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Posts posted by Momonishiki

  1. Before I say anything else, let me note that Cerberus is a Valhalla protectorate and will remain so until our members have a chance to decide their future course and until Valhalla says otherwise.

    Given our low profile on the OWF, some of you may not remember our existence. We were founded by DeScepter, Degenerate108, and Manfred about a year and a half ago under a protectorate arrangement with Valhalla. Some months after our inception, all three of the founders (for one reason or another) left CN (though I believe Degen is back somewhere under another name). So, three of us who had not really intended to be running the show--were running the show, and Cerberus soldiered on. Valhalla was really supportive when the three founders left and did everything they could to reassure us that the new leadership of Cerberus had their full backing.

    With one of our commanders now about to leave CN, and with limited time to commit from myself and others to the alliance, the three commanders voted (unanimously) that our members are best served by disbandment. Valhalla has graciously agreed to accept any Cerberus member into its ranks (and that is where I have moved my nation). However, I know some Cerberus members are wedded to the notion of residing in a small alliance and will choose accordingly, and some simply have not chosen what to do yet.

    Let me thank each of the members of Cerberus and wish all of them well in the future.



  2. [quote name='Byron Orpheus' date='09 March 2010 - 08:33 AM' timestamp='1268152714' post='2219344']
    As such, each and every former GGA member will always remain bonded to our family, and any such prodigals (meant in an allusive sense and not a literal sense) that feel the urge to return may do so, as now is a time for great unity and healing.

    Certainly not from those who fled our alliance in its time of need like rats attempting to flee a sinking ship. Unfortunately for those people, the Patna did not sink, and that shame will follow them the rest of their existence.

    So, from a spirit of great unity and healing for those who left to rats and shame on the same page of the thread? Care to choose which it is?

  3. [quote name='Jonathan Brookbank' date='02 March 2010 - 10:26 AM' timestamp='1267554601' post='2211499']
    You are mistaken, because degenerate was the owner and the person who deleted the forums.

    Just to put the facts straight, yes Degenerate was the one who took down the old forums. BUT, he took them down only as a response to the fact that the perpetrators of the coup had defaced the old forum by replacing its content with a page saying (and I quote only from imperfect memory here) "The government of the GGA has failed you and failed to make the changes necessary for the success of the alliance, and it has been replaced. Please go register at the new forums at xxxxxxx."

    I would also point out that in public irc communications, JB had made it clear that Degenerate's ownership of the forums was something unwanted since Degenerate was accused of not having a nation or being a member. In fact, Degenerate had re-rolled and does have a nation.

    In any event, Degenerate acted quite properly to take down the old forums once they had been defaced and twisted into an instrument of the coup.

  4. [quote name='roymustang' date='24 February 2010 - 05:16 PM' timestamp='1267060816' post='2202334']
    That's one hell of a misremembering, there. It's generally considered poor form to flatout lie about someone who is trying to help you.

    There is nothing inaccurate about Simon's statement at all. A coup was put to a vote of the membership and it was overwhelming voted down. While the pieces and personalities have changed slightly, if the membership voted the coup down when it had the chance, how do you expect them to like it more when it is foisted upon them by force?

    This tendency by the coup promoters to call their critics "liars" is a curious one. It makes it seem like you are all reading from the same bubble gum package "how to" guide on coups.

  5. [quote name='Hymenbreach' date='24 February 2010 - 10:34 AM' timestamp='1267036696' post='2201762']
    Momonishiki, one of the great secrets of Cybernations is that, as Pezstar can attest, that Governments have no power to disband Alliances. Only the members do. If someone in GGA loves the organization enough, it will survive. No, not only survive, but thrive.

    I know of what I speak.


    GGA is down 11 members since the OP. That probably constitutes a large portion of the non-coup plotting membership who bothers to read the OWF regularly. Give it time, more will follow.

