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Posts posted by Mongrel

  1. [quote name='Titus Pullo' date='17 July 2010 - 09:53 PM' timestamp='1279417998' post='2376543']
    Enjoy your new alliance, I hope their charter is easier for you to understand.

    As is customary:


    Oh boy, I see you're afflicted with the same inability to comprehend language. I guess it's fitting you should stand up to defend them with no knowledge of what you're talking about. I guess it's all the same thing.

  2. [quote name='Titus Pullo' date='17 July 2010 - 09:32 PM' timestamp='1279416733' post='2376522']
    Feel free to send me your talking points, I would be interested to see if I do agree with them, however you can ask anyone in TOP and know that I used the Charter to its full extent during my time there. If you made the same points that I just put forward, then you would have taken the test and become a member of the General Assembly without question. I'd hate to take a Crymsonian stance on this, but in this case the charter was perfectly fine as it was, as was the system that was in place.

    If you want to keep speaking on assumptions I'm not going to respond, feel free to speak to me in private if this really interests you. I'll let TOP continue the derailment, but since you are not a member of TOP and you have no knowledge of my situation it would be wrong for me to respond to you in this forum.

  3. [quote name='Crispy99' date='17 July 2010 - 08:53 PM' timestamp='1279414362' post='2376493']
    No, Mongrel, you threw a massive fit then left when we wouldn't concede to your demand you be given GA privileges without having to take the exam that every other Paradoxian before you took, and without complaint I might add. It was definitely one of the most immature displays I've seen in my time here. The fact that you are in here acting sour months after the fact in a thread explaining an unfortunate event that has befallen us, which has nothing to do with you, further illustrates my point.

    I strongly suggest you take what dignity you have and leave this thread. Go discuss your hard feelings somewhere else.

    As I said before, keep proving my point. I merely made a comment, and it has all been TOP members who have decided to bring it all up. I'm over it, I spent some time in TOP, found out it was not as advertised and moved on. The sour taste seems to be stuck in your mouth.

    [quote name='Believland' date='17 July 2010 - 09:03 PM' timestamp='1279414987' post='2376498']
    I advise you not to &#*( with charters when Shortbowe is around.


    I will reiterate, I made the exact same points he just put forward, which is why I said he'd most likely argee with me.

  4. [quote name='Titus Pullo' date='17 July 2010 - 07:00 PM' timestamp='1279407625' post='2376379']

    Well since you weren't able to see the discussion that took place when I brought this up I'll cut you a break. If you want specifics you can PM me. All I will say is that I'd suspect you may actually agree with my viewpoint when I tell you that I basically made the same points you just put forward and was told I was wrong. You can go on defending TOP, but maybe you should ask to see the relevent parts of their forums before making assumptions.

  5. [quote name='Blue Lightning' date='17 July 2010 - 05:34 PM' timestamp='1279402465' post='2376274']
    You're the one derailing the thread with an irrelevant pot shot at our government over something pathetically insignificant as an admission policy which you disagreed with. All members have to pass a GA exam to be admitted into the GA. The fact this wasn't in the charter was only because no-one had cared enough to amend it. You (or someone) brought it up and within a week or two we fix the charter to reflect the system we've been using for years. Why you got upset over it to the point of leaving even after the problem was fixed, only you seem to know.

    However, none of this is in any way relevant to the thread, so why have you brought it up?

    Actually I should revise my initial (relevent) statement that TOP lacks the ability to comprehend their own charter. The reality is most of TOP lack the intellect to comprehend any written words in general. I could also point out the amazing ability you have just shown in contradicting yourself in a single paragraph, but really I could just point out that all these replies made to my initial statement are just proving my point.

  6. [quote name='Believland' date='15 July 2010 - 09:33 PM' timestamp='1279244014' post='2373884']
    Why are you complaining about stuff that happened over a year ago? Most people would be happy to make a contribution to an alliance rather than just playing games with other leaders. Yes, how TOP treated you was pretty pathetic, but you should just let this die.

    I merely made a comment that TOP has shown an inability to comprehend their charter, it's TOP who has now decided to derail this thread and make it about me.

    [quote name='ZeTyon' date='16 July 2010 - 03:06 AM' timestamp='1279263951' post='2374282']
    ... talking in a circular motion ...[/quote]

    Like I said, this thread isn't about me, I don't really need to watch you talk in circles, if you haven't been following that's part of why I left your alliance.

