Article I

The UED's offsite Forums and headquarter can be found here: United Earth Defense Forums . Any questions should be directed to the current Grand Admiral or current Council members within power.

Article III

Entrance to the UED

Sub Article I

In order to be granted Entrance within the UED, the player must follow a

brief application, followed here:

Nation Ruler:

Nation Name:

Nation Strength:

Current wars:

Past Alliances:


When you're applying, you must submit the UED Pledge, which is as follows:

I, [Your Nation Ruler Name Here], solemnly swear to uphold the values and honour of the United Earth Defense. I pledge to bear the UED name proudly, and to aid my fellow comrades when they're in need. During wartime, I pledge to give my best, 110%, to end the war in a United Earth Defense victory. I believe in the qualities and purposes of the UED, and I give them my undying loyalty.

When you have applied, set your alliance affiliation to UED Applicant until you are accepted. The acceptation process may take up to, but no more than, 7 days.

Sub-Article II

Team Color and Current Wars for Applicants

The UED is an alliance based within the White & Yellow Sphere. The UED accepts nations of other colors, but it is preferred that you are on the Alliance Color. An applicant having a war, upon submitting their application, The UED will try all diplomatic means possible in order to end the wars, and grant the applicant

admission into The UED. If it is found out that the wars were provoked, the applicant will be denied.

Article IV


The Grand Admiral acts as head of state for the United Earth Defense. The Grand Admiral controls all the aspects of the alliance, along with the ministers, and seeks to stabilize the government, and see that it is just.

Sub Article I

(A) Powers of the Grand Admiral

(1) The Grand Admiral has the right to veto any document that he deems unfit. The United Earth Defense High Council may overrule the GA, by a 4/5 vote.

(2) The Grand Admiral has the final say on whether or not the alliance shall go to war.

(3) The Grand Admiral has the power to appoint ministers as he sees fit, and to relinquish other ministers, if they are deemed unfit. The United Earth Defense High Council may overrule the Admiral's appointed minister, by a 4/5 vote.

(4) In times of Great Emergency, the Grand Admiral can be granted Emergency Powers by The United Earth Defense High Council with a 4/5 vote, where the Grand Admiral assumes control of the alliance as a whole. The Grand Admiral may proceed with acts of war, the signing of treaties, and other actions without approval of The United Earth Defense High Council.

(5) Succession - In the event that the Grand Admiral wishes to resign, the GA may wish to elect a new Grand Admiral. The United Earth Defense High Council meeting will be held, and the Grand Chancellors Appointee, may be vetoed by a majority vote of The United Earth Defense High Council. (3/5)

(6) Impeachment - The Grand Admiral can be impeached by The United Earth Defense High Council, and a vote of 4/5. Other reasons for impeachment is inactiveness for a period of 10 days, without warning beforehand, treason and espionage against other alliances.

Sub Article III


Minister of Defense : The MoD oversees the military branch of the UED, and ensures the continued safety of it. Has control of the Ministry of Defense.

Minister of Finance: Trade & Finance Branch of The UED. The MoF has control over the Ministry of Finances.

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Foreign Relations Branch of UED. The MoFA

is in control of the ambassadors and such. MoFA is in charge of the Ministry

of Foreign Affairs.

Minister of Internal Affairs: Member lists, in-game messages are the chief

jobs of the MoIA, as well as Forum Management. Oversees the Ministry of

Internal Affairs.

Minister of Recruitment: Handles recruiting, masking, advancement of new nations,

and oversees the Ministry of Recruitment.

Sub Article IV:

The United Earth Defense High Council

The United Earth Defense High Council is a group of individuals directly appointed by the Grand Admiral of the United Earth Defense. The United Earth Defense High Council can only contain up to 5 members and advises the Grand Admiral on such occasions as, whether or not the alliance goes to war, or signs treaties. In the end, The Grand Admiral has the final say, but The United Earth Defense High Council may Veto the Grand Admiral's decision, by a 4/5 vote. In the case of The Grand Admiral's absence, the High Council assumes the position of "temporary" leader until The Grand Admiral returns.

