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Posts posted by Gorandius1256

  1. [quote name='Cynic' timestamp='1285804057' post='2468940']
    The only way that I could change anything out without wrecking the circle completely would be water and even then it would cost the circle the Beer resource and the extra population happiness income that comes with it. I'll consider it only if all other participants agree to that kind of switch and only then after a signifigant amount of time has passed and the circle seems likely not to be completed without such a switch...

    The problem with swapping out water (the only available swappable resource) for your furs is that we would get a $3.50 income boost but at the cost of 4.5 population happiness (about $6.75 income) so as you can see it would not be beneficial...

    Okay, I understand, Good luck you guys!

  2. Pencil me in for Sugar and Marble.

    Gorandius1256 of Elkistan

    Link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=143308

    I also Second Hendrik's Request for Uranium. btw, what color is this circle?

    EDIT: Never mind, I see we decide by vote (I'm still in though)

  3. Is it possible to switch one of the other trades for for Uranium?

    Nation link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=143308
    Nation Ruler name: Gorandius1256
    Nation Resource 1: Marble
    Nation Resource 2: Sugar

    Note: I am currently on the green team, once the circle is complete, I will switch.

  4. [quote][b][size="5"][color="#006400"][center]The Omniscient Empire of Green


    The Omniscient Empire of Green is a new alliance based around mutual cooperation and good fellowship. We off our members a great deal of aid to assist in rapid nation growth, a strong military tradition to help protect itself from raiders as well as protection from a top 40 alliance, iFOK. We offer many tech dealing and aid programs to expedite the growth of new nations. We also provide top-of-the-line spamming opportunities for both members and diplomatic envoys. The Omniscient Empire of Green also supports diplomatic endeavors by providing a strong Diplomatic Corps. Our Internal Affairs department is well run providing for tech dealing and aid in nation growth.

    [b]Benefits to New Members:[/b]

    [*] Tech Buying and Tech Selling Programs
    [*] National Growth Aid
    [*] Many positions for Active members
    [*] A fun Spamming Community
    [*] The Omniscient Report, a News service for those who do not wish to sift through countless threads on the CN forums

    [b]Current Leadership[/b]


    [*] Emperor and Minister of Foreign Affairs: [i]Darth Blitzer of [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=124202"]Lukehar Republic[/url][/i]
    [*] Minister of Internal Affairs: [i]KINGkrath of [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=379767"]Astrolog[/url][/i]
    [*] Secretary of War and Minister of Silly Walks: [i]Gorandius1256 of [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=143308"]Elkistan[/url][/i]
    Other Positions:

    [*] Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs: King Jordan of [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=319340"]Bezservinn[/url]
    [*] Minister of Spam: Zolgar of [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=313134"]Zebedee[/url]


    [*]Signatory of the United Jungle Accord
    [*]Protectorate with iFOK

    [b]Additional Information:[/b]

    Forums: http://empireofgreen.ipbfree.com/index.php?act=idx
    Wiki Page: http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Omniscient_Empire_of_Green
    IRC Channel: #cn-oeg on Coldfront[/quote]

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