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Posts posted by Anglo-fuhrer

  1. I, GoldenHawk of GoldenHawk hereby surrender to The Continuum pursuant the Individual Surrender terms in this post. I vow that I am not a White Supremacist and do not have White Supremacist ideals. I promise to never join the Norden Verein, Finnish Cooperation Organization, League of United Armenians or any other alliance that is in some way linked to either the aforementioned alliances or with White Supremacist ideals.

    I, Anglo-fuhrer of Westcountry hereby refuse to surrender to The Continuum pursuant the Individual Surrender terms in this post. I vow that I am not a White Supremacist and do not have White Supremacist ideals. I promise to never leave the Norden Verein which is in no way linked to or with White Supremacist ideals.

    See what I did thar, coward?

  2. *snip*

    It isn't about breaking every peice of the evidence down and going over their entire forum statement to prove that they were not %&$# sexually abused; if it comes to that, where they have to try again and again to no avail to prove abuse innocence, then abused innocent they are not. True innocents wouldn't have themselves in a situation where they might be abused accused of such an act.


    I thought I would change a few things to see how the justice system would be in Necromancers world, where you are guilty until you can provide evidence of your innocence. Or where the more you were abused, the more likely it was your own fault, or you would be less believed. I wouldn't like it.

  3. JosefThorne must be in there. Never agreed with him, but love how he says it.

    KingSrqt- even handed and magnanimous in victory or defeat.

    KaiserMartens- Best role-player, sounds like a genuinly cool guy.

    Name forgotten- for lulz, that nutcase who went aircraft rogue on an alliance.

    Rebel Virginia- down to earth logic.

    Zha'dum- again, don't agree with him, but if you are going to argue a case people, know the subject as he does.

  4. I can't even remember what the hell was supposed to be in it now! It's getting too complicated for me, I'm backing away from this to go back to trolling the boiler room. It's getting too hard to keep up with this. Good luck the rest of you.

  5. Ah come on now. Might=right in this game. Just forget the CB, accusations etc, and fight the war. When we are beaten, we can re-roll as an alliance of rugby union fans and take on the North American sports based alliances as US sports fail hard. Netball and rounders? And you don't need armour and helmets to play catch. They are girls sports people...

  6. We seek to live out our Christian values on Planet Bob.

    Our Scriptures tell us this:

    We are all equal in God's sight.

    Some are just more equal than others eh? Like a slave is not as equal as a free man?

    But thanks for bringing more unrelated OOC stuff into the game. It's what we all really wanted right now. :rolleyes:

  7. I only hope that the NoV won't get surrender terms EVER.

    And then there could some sort of "individual surrender terms" announcement, but VERY controlled... and only for the ones who are somehow able to show that they have not been involved in all this Nazi sillyness that as been showed everywhere in these forums.

    Umm, burden of proof lays with the accuser, not the other way round.

    ps, am I the only person on this game who does not have a user account on Storm Front??? :blink:

  8. I read all 18 pages of this before linking it above and this is precisely my point.

    I could give a darn how much you bawwwwed.

    You were kicked by NoV for RPing a National Socialist and now have been readmitted by NoV. I don't care what alliance you were a member of in the interim or that it was only recently absorbed.

    PoC was not that big to get "lost in the shuffle."

    I never went straight to PoC. But I don't have to justify myself to you, as that whole thing was, ironically, a war against me on unsubstantiated OOC attacks! How about that eh?

    *Edited for wrongness. Grudging apology to Geopet for breaking the rules. Seriously though guys, get your IC/OOC lines remarked.

  9. Nope, I was assimilated from the PoC, and changed AA after I was attacked. And if you actually bother to read your own link, you will notice that there was never ANY evidence of me being a member of ANY kind of political organisation, storm front or whatever. I am in fact gobsmacked at the sheer number of people on CN who seem to have accounts on such a site and regularly go looking through it...

    It turned out I was booted for RP'ing (IC) a national socialist nation. While expelled from the Verein, I was nigh on ZI-ed by KingSrqt for it. After that, a bit of a hissy fit and Baaawwwing at the injustice of it etc, I moved on, changed my bio, no longer RP a nationalist nation and joined a different alliance. The fact that I came back through an assimilation at such a time is...unlucky, but I have to say that I am pleased to get the chance to be in the final fight with NoV, as they are good people apart from the little falling out we had. Camaraderie FTW.

  10. Sorry you got dragged into this, but a pleasure to have you helping. It's a pity you were not fighting with us in the good times to sweeten the blow of impending defeat a little. Good luck anyway and I am sure you will be helped to survive and rebuild when this is over as you have shown yourselves to be loyal and trustworthy.

  11. OOC: Go support the suggestion about how wars are declared it is geared towards the Timezone issue. Congrats on the newborn!

    Cheers for that, RL is fun too, although making her was more fun than feeding her at 0400hrs! I will go see this timezone issue, it would work better, fairer and more realistically if the wars were fought in the timezone that your nation is based in. So if I attacked a nation in the US, it's my own damn fault if I have to be up at stupid o'clock and vice versa. Could make alliance tactics more interesting too, with spheres of influence and areas of weakness, and the rise of regional powers.

  12. Didn't I ZI you once?

    Well good luck I guess, PoC.

    Yeah, nearly. Maybe these 3 will do better. I logged on to find myself in anarchy, but am doing quite well now. I reckon I can anarchy one of my attackers soon, and the other two are losing a lot of troops and cash that is keeping me going so far. A bill lock seems to be in the near future though...It sucks being in the UK though, as with a newborn to look after there is no way I am losing precious sleep to wake up for the update. Why the hell doesn't it update at 0000hrs GMT??? Actually, when is 1200AM?

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