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A Change in Management

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Commonwealth Air Force One was designed and built just like the renowned Air Force when from the days of the United States and was used for the exact purpose. The heavily modified 747 had one purpose, to transport the President of the American Commonwealth to any necessary destination safely and in comfort. President Bronson was in his suite near the front of the aircraft going over some paperwork as he was returning from a quick trip from Pennsylvania visiting a senator to secure support for an important bill.

The rear of the aircraft contained the passenger deck which had restricted access to the rest of the plane. Below this was the cargo deck which contained the luggage of the passengers as well as numerous miscellaneous items. In addition to the luggage there were several large steel crates which were unmarked last minute additions. Secret Service Agent Frank Dobson was the newest, and youngest at 26, agent assigned to the presidential detail. As the newbie his patrol rounds on the aircraft were in the most boring and least desirable areas, the cargo hold being one of them. Not like there's gonna be much to patrol for he thought to himself. As he rounded the corner he stopped as he heard a rustling noise coming from one of the crates. He slowly approached it thinking this might be a prank by the other agents on the new guy. Suddenly the box began to jerk around and it seemed like something was inside the container. Agent Dobson raised his mike about to report this in when he heard footsteps behind him. That was the last thing he heard as the round of a silenced 9mm pistol entered the back of his head and he slumped forward dead on the floor.

"Sorry kid, nothing personal" said Secret Service Agent Walter Peters as he put away his weapon and approached the crate. Too bad, he liked the guy too, but his gambling debts weren't gonna pay themselves, nor would his ex who took pretty much everything else with her. He entered an access code in a hidden panel on the container and one of the sides opened. Four men in full tactical gear and weapons stumbled out of the container. "Goddammit you idiots you could have blown the whole op" Peters said angrily as the men collected themselves. Suddenly he heard his earpiece start talking "Agent Dobson check in, repeat Dobson check in. You keyed your mike but didn't follow up. What's your status over?" "Ok you guys get this started in five minutes, I'm headed back up to run interference on this". As Peters left the four men went to the other containers and opened them as well. A total of 16 heavily armed mercenaries was assembled in the cargo bay ready to begin their mission.

Upstairs Agent Peters was in the security control station explaining that Dobson's mike broke and that he'd take a replacement down to him. As the tech guy left to grab a new mike set Peters reached into a nearby cupboard and opened a small briefcase. It contained a small bomb and he was supposed to plant it in the security station to kill as many agents as possible in preparation for the upcoming assault. He hesitated, he felt a little bad about killing Dobson and there were men here he had known for years. Dobson may have been easier since Peters didn't really know him that well, these men were his friends. He knew their families. No, if those idiots down there were as macho as they always bragged they were they wouldn't need this. He deactivated it and put it back planning to collect it later. He'd just tell them it failed to work or something.

Down below the 16 assassins had been waiting for 5 minutes. "Maybe he ratted us out?" one suggested. "If he'd have done that we'd be swarmed by security. He may not have been able to accomplish the task. Either way we move now. Let's Go" said the leader of the group.

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