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Join The Dope Lords

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"We are tired of the pointless 'Drug War' waged by America and her followers. We are tired of the racial discrimination and we are tired of the injustice throughout the world."
- The Great Big Worm

I am The Great Big Worm,Dope King of The Dope Lords. I am recruiting for the old alliance of The Dope Lords. We were founded on august 29th 2008. However during the glory days my nation was deleted by accident. It took me until three days ago to get back online. When I got back online President Jesus informed me that the the nuclear war in 2008 almost completely wiped out The Dope Lords, yesterday he just vanished. Now I am the only one in the alliance. This was our horrible past, but let me inform you on our present by showing you our charter:
Our mission is to stop the 'drug war' and exterminate racial discrimination and injustice. Our members must be able to live by this code and protect our inner secrets. However our biggest mission is to promote world peace. And even though our members promote world peace there military must be strong and must not be afraid to take the offensive.
Our Expected Behavior
Our members are excpected to show physical and mental restraint when it comes to war. Our members may not declare war unto another nation unless the defending nation has conducted spy operations against the attacking nation. And NO member nation will declare war unto another member nation UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES unless permitted by the Dope King. And Nuclear War is not permitted unless the enemy has launched a nuke or our entire alliance is engaged in a war.
Our Government
Section A, The Royal Branch: The Royal Branch consists of the the Dope King, The Dope Prince, and the Head General of the Council of 4. The Royal Branch has the power to propose treaties with other alliances, pass, write,veto laws, and appoint ministers and justices. and has the power to declare Nuclear War.
Section B, The Legislative Branch: The Legislative Branch consists of the Council of 4, the economists, and the Senators. The Legislative Branch has the power to declare Non-Nuclear war, launch small spy opps, ratify treaties, make, pass, and write laws.
Section C, The Judicial Branch: The Judicial Branch consists of the 6 Supreme Court Justices. They have the power to try members on their crimes,decide punishments, appoint ministers,declare enemies of the alliance, and expel members.
Section D, The Ministries: The Ministries consists of the Ministry of Defense, Economics, Politics, Internal Affairs, and External Affairs. The ministry's powers are self explanatory.
Please join our alliance ad help me restore her to her former glory.

Edited by The Great Big Worm
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