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Join Organization of Liberty!


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Come join Organization of Liberty today! We have alot to offer!


I. Pricinciple:

The Organization of Liberty is a place where nations come, grow, and prosper. We are a peaceful alliance that hopes to grow along in freedom in the Yellow sphere. We are a alliance that does not allow any type of raids of somewhat. Here we hope to help nations gain the expierence and knowledge all nations need to know. We are a higly trained and developed alliance.

II. Government:

Chain of Command:


Secretary of State

Secretary of Defense

Secretary of Labor

Secretary of Treasury

Senate(3 members)

President of Organization of Liberty

The President of The Organization of Liberty is the leader of the alliance. The presidents word supercede all. The president has a right to overight decisions made by the lower level government. The president has the right to remove or take action against a rule breaker in the Alliance. The President will be replaced if they have resigned or is voted in by the Government. Presidents decide the fate of the alliance in times of war. Helps take part in lower government activities.

Secretary of State

Leads the Diplomatic team, who visit other alliances and befriend them. Writes treaties and signs treaties. Must have Presidents approval and signing to create/accept/decline all treaties.

Secretary of Defense

Decides if a nation within the alliance is allowed to attack another nation. The Secretary of Defense will make target list in times of war and inform the alliance of the current defense situations at the time. Works with the Secretary of Labor to decide if an enemy nation is worthy of the "ZI/reps List". Checks out Nations regularly to make sure they arent in wars, using nukes, spying or have any of the such being used on them.

Secretary of Labor The secretary of labor decides wether or not you can aid with a nation outside of the alliance. Handles new member applications and can change/veto laws. If the President is absent, can make emergency decisions. Also works with the Secretary of Defense to decide if an enemy nation is worthy of "ZI/reps List"

Secretary of Treasury

Controls the flow of money/tech/donation deals in the alliance. Works with the Secretary of Defense in times of War to decide where aid needs to go. Controls Aid Chains and the Aid Programs in effect.


3 total senators. Decides the fate of rule breakers in Organization of Liberty. Vote on New laws made by President.

All government members work together to better the alliance and help all members with problems, suggestions, or complaints. The government is to not be mistreated.

Written by: President State of Cameron

Link: http://z9.invisionfree.com/OoL/index.php?act=idx

Edited by State of Cameron
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