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King Persia

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Posts posted by King Persia

  1. ir-lgflag.gif

    Persian Ministry of Defense

    By Imperial Decree of Shah Ebrahim Afshar I, the Imperial forces of the Republic of Persia have begun launching military attacks against the forces of the former extremist Islamic government, lead by Supreme Ayatollah Hamza Ali. His forces have sought refuge in the mountainous area, North East of Tehran. However, with joint military cooperation between Rebel Army, and the Republic of Persia; his forces will be driven out; and he and his lowly scum shall face the consequences of their wrongs. The Republic of Persia is still waiting for a response from "New Tehran" regarding their claim of having apprehended the Supreme Ayatollah.


    Persian forces entering the mountainous region of Al Shambas.


    The Imperial Persian Air force has begun launching simple military bombings of the Rebel held areas.

    The Republic of Persia shall accept any foreign assitance in crushing this Rebel force. Due to past wars, the Imperial armed forces are humble to say the least; and can not take on this terrorist organization alone.

  2. k.

    Then I'll get back to the debating.

    You claim a concrete CB, but honestly, the only people who could know that are NPO and BDC. I honestly don't see how hard it is for Pacifica to just say what was really going down.

    So Cyber Nations is the prison, NPO is the large inmate, and BDC is the small nerdy inmate who took NPO's jello, and all the DoSers are the lackies of NPO? OH I GET IT NOW.

    Doesn't sound like debating to me.


    NPO can and will solo BDC on their own, DoS announcements are pure crap unless the fighters are evenly matched.

    Would you quit posting these annoying messages on every DoS. If they want to publicly proclaim their support, they can. Also, spying is bad.

  4. That's fine, as long as he sees that his holy book is defiled, burnt, and possibly covered in pig blood. I'm pretty sure they can't eat pork, so it's just more insult to them.

    I don't use strong hands anymore. I use a hydrolic-powered metal fist. It's the newest in Ubersteinian interrogation technology. :awesome:

    OCC: Completely inappropriate, even in the RP.

  5. You misunderstand our message. You see, until such time as you talk with Rebel Army, you are not a recognized entity. Therefore we wont be giving him to you. Tehran has its own business with the Ayatollah, assuming that Rebel Army doesnt claim him.

    OCC: Rebel Army still remains inactive, and has not responded to our messages.

  6. Breaking News

    A man claiming to be Supreme Ayatollah Hamza Ali Ahmed has been stopped and detained by Imperial Forces patrolling the perimeter of New Tehran. Naturally, if this truly is the Ayatollah, the very man who caused the destruction of the old Tehran in the first place, he is to be tried for crimes against humanity. However, there appears to be soveriengty issues.

    We understand such trials are being held in so called "Persian Republic" (which at this point actually means underground or in caves somewhere).

    Therefore if Lavo and Rebel Army wish to claim the Ayatollah, he will be handed over immediatly.

    The Republic of Persia thanks the Imperial Forces, and we desire this criminal to be handed over immediately.

  7. Kanteero does not recognize this news leader as it doesn't recognize Persia. The forces remain on stand-by and missiles have been aimed on Persia.

    Persia doesn't even know where Kanteero is located, so your opinions still remain irrelevant. :awesome:

  8. gallery_Iran-flag.gif

    Republic of Persia

    The people of Persia have overwhelmingly voted to overthrow the Islamic theocracy that once reigned supreme.

    Their confrontational foreign policy, their aggressive behavior, and their total lack of respect for the international community has cost Persia its sovereignty, and millions of her people. But they shall pay for their crimes, the Supreme Ayatollah, his cabinet, the entire Persian parliament, and 10 military officials will stand trial for crimes against humanity. Supreme Ayatollah Hamza Ali Ahmed has fled the country, and is apparently hiding in "New Tehran", a city where the Persian Revolutionary Fighters cannot apprehend him. However, the others have been found, and their punishment shall be public decapitation.

    By the grace of God, I do proclaim Shah Ebrahim Afshar I the sovereign heavenly ruler of the Republic of Persia, her dominions, and her people. Shah Ebrahim Afshar I has been living in the mountains of Persia for decades, and has only returned when summoned by his people. He has proclaimed Persia a secular state, and has stripped the religious police of their jurisdiction.


    Shah Ebrahim Afshar I, Heavenly Sovereign of Persia.

    Shah Ebrahim Afshar I made the following statement yesterday, during a Press Conference, echoing his earlier statements:

    The government of Persia and her people do hereby condemn the reckless usage of nuclear weaponry by the occupational forces. We refuse to be governed by any alien government, and we shall not take orders form anyone who is not Persian by blood. Not one Persian, be it a elderly man or a young child support this illegal and genocidal occupation. The usage of nuclear weapons have demonstrated that this war is designed to wipe out the Persian people. We demand all alien governments withdraw their occupational troops from Persia immediately. We are open to diplomatic talks, but thus far our calls for negotiation have been ignored. The Persian People shall not shy away from giving this lives for freedom, all 85 million of them.

  9. Well it does seem a tourist decided to blow himself up. 29 Tahoans were killed, and over 100 wounded. In response to this, every foreign national in Tahoe has, yet again, been arrested. It is suspected that the bomber got his materials from Peoples Front forces.

    In other news, Tahoan fighters and cruise missiles started bombing Allahdad. But, it seems their intelligence network, if they had one, was sadly failing, as no Tahoan ground troops have been landed, leaving the only casualties of the booby traps and mines as civilians. We don't really mind, we will kill them anyway, it was just nice of you to do it yourself. A brigade of troops is standing by and waiting to enter United Nation territory with their permission to hunt down the terrorists.

    ***Encrypted message to the United Nation***

    We really apologize for blowing up a good deal of your forest and violating your airspace with our aircraft. I was almost mad enough that I even ordered a nuclear strike, before deciding that would be unneccessary and hurt your nation far more than it would help. If you need any assistance hunting down this scum, let us know. I trust you will be hunting them down, but even if you don't I'm afraid we will. Once this Malcolm X and his lackeys are caught, they will be brought back to Tahoe for trial.

    Thank you for your cooperation,

    Taoiseach O Deaghaidh

    OOC: I don't think you get it. I have no Muslims in my country. None. Therefore, the only way for a bomber to be in Tahoe was there to be a tourist.

    OCC: Just because you have a law banning the religion, does not mean the people can't practice in secrecy.

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