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Posts posted by Oranges

  1. NPO cancelled a NAP for public show. I really hope IRON doesn't care for it. The fact that you go so deeply into trying to turn it around shows just how petty you are. Nice try, but no.


    You really just don't get it, do you? You might not personally understand the obligations that come with a treaty, but the New Pacific Order does, and that's why this cancellation was necessary. You longer you keep bashing something you don't understand, the more obvious your ignorance is.

  2. TOP, you're wrong. Just plain wrong. Wrong wrong wrong. Wrong.


    I could explain, but I'm not sure your homeschooled, redneck, inbreeding, paint-sniffing, alcohol-binging, heroin-abusing, cough syrup-misusing, paranoid-addled, stupidity-riddled, illogical, doublethinking, doublespeaking, biased, ignorant, pathetic little brains probably did not comprehend any of the words after "TOP". You see the NPO alliance affiliation, you see me making reference to your alliance, and that apparently constitutes an automatic peanut gallery casus belli.


    In the vain (and probably misguided) hope that perhaps one of you Neaderthalic, pitchfork-wielding, methamphetamine-dealing, stuck pig-squealing, backroom-scheming, backdoor-reaming, unrealistic-dreaming, censored-bleeping, carnal-sleeping, at home weeping little Napoleons might actually have the sheer audacity to entertain the notion that you might not be the masters of your fate, nor the captains of your soul, I say to you this: you see the current alliance arrayed against you as some sort of temporary measure, some random assortment of Fate that might simply just blow away tomorrow. But you are wrong. Have you never questioned why you are so vilified, so looked down upon by the world at large? You are on the wrong side of history, my friends, and as long as you stay there, then good men everywhere will unite to face you down. So long as you exist, you will know no peace. Such is the way the world works, as it always has. You may sleep content for now, secure in your temporary seat of power, but as surely as the Light of Pacifica rises, you will be consigned to the despairs of anonyminity, unavowed and unacknowledged. Begone, disappear, it matters not how you take your leave. Just go.

  3. Man, so we got NPO and AI saying we're mind controlling their allies, Chefjoe saying we're evil masterminds and trying to rewrite history, old school Polaris saying they were right for BiPolar and all of AI's allies saying they didn't actually need any help, even though there are logs of them directly asking Brehon for military help.


    And yet they're still better than you are in every possible way. Except in the art of sucking; you suck so hard that women who sell carnal pleasure join the unemployment queue. You suck so hard that the density of matter within the volume around you drops below the emptiest vacuums of space. You suck so hard that you're actually reversing the physical expansion of the Universe. Suckers.

  4. We paint ourselves as better because you outnumber us, yet we are still matching you, blows for blows. Chest thumping is all we ever have done on the OWF, it is all we ever will do. 


    As for diplomatic failure, this goes in cycles, this time we are on the side with the numerical disadvantage, next time, several of those in your current coalition will find themselves in that position, and the time after that others will be there, eventually, so will you. Assuming of course that there is still enough life on Digiterra for all this to continue for long enough.


    However, given the cards dealt to us and you for this particular round, I'll stake the claim that we play better. I say we are entitled to be a bit full of ourselves right now.


    So if there is a next time, and members of the current majority find themselves on the minority, you would therefore be understanding of any chest thumping or grandstanding on their part, correct? Indeed, you should be supportive of their self-congratulatory efforts, should you not?

    The thing is, chest thumping only ever hurts yourself. But this peanut throwing doubletalk serves no purpose, cheers no person, supports no principle. The world would be all the more better if you would leave your self-indulgent self-promoting self-congratulatory rhetoric behind closed doors.


    Your demise is inevitable. Your continued struggle is no more than the death throes of some wild beast. Celebrate all you wish, but make no mistake: when the mushrooms clouds dissipate, it is not we who will be buried under the rubble, but you.

  5. Hey look, I'm fodder!


    I enjoy the consistent attempts by members of the other coalition to paint themselves as somehow "better" merely because they're outnumbered. I never realised that diplomatic failure of that degree could be trophied as being meritorious. But I suppose we all have different goals here on Planet Bob, and if you take pride in the fact that you can't seem to sign a treaty worth the paper it's written on, then all the more power to you.

