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Michael the Squirrel

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Posts posted by Michael the Squirrel

  1. Friendliest Alliance

    Viridian Entente

    Most Hostile Alliance

    New Pacific Order

    Best Military

    Independent Republic of Orange Nations

    Best Propaganda Staff

    Vox Populi

    Best Alliance Growth (Jan 1st - Present)

    New Polar Order

    Most Honorable Alliance

    Viridian Entente

    Most Active Alliance

    Mushroom Kingdom

    Best Flag

    Democratic Republic of Argonaut

    Best War Flag

    Poison Clan

    Best Forums

    Viridian Entente

    Most entertaining IRC Channel


    Most Powerful Alliance

    Viridian Entente

    Alliance of the Year

    Viridian Entente

    Alliance most likely to succeed in 2010

    New Polar Order

    Best Alliance Leader


    Player most likely to achieve greatness in 2010


    Best CN Meme


    Funniest Event

    Mass cancellation on NPO/ Entrance of Continuum Alliances during the Karma War

    Biggest Controversy

    Mass cancellation on NPO/ Entrance of Continuum Alliances during the Karma War

  2. lol basically we hit GDA as part of the anti wolf campaign, those wars ended and WAPA and kiwis were protecting them, they protecting attacks came to early partly as a result of our neglect in posting a DoW, so for any wapa or kiwi nation that has attacked RD, 1 rd nation is permitted to attack them, do those attacks, 1 days worth, and offer peace. Meanwhile we have granted peace to gda and all gda nations.

  3. GDA was placed under WAPA and flying kiwi protection as a result of our peace agreement. They attacked as a result of that protection. Considering there was no official DoW for your attack, I assumed you were taking advantage of our alliance being weakened. I apologize if I was mistaken.

    we did not get an official dow up but it was part of the anti wolf campaign, as fark or uja will tell you we have been in this from the beginning. As for the wapa and kiwi attacks, we are considering them rouge and open for retaliation for the following reasons, 1 RD gov received no message about your protection, and two they came the same day you peaced, which is way too soon, you need to allow time for people to see you have peaced.

    we will allow RD to have one day of attacks on those that have attacked us, i think that is fair, eye for and eye, and after attacks offer peace.

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