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A Global Announcement


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"Hey amigo how's it going!" Governor Anthony Sparks gave the mayor of Houston a big hug and patted him on the back. The mayor chuckled and patted Anthony on the back. "It's good to see your governor. How long are you going to be in town? We have a dinner in a few days in Galveston if you're interested." The governor shrugged and sipped on a glass of water. Both of the men were inside Houston City Hall, relaxing in the mayor' office. They hadn't been drinking, but they had a buzz from each other's company. Governor Sparks was good friends with Mayor Bonin, even though he was a Democrat. 


They kept mostly to casual talk but discussed the finer points of State politics and what was going on in Missouri. "Now tell me, governor, does the Federated government really have the authority the dissolve a police force in a municipality? Could they do that here in Houston?" It was a touchy subject to say the least. The governor had heard rumors that the Governor of Missouri was angry about the entire situation, especially because the State did not have much oversight. "If a Federated judge rules that such an action should be taken, then it can be done. If such action was taken I do not know. But I think greater cooperation should have been made with the State government." 


"Well governor, what would you do if something like that happened here, in Texas?" Anthony nodded and thought for a moment, "I am the governor here, I govern this State, it is my duty. I do not need others to do it for me. But, if such an action was justified then I do not see why I would oppose it. I think that my friendship with the Vice President would stop the President from taking such harsh action here, but that still means it could be done. I know that the Nationalist Party has had a field day with this. I hope that they don't win more seats in the next election. God knows what we would do if they managed to take control of the House of Representatives. God knows." 


A Texas Ranger entered the room with his cowboy hat in hand. "Governor, I apologize for interrupting but I was told to deliver this letter to you. It's from the MD Anderson hospital here in Houston. They said it was life or death." He took the letter from the Texas Ranger who patiently waited beside his commander-in-chief. The governor's glass of water shattered on the ground. He stood up and reread the letter to make sure he didn't misinterpret anything. "Tell them to prepare the motorcade. I also need a secure line to the president." Sparks looked at the mayor, "Put on a good tie, we're about to have a press conference." 




"Yes Mister President, I just wanted to make sure you knew before we went on the air. I'd like you to be here, but my morals wont let me keep this from the public any longer... Yes... Thank you sir, I hope I'll see you or the Vice President soon.... Good bye sir." 


"Governor Sparks, we're ready. The national channels are all set up. Do you want to make another delay or send out the final warning?" Anthony stepped out of his limousine and dusted off his jacket. "I've kept them waiting long enough. Give the two minute warning." Anthony entered the back entrance of the hospital and was quickly followed by a barrage of doctors and physicians. They heard rumors but weren't sure - something big had happened for the governor to come to the hospital unannounced.


"-and so it is my honor to present to you the Governor of The State of Texas." A small crowd assembled outside watched Sparks, a few Texas Rangers, and dozens of doctors cruise out of the hospital. "Thank you Mister Mayor. Fellow Texans, Americans, and citizens of the world. I have an unbelievable but undeniable truth that is going to shake the very foundation of medicine and our society. Two doctors here at MD Anderson, Doctor Ronald Smith and Doctor Marcus Clock, have discovered what they have described as a 'universal cure to cancer.'" The crowd erupted into an excited, almost violent scream. The doctors behind Anthony at first stood silent. They looked at each other with disbelief. Many of them had dedicated their entire lives to cancer research or treating infected patients. And now, there was a cure to one of the most fatal ailments on the planet. 


"Doctors Smith and Clock have turned down the opportunity to patent the cure, stating that it would save millions if not billions more if it were just a little more cheaper. I will have the Texas Department of Health and Human services begin distributing the cure, which has been through several stages of tests, once its human tests which have already begun are confirmed as 100% success. Trials in monkies, mice, and other creatures were a success.  The researches here at MD Anderson tell me we can begin distributing within a three weeks. Until then, we will be building our inventory of the cure. I have asked assistance from the Federated government to fund this project and its resources to help distribute the drug to the rest of the country. The cure will be made public after the trial testing is done, so that the rest of the world can start curing their own people. I will give another address from the Governor's Mansion this weekend, but until then I want to say again, a cure to cancer has been found. God Bless the doctors here at MD Anderson, God Bless the State of Texas, and God Bless The Plains Federation. Enjoy your afternoon." 

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