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The Republic of Bohovia Reborn!


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It was a bright and sunny Thursday afternoon, in the newly established Bohovian capital of LePage. Heavy construction was and still is underway since Bohovia was re-granted official state status. The Presidential Palace had just finished construction after months of construction by over 2000 construction workers 24 hours, 7 days a week. Completion of the palace would allow President Aruj Sampson to address the people. The rest of the capital looked and sounded the same...high rise buildings being built, foundations being placed in the downtown core, where in the next months a cluster of skyscrapers were to begin being built. All in all the case was the same all over the country, in all major cities, to towns...it was loud, busy and hectic as workers worked fevioursly to quickly build Bohovian infrastructure.

The President granted a brief break for all workers and citizens in order to listen to on TV, or attend his announcement at the newly built palace.

====Later that day====

[u]President Aruj Sampson steps up onto the podium, where over 50,000 Bohovians gathered to listien to his speech, waving Bohovian flags.[/u]

The President clears his throat and begins his speech,

"Citizens, workers, mothers, daughters, fathers and son's. Today we gather, to celebrate the rebirth of our great nation. In 2009 we were attacked by anarchists, and our nation collapsed. Many thought that Bohovia would never exist again, many thought our people were weak, and could not re-establish a nation. Despite this, over two years later, I stand here today--we stand here today, and proudly can say that we have done what others have said was impossible!

[u]Crowd cheers as thousands of Bohovian flags wave in the huge crowd's[/u]

"Before, I continue, I ask that you all remove your hats and stand for an anthem you have not heard in over two years...I ask you stand for the playing of the Bohovian national anthem!"

[i]Crowd Cheers, and proceeds to remove their hats and some that were sitting on the ground, rise[/i]

LINK TO THE NATIONAL ANTHEM (IT HELPS THE STORY IF YOU LISTEN TO IT): [b][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cS-g0Z7U3Ew"]Bohovian National Anthem LINK[/url][/b]

[i]The anthem ends to thunderous cheering and waving of the Bohovian flags[/i]

"Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen. We are able to play and sing our national anthem once again, because of our peoples resilience and will to never give up. We can stand tall and when someone asks us where we are from we can proudly say, we are from The REPUBLIC of Bohovia!"

[i]Crowd Cheers [/i]

"As we speak hundreds of planes are flying into LePage airport, carrying thousands of Bohovian citizens wanting to come to their homeland, these people, including everyone that has come back to Bohovia (300,000 so far) are the reason me and my party made SURE that Bohovia was once again on the world map and after years of hard work, here we are today! Were not nearly done construction as you can see and hear. The construction men and women continue to work diligently to rebuild our major cities and towns. The noise of heavy construction throughout the nation, will be heard across the land for the next half a year, while the financial district and housing here in LePage is continuing to be built, or while skyscrapers are being built in Bearlym and Toronto. But this noise, will not be louder then our spirit and nationalism. We are not perfect yet, but I guarantee you, when the construction is done on all the cities and towns, we WILL once again be the Bohovia you all know and loved, and love even more today!

[i]Crowd roars in applause[/i]

Folks! This is it, all our work is coming together. We have accomplished our mission, we are building a new nation, a new Bohovia! And I know, that the sound of construction for the next months, will not make you question why you moved back, but it will make you be proud, that with every knock of the hammers, or welding of steel, that we are one step closer to completing the rebuilding of our glorious nation. Thank you.

[i]Crowd roars and cheers and Bohovian flags wave. The President is quickly escorted back in the palace[/i]


[size="6"]The Presidential Palace:[/size]

[img]http://www.essential-architecture.com/TYPE/Palace(4).jpg [/img]

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