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Alexander Lee

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Posts posted by Alexander Lee

  1. The Imperial Order Of Firaxis (IOOF) is a new White Team alliance that I have founded. At the moment there are many positions open.

    Also at the moment we have a temporary flag until an official one is made:

    IOOF Temporary Flag

    :excl: Because we need a flag, I'm offering 500K to anyone who can make us a better alliance flag that preferably includes the logo of Firaxis Games. If anyone is interested, feel free to PM me here or in game.

    The Imperial Order Of Firaxis is based off of the videogame company Firaxis Games, the makers of the Civilization series.

    Currently I have a 300K sign-up bonus in place for those that join.

    Alliance Forums

    Imperial Order Of Firaxis Charter

    I - Preamble:

    The Imperial Order Of Firaxis, abbreviated IOOF, is an alliance open to any nation of the White Trading Sphere. The goal of the Order is to defend and develop its member nations to stand the test of time. It is expected that this charter be treated as a living document and always followed by the Orders government and members.

    II - Membership

    The membership of the Order is selective and any application may be denied. Before membership will even be considered, a nation seeking membership must join the White Trading Sphere and place IOOF Applicant as their Alliance Affiliation. For membership in the Order, the nation wishing to join must post its nations name, ruler name, trading sphere, nation strength, past alliance(s), current war(s), and a link to their nation. Once a nation is accepted into the Order, they must change their Alliance Affiliation to Imperial Order Of Firaxis.

    III - Expulsion

    Expulsion of membership from the Order is expected to be a rare occurrence. Though, expulsion will occur should a member nation do any of the following: Declare war on an aligned or unaligned nation without first getting authorization from the government, Use nuclear weapons as a first strike weapons and without getting authorization from the government, Use of spies against an aligned nation without first getting authorization from the government. Also, inactivity without first warning the alliance of a prolonged absence will result in expulsion. If you go inactive for over ten days, you will receive a message telling of your expulsion. On your fifteenth day of inactivity, if you have not removed Imperial Order Of Firaxis from your Alliance Affiliation, you will be marked as a practice target by the alliance.

    IV - Rights of the Members

    As a member of the Imperial Order Of Firaxis you are entitled to the right of free speech and thought. At any time a member may suggest to the Emperor that one of his Ministers be replaced. Also members have the right to secede at any time they wish, though secession during time of war is looked down upon. Should you resign, it is required that you post in the appropriate topic on the forum.

    V - Emperor of the Imperial Order Of Firaxis

    The Emperor of the Imperial Order Of Firaxis is the Head of State and, for the most part, Head of Government of the Order. He has full authority over the government and members of the Order. The Emperor also appoints the Ministers and makes the official announcements on the Cyber Nations forums. At times of absence, the Chancellor takes over for the Emperor.

    VI - Chancellor of the Imperial Order Of Firaxis

    The Chancellor of the Imperial Order Of Firaxis is a secondary Head of Government and acts as an aid to the Emperor. The Chancellor helps the Emperor in his appointment of Ministers and the overall organization of the Empire. Whenever the Emperor has prolonged absence, the Chancellor will take over the powers of the Emperor until the Emperors return. The Chancellor is also acts as a Senator in the Imperial Senate.

    VII - Ministries of the Imperial Order Of Firaxis

    The government of the Imperial Order Of Firaxis is to be made up of ministries. These ministries are to be headed by Ministers who are appointed by the Emperor. All ministers must have a full understanding of Cyber Nations. The ministries of the Order are as follows: Defense, Economics, Foreign Affairs, Internal Affairs, and Propaganda. The Ministry of Defense, or MoD, is responsible for the organization of the Empires military. The Ministry of Economics, or MoE, is responsible for the aiding and trade organization between the Orders members. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or MoFA, is responsible for the establishment of contact with foreign alliances. The Ministry of Internal Affairs, or MoIA, is responsible for keeping the overall alliance organized and keeping members from having conflict with each other. The Ministry of Propaganda, or MoP, is responsible for creating signatures, banners, medals, etc. for the Order. To be a Minister of Propaganda, you must have PhotoShop and be able to create the objects listed above.

    VIII - Imperial Senate

    The Imperial Senate of the Imperial Order Of Firaxis is the government body that allows amendments to be added to the charter and for pacts/treaties to be signed and war declarations. The Emperor has the power to veto any amendment or pact/treaty or war declaration that passes in the Senate. The Emperors veto may be overridden if a overriding vote passes in the Senate. For every five members, there is to be 2 Senators. The Chancellor acts as an additional Senator. Senators are to be elected by the membership of the Order every month. There is no term limit for Senators. The Senate also approves the Emperors appointment of Ministers.

    IX - Pacts & Treaties

    The signing of any pact or treaty must be approved by the Imperial Senate and the Emperor. For the Order, the pact/treaty must be signed by the Emperor, Chancellor, and Minister of Foreign Affairs. It is expected that the Order honor all of its pacts and treaties.

    X - War

    War against any aligned or unaligned nation may not occur unless it has already been approved by the government. Tech raiding is only allowed with government approval. Victims of tech raiding must be over ten days inactive and unaligned. Nuclear first strikes are not allowed unless approved by the government. Use of spies is not allowed unless first approved by the government.

    XI - Amendments

    Any amendment to this charter must be passed in the Imperial Senate and approved by the Emperor.

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