  7. [quote name='ZeTyon' date='15 July 2010 - 08:32 AM' timestamp='1279197128' post='2372738']
    I suppose we should have all joined the alliance again so Mongrel has his way.

    Isnt it funny that you are the only member TOP has ever had that had a serious problem with it? And thanks to that we changed the charter with a vote of the members. I guess thats wrong. I am so sorry.

    And thank you we are scumbags. You take the matter with the exam way too serious. But hey its the internet. :)

    First of review your facts child, the charter amendment was proposed before I brought up the matter.

    Second, this topic isn't about me, I made a statement that TOP has had trouble comprehending their own charter, and both replies to my comment have confirmed my assertion. Now if you're so insecure with yourselves that you need to harp over my comment, I can't help it.

    But if you want to go on creating your own reasons as to why I left that's fine. I already made the point that TOP had no ability to comprehend their charter, and both you and Yevgeni have made false statements as to why I left. I left because I questioned the fact that the TOP government was abusing their power and the majority of membership showed complete apathy towards the matter. Only a few people would even agree with my arguments, while the majority talked in circles and refused to address specific questions. Most told me I was wrong, some behaved like children and threw insults. It's interesting how when I bring it up here both of you have no problem admitting I was right. But hey, I guess I shouldn't expect you to understand, after all that's why I didn't want to be part of your alliance.

  8. [quote name='ZeTyon' date='14 July 2010 - 07:56 AM' timestamp='1279108590' post='2370781']
    Oh for christ sake we changed the charter. There was a vote on it. The matter is resolved. All while you were still there.

    Let me offer a scenario. I walk into a store and buy something that has a $2 price tag. I had the cashier a $5 bill, get my change and start to walk out. I count my change and realize the cashier only gave me $2, so I point out to him that he owes me a dollar, he pulls out a sign and marks the item I bought $3, and tells me "Oh no it is $3, I gave you the correct change, the matter is resolved" I could waste my time fighting with the guy, or I could just walk out and lose the dollar and realize the guy's a scumbag, I chose the latter.

  9. [quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' date='13 July 2010 - 02:28 PM' timestamp='1279045713' post='2369443']
    I'd generally engage you but you're the only member we've ever lost, in over four years, over the fact that there [s]is[/s] was no mention, in our charter, of a second exam to get full voting rights. Oh yeah, because, as you could have said, we still took the time to acknowledge this most grievious offense and to amend the charter so it is included. You left a day after that amendment was approved.

    It's not that we're unable to [i]comprehend and rationally explain our own charter[/i], it's that you lacked (and still lack, obviously) any form of common sense as your antics clearly showed.

    With that, I thank friends and former foes alike for their support on the matter.

    Wow, touchy touchy. common sense made me realize I didn't really want to be part of a so called democracy where people had trouble playing by the rules, but of course you didn't engage me, so I must not be replying.

  10. [quote name='Antonio Salovega VI' date='02 March 2010 - 04:44 PM' timestamp='1267566537' post='2211697']
    I wish to congratulate the eleven first line executive members of government. I wish to also congratulate their assistants such as the AMoFAs, AMoIAs, AMoDs, etc. I would also give a shout out to the many, many contributing members such as the recruiters, mentors, ambassadors, ghostbusters, militia, handlers, etc. It takes a lot of active folks to keep the GPA the finely tuned alliance that it is. These eleven first line executive members of government are just the visible (albeit important) tip of the GPA iceburg who provide the the GPA with vision, guidance and leadership. I applaud their service.Now back to the regularly scheduled program.

    That was one of the best hails I've read in my entire CN life.

    [quote name='Biff Webster' date='03 March 2010 - 07:53 AM' timestamp='1267621091' post='2212541']
    Butthurt ex-members are [i]always[/i] correct after all.

    I'm not butthurt, but I am always correct.

  11. I never have bookmarked this forum, so I always get here from the game site. The link is broken, and takes you to a generic "site under construction page". I assumed it was really called index.html, as that's the first page a server defaults to when not given an actual page address. Looks like that's the case. You should just be able to remove index.html from the forum root directory and the problem will be solved, the server will serve index.php as it will be the most applicable page.

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