Article V

War and Foreign Policy of War

Sub Article I

(1)The UED respects its members, and expects other alliances to do as well, any disrespect on one member, is disrespect against the UED as a whole. Further acts of disrespect, will be followed by diplomacy in order to end the disrespect. If all else fails, drastic measures shall be taken.

(2)Espionage against the UED, is the most foul thing you can do. If you are caught, do not be surprised if war follows. The UED does not support any espionage against itself, or any other alliance.

(3)The UED will try to solve all problems diplomatically, but continual breaking, taking no notice of, or ignoring the above statements, is reason for a declaration of war to follow.

Article VI

Tech Raiding

Sub Article I

The UED sees Tech Raiding as part of the game, but limits how the Tech Raiding

is done.

(A) Rules

(1) Nations wearing an alliance affiliation shall not be attacked unless the said alliance contains 10 members or less. Furthermore, if the said alliance holds a protectorate agreement with any alliance they will NOT be attacked.

(2)If the nation you wish to raid lies under an alliance affiliation other then "none," you must post in the MoD section of the forum asking for permission. The MoD or other govt. official after reviewing the AA, will let you know the course of action you can take. NO EXCEPTIONS.

(3) In case of counterattack you will not expect assistance in your endeavor. You can ask individual members to help, but the government will not get involved. You chose to tech raid, you must suffer the potential consequences.

(4) If the nation requests peace, you must accept. NO questions asked, unless of course the said nation asking for peace has attacked you back repeatedly.

(5) You will not receive aid to rebuild from this war.

(6) You do not use nuclear weapons as a first strike weapon.

(7) Extortion will not be accepted and if caught doing so, will result in a said warn or ban on raiding. This warn/ban is up to the discretion of the Grand Chancellor, MoD, or Council member present when brought the details of your extortion.

(8) Members wearing the alliance affiliation of United Earth Defense are only allowed one tech raid at a time.

(9) As a member of UED, you are UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES allowed to raid nations on the RED TEAM. Doing so will result in a warn and if you continue to do so, you will be banned.

Sub-Article II

Nuclear Information

(1) The UED has a strict No Nuclear Weapon First-Strike policy. If you are attacked with a nuclear weapon, you may retaliate with approval of The United Earth Defense High Council. If the United Earth Defense is in a wartime situation, one nation being attacked with a nuclear weapon is cause for the entire alliance to strike back.

Sub Article III


(1) Breaking any of these rules will result in a warn or ban. Continuous rule breaking will result in a swift and hard punishment be it monetary or complete expulsion.

Article VII


Sub Article I

The United Earth Defense does not condone any sorts of espionage

against another alliance, whether at peace or in war times. The punishment

for nations found doing this is up to decide by The United Earth Defense High Council, with the most severe being expulsion.

Sub Article II

Situations where espionage is found being conducted against the UED,

will at first be tried to solved diplomatically. If that fails, then The United Earth Defense High Council may declare war.

Article VIII

Expulsion from the UED

Sub Article I

The UED may expel a member from the alliance, if it is found disobeying orders from The United Earth Defense High Council, the Ministers, or the Grand Admiral. Other reasons include conducting espionage for, or against, the UED, or by being in another alliance at the time. When presented with a claim that a nation is in another alliance, the UED will look for Credible Information, and The United Earth Defense High Council will make the final Decision.

Article IX

Charter Amendments

Sub Article I

Any Charter Amendments will have to be approved by at least 2/3 of the following bodies.

(1)The Grand Admiral, and at least three Ministers

(2)The United Earth Defense High Council

(3)The Peoples of the UED

Sub Article II

If the charter, for whatever reasons, is deemed unfair. Any UED member is to report it, so that the proper ratifications can be applied, and to repair the charter.

Forum link again, join by applying here


Wiki link coming soon


Edited by Robertraccoon
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