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Attention all Wizards, Witches, Muggles, Mudbloods, and Mythical Creatures of CN

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You've heard it here first, folks! Straight from the Daily Prophet (the Wizarding World's #1 newspaper)! Or maybe you first heard it through one of the billion recruitment messages we've sent out via owls (although some seem to get rather lost...) but a new alliance of epic proportions has been borne from the ashes of chaos and awesomeness. Just like rent prices and global inflation, the Dark Lord shall rise again! 

We, the Death Eaters, are a small but mighty alliance looking to share our magic, memes,  and fun times with the rest of the muggle world! We have an amazing protectorate agreement with the even more amazing KoRT 🥰❤ and positive relations with several other alliances!

Looking for a fun group to hang out with, get help growing your nation, and eat cupcakes while making evil plans? 😈 Death Eaters is the alliance for YOU!!


He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named (but I'll name anyway-- Felix Malfoy 😁) would like to cordially invite you to check out our wicked awesome discord server! 



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