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Struggling nation seeking to join an alliance!

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I am a new nation, somewhat plummetting. My government was secular and Federal, but the people were upset with land Shortages nad low income. Thus, I succumbed to becoming a capatalist Islamic nation to allow myself continued public support. However, I still have a weak military and a poor economy. I need to get on a faster track to achieving my country's goals. I am looking for an alliance that offers:

A) Help getting my nation started (economically, so I can get to a better status)

B) Military protection (from allies, until I can defend myself)

C) Strong trade options

D) Will help pull me out of this rutt im in.

Come send me alliance offers, as I am very open.

Edited by Roy Tzarkozi
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Come join the CIS

A) The CIS offers you lots of start-up aid, in packages of 3mil, as long as you're active on the forums.

B) We have 200 nations, and can garauntee that you'll be protected, also our average Nation Strength is well above most other alliances.

C) We're parto f the Dark Confederate Pact, consisting of 465+ members. There's a pretty good chance that we can get you your trades.

D) I will personally coach you and get your nation back on track if you join.

Our forums are at http://www.theconfederacy-cn.com/forums/index.php?act=idx. Please register and apply there. We're a black alliance, but switching is not mandatory, just recommended. Good luck finding your perfect alliance!

EDIT: DCP is 465+ members.

Edited by Lord Simus X
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join the NFL we are an alliance of 50 members under the protection of the NPO, the strongest alliance in the game.

we also offer a share the wealth program to grow our members past 10k nation strength PLUS we give 3 mil on joining. So come check us out at nflalliance.co.cc

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Btw CIS offers you much more than the 3mil Macedonia offers you if you're active. I myself have gotten almost 20mil from this amazing program :D

If you don't like us, you could always try the MCXA, IRON, or ODN. If you're looking to go smaller, try Obsidian.

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Btw CIS offers you much more than the 3mil Macedonia offers you if you're active. I myself have gotten almost 20mil from this amazing program :D

If you don't like us, you could always try the MCXA, IRON, or ODN. If you're looking to go smaller, try Obsidian.

Thanks CIS! ^_^

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