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República Federativa do Pará


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Federal Hierarchy of Amazonia


Formerly Federative Republic of Pará




Government Type: Unitary/federal hierarchy

Premier: Isabel Moraes Vieira


Executor: Alex Valverde

Tribune of Viziers - to be updated-


Population: 41,240,000

Capital: Amazônia

Official Language: Brazilian Portuguese

Recognised Languages: Spanish

Demonym: Federal/Amazonian

Currency: Brazilian real

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Paráense Characters/dotCom's Characters

Isabel Moraes Vieira

Titles/Nicknames: Isabel Vieira holds no official title besides 'Premier', and in general is addressed not as 'Mrs Vieira' (she utterly detests being referred to as such-- it seems so very... unauthoritative) or 'Mrs Premier'; by most regards her official title is simply 'Premier Vieira'. Friends and colleagues who worked with her extensively during the independence movement know her by the nickname Izzie. She also bears the nickname 'Amazon Wolf' for her brutal but effective use of guerrilla warfare in the Amazon rainforest during the Holy American Civil War, because people like to give retarded nicknames.

Age: Isabel comes in at exactly fifty years of age... okay, so she ain't exactly livin' the glory days anymore. She's clearly not interested in lettin' age be an obstacle to her, though: as they say, once a marine, always a marine, and Izzie hasn't actually diverged from the notoriously punishing work out and physical fitness regimens of the Holy American Imperial Marine Corps since she first enlisted, and as a result, she's still in pretty damn good shape. However, it doesn't stop the lines emerging in the defiant structure of her face around her mouth and eyes, nor the emergent speckles of grey amidst the faded black of her hair.



Isabel Vieira was always an extremely imposing specimen-- she has been acutely aware of her intimidating stature her entire life, and was always prone to using it to strong-arm her way through opposition, back when she was a delinquent fighting on the streets of the capital of a decaying empire, all the way through her days as a marine. Nowadays she prefers to pursue her goals through... well, one is hard-pressed to say manipulation, as that implies self-serving-- she opts for subtler, more intelligent means of control rather than defaulting to bullying. That said, even at fifty, she maintains quite an impressive stature: she stands at six feet and seven inches, with a well-built, muscular body, tempered over more than thirty years of punishing strength training, stubbornly resisting the inevitability of age.


The tawny brown canvas of her skin is a gruesomely intricate portrait, such that the tawny brown is hardly even visible anymore. Scars, tattoos, even a couple of birthmarks-- all tell the tale of her life, from the jagged knife scars she received years back running amongst gangs and street fighters in Foundation, to the remnants of bullet wounds she endured throughout her years of combat service. 








Francisco Vara

Titles/Nicknames: His full title is Chief of Military Staff and Director of Defence Affairs General Francisco Vara. Or, y'know, just General Vara works. He's so used to being referred to as General Vara it's just about his first name by now.

Age: Vara is sixty one years old, and though mentally he remains as sharp as ever, it's clear it's been a long time since the general was in his prime. Every one of those sixty one years is etched into his weary and deteriorating physical form.

Appearance: There was a time when Vara was a fit and robust man, but it's been many years since those days and today at sixty one the only evidence of that is in old photographs. These days, General Vara isn't in particularly tip top physical shape; he's gone soft around the edges, developed something of a potbelly, and at 5'11 was never altogether imposing in the first place. He doesn't exactly exude the aire of a staunch and tough military commander either, with a pair of small round glasses resting on his pointed nose and the stray, haphazard white stubble that just never seems absent from his jawline.

Make no mistake, however--just by looking at Vara you understand that though his physical prime is long past, he's still as sharp as a knife. Behind the reflective surface of his glasses his cunning eyes glint with the honed eye of an immaculate fox--a fox whose adroit senses fail to let even the most minute of details and potential factors slip his notice. Concealed safely beneath the ever-present peaked cap perched on his small head can be found balding grey hairs, combed attentively to the side each and every day; in fact, Vara has quite a reputation for being utterly immaculate in his appearance, whether it be his uniform, his cap, or his personal hygiene, as many of his old comrades from the civil war will attest that not even the brutality of the war would stop Vara from taking a few moments each day to ensure his appearance was worthy of his uniform and his uniform was worthy of serving the cause he served.

Personality: Vara is a military man through and through--if he weren't married already he'd probably have tried to marry war, and though Pará has long since legalised same-sex marriage they haven't quite gotten around to securing the right to marry a concept. He's a very down-to-earth type--serious, sometimes overtly serious, and constantly sombre as though he just got news yesterday that his grandmother had died--every damn day. He's had it pointed out to him again and again, and he's been told that the seriousness of his military career aside even a general has got to take some joy in life sometimes, but after a lifetime of solemnity and resolute austerity that would bore a corpse to death, Vara probably couldn't be less uptight if he tried. He's just too used to it by this point.

Formal in all respects (some people legitimately wonder if he calls even his wife by her first name or if he just calls her 'Mrs Vara') and practically going to bed dressed in his full uniform complete with medals and peaked cap, Vara's no-nonsense mannerisms should not, however, be mistaken for a feeble mind. Vara's reputation as Pará's foremost military commander is well earned, and he proved that in his service with the Holy American Empire and, later, the civil war and the Lunar Republic. Unlike Vieira, who specialised in guerrilla warfare, Vara has proven to be more than proficient no matter where the battlefield is--amidst thick rainforests, across flat plains and in the brutal nature of urban warfare, Vara adapts well to nearly any terrain and is undaunted by unfamiliar settings and otherwise hopeless situations. /to be finished at a later point

History: /to be finished at a later point

Alejandra Valverde

Titles/Nicknames: As a recently promoted officer in the Paráense Marine Forces Special Operations Regiment, she is known as Captain Alejandra Valverde, commanding officer of the 2d Company. Among friends (what few she maintains), she is known more colloquially as simply 'Alex'.

Age: At thirty two, Alex is quite well within her physical prime, having taken good care to keep her body in peak physical condition from youth. Doesn't really make her look any younger--or maybe that's just her crass attitude showing through--but since when has that been a concern?


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