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Seeking financial aid.


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As I was recently attacked unprovoked by Ecifi, I cannot pay my bills as he has critically damaged my economy. I request for bail out money to get myself back to where I was, I could also give you 50 tech if you give me some money.

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The cause for war appears to be that you were "ghosting" Anarchy Inc. This means that you have joined an alliance without asking permission, and then started wars under the banner of "Anarchy Inc." If this is true, then I am afraid your war-mongering has brought this catastrophe upon your nation's suffering people. You will remain in devastation until you change your alliance to "none", to an alliance that wants you, or until you create your own alliance. It will also help if you change your national religion to Christianity, as the Cross of Christ protects those who trust in its life-giving powers.

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Requests for foreign aid must be made [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=47"]here[/url]. If you are attempting to offer a tech deal, you must post in the [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showforum=62"]Black Market[/url]. Please read all stickied topics before posting.

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