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Posts posted by GriT

  1. CoJ looks like a dog left out in the rain what with all the attention schatts devoting to the rest of the cyberverse.

    Hey, any of you CoJ people ever want to join another alliance, ODN or not, there's always doors open. You won't be neglected over petty issues like your current egos-in-charge do.

  2. I dunno what all this honor crud is about. If anything NPO takes the cake in that department. Yes, they are arrogant, they've admit it themselves on multiple occasions. From the eyes of the middleclass, NPOers, you seem to believe it is your obligation to throw it in our face because you were so severely victimized in your earlier days. A person is on the streets, he builds a way out, with his own two hands and works his way to the top as "The Man". Does he wipe it in everyones faces and shove others in the same heep he was in? Theres a clear difference in confidence and arrogance.

    Honorable, they are, to each other..and thats all that counts

    Humble, not so much

    Ya guys just need some tweaking in the vanity department

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