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I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes


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It hadn't been an easy journey, he surmised to himself as he walked through the double sliding doors of the Torre Latinoamericana Building, located in Mexico City's city center, flashing his ID card to the heavily-armed guards that flanked the entrance.

Striding across the spacious lobby, he scarcely noted the cheerful greetings from the front-desk receptionist as he made his way toward the elevators. As he stepped into the elevator and pushed the floor button that would take him to his destination, he mulled over the difficulties that he and his associates have had to face in the past several years.

Difficulties associated with establishing, or more like relocating, a media corporation in Mexico.

Jose Julian ("J.J.") Acosta was not one to back down from a challenge. Such an attitude had served him well throughout his life, and it wasn't for nothing that he became a successful CEO of his TV company in Cuba. When he set up shop in the former Sovereign Republic of Havana, Acosta seized what he perceived a golden opportunity to establish a media empire and to recreate the world in his image. It wasn't difficult to find, and develop relations with, like-minded associates who shared similiar visions. Years later, Acosta took the initiative to establish MediaCorp, a media conglomerate based on the famous (or infamous, depending on who one asked) Pravus Ingruoian corporation.

As he watched the number of floors ascend, Acosta lamented the fact the rather abrupt collapse of Havana had dealt a considerable blow to his plans, but as far as he was concerned, these were only temporary obstacles to be overcome.

Or so as he thought.

The obstacles in relocating a corporation to Mexico were...considerable, to put it lightly. Transferring MediaCorp's assets were not easy, considering the level of violence that had swept the streets of Havana, and Acosta himself nearly came under attack by militant groups (he thanked his driver for his fast thinking, driving skills, and daring that helped him get to his destination, a private airfield). But pull it off he and his associates did.

This was the easy part.

Upon arriving in Mexico City (but not without delays), Acosta had to comply with a multitude of immigration regulations, which was remarkable given that Mexico had barely begun transitioning from a protectorate to an independent country. After yet more delays--

Acosta blinked out of his thoughts as the elevator came to a stop with a ding. Leaving the elevator, he nodded at the guards as he entered the large conference room.

Scanning the room, he smiled as he saw several individuals sitting around a large rectangular table. They looked up at him as he approached toward them.

"Good evening, gentlemen. Glad to see you all here, and on such a short notice."

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