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A Grand Old Time


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[size=5][b][u]White House, Washington D.C.[/u][/b][/size]
[b]Daily Executive Briefing; Oval Office[/b]
The morning briefing began like any other with President Bronson meeting with the heads of the major cabinet departments as well as military advisers present with the national security adviser opening with a summary of noticeable developments within the Commonwealth and around the world. Going down the list there was an overview of the war underway in Africa and some light hearted banter about a nation who’s leader was an apparently avid Harry Potter fan as well as the usual boring economic overview that seemed to drag on forever to the President. After about half an hour, a bit longer than usual, the national security adviser was finished and sat down.

With the normal stuff out of the way they would move on to more specific pressing developments, the first issue being addressed by Leslie Torrez, the head of the FBI. “Mr. President, I’m sure your political advisers have pointed out the trend in this upcoming election of greater support for both far right and left parties. Investigations by the FBI have uncovered some disturbing activities with some of these groups like the stockpiling of weapons and ammunition and the creation of training camps. While none of these acts are inherently illegal in themselves, they are still worrisome and a sign of the creation of politically leaning paramilitary groups. Most of the weapons they have are legal purchases but a raid by police near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania uncovered a stash of light machine guns and several dozen RPGs. We’ve been trying to piece together how they’re getting military grade weapons but so far we haven’t had any major breakthroughs”.

“If I may Mr. President?” interjected General Morgan, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. “I’ve received a compiled report from an joint investigation between the DoD Inspector General’s Office and the GAO regarding the activities of the Republican Guard. The report details issues in the recruitment and training of the unit. Almost all officers in the Guard are political appointees with little to no leadership experience. The rank and file troops themselves are usually politically inclined to join. While they are receiving the necessary training required of a combat unit, most training time is devoted to so called ‘integrity programs’. I must say that it is exceedingly dangerous to have what amounts to a brigade sized paramilitary unit with somewhat questionable values composing a major portion of the capitol’s security”.

“Look Alex” said the President. “I understand your concern and I agree with you completely. The problem is that the existence of the Republican Guard has been written into law by Congress and I don’t have enough political support in either the House or the Senate to get rid of it without facing retaliation from the Republican Party and I need their support for several critical issues that are coming up. If I’m still president after this election I’ll see what I can do but that still depends on whether or not congress gets changed up or not as well. By the way, how exactly does this tie into Les’s report?” he asked.

“Well I was getting to that sir” responded the General. “In that same report they uncovered some discrepancies in weapons and equipment stores. Hundreds, maybe even thousands, of weapons and a considerable amount of ammunition have up and vanished without a trace. Hell, there are even rumors that they're missing a few tanks. I checked up on the weapons recovered in that raid Les mentioned and while the RPGs aren’t ours, since we don’t use those, the light machine guns and ammunition matched a missing weapons shipment for the Guard. Either someone in the Guard is very careless about handling its equipment or somebody found a way to make some money on the side. Whatever the reason it can't be good. The worst thing is we can't do much about it because they're operating under the status of Legislative Privilege that was bestowed upon them during their formation. My investigators barely managed to get this information and even so I can't do anything about it because the Department of Defense has zero jurisdiction over them”.

“Alex, are you telling me that the Republican Guard is involved in the illegal sale of military equipment?” asked the president. “I’m honestly not sure Mr. President” responded the General. “I do think we’d all rest easier if we had a definitive answer though so with your permission sir, I’d like to conduct a more thorough investigation alongside the FBI”. The president mulled it over a little before responding in a much more serious demeanor that he usually had. “General Morgan. Director Torrez. You will initiate a joint investigation into the matter with the full backing and authority of the presidency. This is a priority issue and I want it completely resolved as soon as possible”. “Yes Mr. President” said the general as he came to attention, saluted, and exited the room with Director Torrez. President Bronson was still in deep thought over the matter until the Secretary of the Treasury produced an overstuffed binder that looked as if it were a foot thick, to which the president let out an exasperated sigh as the briefing moved on to the budget review.

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