  6. [quote name='Hyperbad' date='22 February 2010 - 04:35 PM' timestamp='1266885319' post='2198185']
    You (OP) and the other dissenting members could have (and still can) started another forum when the first went down and fought for control of the AA in game while keeping the charter intact. Above all else that would show the members no longer consider coups as being acceptable. Then take this new found energy to rebuild your alliance from the ruins it has inhabited for so long.

    I thought I was clear in the OP, but perhaps not. I had no motivation for my post other than to kill the couped corpse of the GGA, whatever people may think of that. Rebuilding has been tried and tried. It is beyond that point now.

  7. [quote]I agree with others that Momonishiki did not act well in posting this thread, but this point is an important one (as Sunstar pointed out). I urge the new government to make it a high priority to establish and secure the rule of law in GGA.[/quote]

    It might help people to realize that a little more than a month ago a vote was put to the membership of the GGA internally which asked members to opine on the notion of putting Dementual and Roy Mustang into positions of power. After much debate, the proposal was soundly defeated. So now, repackaged to include JB and without any attempt to communicate with the membership, the thing gets rammed down the throat of the alliance publicly.

    The only way to respond, considering the circumstances, was publicly.

  8. [quote name='Jonathan Brookbank' date='22 February 2010 - 12:00 AM' timestamp='1266825612' post='2196932']

    Also, anyone who has been around since late 2007 can see the false part when it comes to Bilrow.

    The facts speak loudly. We had mover 400 members when Bilrow was around. Look at us now. I am no lover of Bilrow nor his current affiliations, but I cannot change the facts of history.

  9. I have no fancy graphics to make this look pretty. But as one of the oldest members of the GGA and by far its member with the highest nation strength and most casualties sustained fighting for the alliance, I have as much if not more credibility to post "official" announcements on the OWF. This is true in particular because the legitimate government and charter of the GGA have been suspended.

    I'll make this brief. The GGA has been a dying alliance for a long time. Frankly, Bilrow carried us on his shoulders and to a certain degree we have never found footing in his absence. Be that as it may, many of us (including myself) have participated in GGA government to one degree or another in an effort to forestall the apparently inevitable demise of the GGA. With the act of banishing Qaianna from her post as Triumvir only a week or so after she assumed office, I can say unequivocally that the GGA has ceased to exist. Removal of Qaianna is a classless act of epic proportions because it was carried out by Shane who clearly knew that she was being set up as a sacrificial lamb whey she was elevated to triumvir. And, considering the organization of tonight's announcement and the things I have heard for weeks now, no one can tell me that this all just came together in the past few days.

    So, my recommendation to all my fellow members of the GGA is to not honor their treachery with your presence. If Shane & Co treat the membership of the GGA with such disregard, then they do not deserve your loyalty. Remove GGA from your alliance affiliation.

    My recommendation to all alliances who have dealings with the GGA is to follow the lead of Octavo Orden and terminate your treaties with the GGA. The once honorable alliance you knew has long gone. Do not denigrate the good name of your alliances by being treated to these people.

    That is it. GGA is dead. It has joined the choir invisible. It is pushing up the posies. This...is a dead alliance.

  10. [quote]===GAMBLING TIME===
    Sooner of VE sets GGA's odds of survival at 12,873,587,417,623,479,873,918,734,878 to 1.

    Being from an alliance that has disbanded in the past, I'm sure Sooner knows what he's talking about. Being a bit of a risk taker myself, I'm betting Sooner $1 that GGA will survive. Should they disband during their war with our eternal allies, MHA, I will arrange to have $1 sent to you. Should they not, please remit 10 billion to the G15 and the rest (12 octillion) to the New Pacific Order.[/quote]

    Those odds sound more like they came from MHA's Infinite Improbability Drive.

  11. 1,750,513 Attacking + 2,605,323 Defending = 4,355,836 Casualties

    All taken in the name of GGA. Is it more than the rest of the alliance combined? I don't know. In any event, enough that I don't have to apologize for being a hippy this time around.

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