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Posts posted by gacoperz

  1. They are not getting out of this....

    The bigger is their sacrifice. The bigger is our gratitude. The bigger was our "WTF! Are you guys crazy?! Don't get involved ffs." When TDSM8 proposed to fight along our side.

    They didn't do this just because we are allies. They were determined to do it regardless of that MDP. Even should we cancel it, they refused to accept that and were determined to go in anyhow.

    They knew us Bapsters very well. And they decided that our cause though lost due to overwhelming odds is worth fighting.

    Up to that day we were allies. Up to that day we were friends.

    Since then we became brothers.

    The bonds of brotherhood are the strongest that exist. Something that most of our attackers never experienced and that they do not understand. Because in their own machiavellic worlds such values are non existant, worthless, are only a layer of hipocrisy used to achieve goals.

    We are overwhelmed.

    We will be destroyed.


    We will not sell our brothers.

    We will not leave them bleeding on the battle field.

    We will take this fight to the last man.

    We will not be defeated.

  2. There is no real loss. Our nations are nothing but bunch of bits on somebody's computer. This is a game, just a game. Nothing will change that.

    But games are played by real people. And signed treaties are worth as much as the word of person who signed it. TDSM8 decided to go with their obligations even after we asked them not to, therefore relieving them of their responsability and returning their word. But TDSM8 were decided.

    In a game where people have more consideration for their nations than their word this is an act of utmost bravery and honor. The game is just a game, but the players are real people. Their actions speak for them.

    Thank you TDSM8. We will meet in the afterlife.


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