  6. Are you trying to sound ~*intellectual*~ in an attempt to scale the slippery pole in NPO, or do you usually spout this kind of waffle?  :v:


    Actually, I go up and down the slippery pole. Isn't that what strippers do where you're from?


    If I spout waffles, does that make me a wafflemaker? Hmm. Breakfast, anyone?


    Are you honestly that mad or are you trying to sound intelligent? P. sure it is option #2.


    Yes, bravo, attack the individual! I applaud thee, good sir, on your paramout intelligence and excellent analysis of the written word. Humour us further, please, I insist. I ask you this: if a peanut is thrown in the peanut gallery, does that mean the peanut thrower is a meaningless monkey, or a mindless sheep?

  7. I don't think the NPO even knows what the hell they are doing anymore. Jesus Christ.


    As opposed to what, your shining example of antagonistic jingoistic faux-philosophistic babbling claptrap that is so often peppered with references to events that never occured, based on principles that don't exist, spouting rhetorical nonsensical whimsical one liners? You, the pragmatic idealists who cloak yourselves in the trappings of ideological rhetoric and yet sacrifice them the very next moment for some small amount of political gain? You, with the doublespeak and the twofaced lying, with the solemn sarcasm, with the congratulatory criticism. You, who so unabashedly sit here and comment on events that you do not understand, do not comprehend, do not even care about? You, who would set ally against ally, friend against friend, brother against brother, who would sooner see the world descend into petty insults, petty squabbling and predatory debauchery?


    And somehow, you still believe that you have some sort of moral high ground. Pathetic.

  8. My only contribution to this thread: quantity has a quality of its own.


    From the OP: "Sure, you are swamping us in the mid and lower tiers but are you really hurting us? You may be keeping us from slipping into PM to rebuild. Keeping us at war by updeclaring and turtling is pathetic. You are pathetic."


    I laughed so hard at this. He just answered his own question, then blames the opposition for being pathetic for winning. Poor guy.

  9. Yes equilibrium has the quantity.  However, quantity is only relevant if all of those numbers are as efficient and as good as the rest.  DR,DT and Pacifica are in a totally different way of thinking and game play versus the rest co-members in Equilibrium.


    Also, the stats made by an NSO member, http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/blog/811/entry-3687-stats-itb-5/, shows a completely different picture at the mid tiers wherein the 80k-60k as a statistical tie in losses within the week of Feb 12-20.


    There is also a difference of what is happening per front as the C&G front hasn't fought the mid-tiers which probably define as between 40k-80k.


    If someone would bring out the statistics on losses on 60-40k, I am sure I will agree with you if what you say is supported by it.  However, since the statistics are not yet supporting what you claim, I must disagree on what you say.



    As I've repeatedly said in that thread, even if Equilibrium suffers losses at an equal rate to "Competence", the mere fact that they have more nations in that 80-60k tier means that those losses mean less to them overall. If you read the OP's statements, he clearly states that Equilibrium's hold over the middle tiers means that Competence nations in the top tier need to continually purchase above that range or get swarmed to death. This is the simple fact of it. You can try and skew the facts however you want, but anybody analysing this in a rational manner on either side knows this.

  10. To our allies in NSO, and your allies at Shangri-La: o/ victory! It was an honour to fight by your side.


    To our foes at Kaskus and The Shadow Legacy: you fought well, as honourable opponents. There is a reason why Kaskus has the reputation that it does when fighting, and it was ably proven this war.

  11. Its really stupid to attack somebody for posting on forums. This place is meant for members to mingle whether you like it or not.



    And holding his IC nation responsible for OOC posts just defeats the purpose of the IC OOC barrier.


    Oh admin, I'm agreeing with Isaac MatthewII. There must be some frozen precipitation falling in some very hot places right now.

  12. You said in your last post that "It doesn't matter if Riddle's gone", evidence enough.


    ...holy moly, you never saw Deathly Hallows Part 2, did you? It's a parody of the speech Neville makes about Harry being dead, and then Harry reveals that he's actually alive anyway. Bloody hell.

  13. It doesn't matter if Riddle's gone. People quit everyday! Friends, family. Yeah, we lost Riddle tonight. But he's still with us. In here. So is Jasmine and Vladimir, SirPaul. All of them. They didn't quit in vain. But you will! Because you're wrong! Riddle's heart did beat for us. For all of us! And it's not over!

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