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Posts posted by CloudGT4

  1. We have our chance to fight Timeline. With no alliance backing you, nor me.. You have threatened to destroy me. You have threatened to bill lock me personally yourself. You have OOC attacked me, you have IC attacked me. You have sent threats to my government that you will have my alliance attacked if they protect me, you claim I deleted forums off your server by hacking you, which btw, I don't have the knowledge to hack a server, as I don't know the first thing about hacking. You have admitted to deleting the forums yourself, to blame me, and Doc_Miles, and have us ZI'd, just to fail to produce the proof that it was us. Doc has told you it was me that did it supposedly, and you told him you were coming after me.. You send me messages in game that you would destroy me in 7 days.. and all this is just recently. Now you get pushed out of MHA, and run to Hippy mode.. and say its cause your scared of the other tech raiders that would attack you, and that you would still destroy me if they attack.. To me this is you sending threats, and then turning Coward. I just ask, if your not gonna fight me, then please do stop telling the Cybernations world that you will own me, destroy me, ZI me, etc., etc. etc..

    I have beaten you many times in the past with the war of words, with the war on the OWF, I had a hand in destroying you and the TBH alliance by myself.. Just give up already, or please do get Froggy and attack my nation already. As your threats are a laugh cause we all know you don't follow through. You my friend need another life outside of this game, as you hold no weight anymore.

  2. [quote name='Lord Fingolfin' date='06 April 2010 - 05:14 AM' timestamp='1270527248' post='2250006']
    So who wants to start organizing the Anti-Gramlins Volunteer force to join IRON/DAWN and fight off our lovely friends in Gramlins?

    If they continue on, I am sure it will happen. Just sit back and wait. The funny thing is GRE seems to be trying to become the new EGO of CN.. The problem is love em or hate em, no one will ever do it better the Pacifica. Just give it up Gre, and end the stuff. You know your doing it all wrong when even your allies are shaking there heads.

  3. [quote name='Sandwich Controversy' date='05 April 2010 - 11:42 PM' timestamp='1270507361' post='2249637']
    You're welcome to make all the threats and comments toward us you like, but it will always remain that it was [i]you[/i] that were defeated by us. :smug:

    Wait, you say us as if MK was the only one... There were 35 against 5.. I would be willing to bet, had it been MK + 4 vs TOP + 4 you would be the ones on the forums so called "whining." also really the victory isn't all that great or worth bragging on, the 5 did very well in taking your lumps and dealing them right back. Well the "kick the guy while he is already down alliances" like spar... didn't take much damage. but hey what bandwagone alliance does? Honestly TOP dropping from 1 to 20 isn't that horrible, guessing if there like the rest of modern CN have billions in warchest money to rebuild on. they will be back in the TOP soon I am sure.

  4. [quote name='RustyNail' date='05 April 2010 - 05:06 PM' timestamp='1270483542' post='2249195']
    Allow me to fan the flames a little:

    For all intents and purposes, this war is over. Gre continues to prosecute their own personal agenda that evidence would say, the majority of the world is against. Should we not consider their war a whole new aggressive action against IRON and DAWN? Should the allies of IRON and DAWN that are capable not defend their treaty partners? Afterall, it's not the same war and none of Gre's allies or former comrades in arms support their actions so what would you all say to that course of action? I'm sure MHA would say they would defend Gre no matter that their actions are foolish at best but I really would like the opinion of the greater body to their thoughts on the matter.

    Just curious.

    I was wondering the same thing. The war is over, so GRE is in my view starting a new war. So if IRON's treaty partners rushed to her aid, would they be bad?

  5. [quote name='Vladimir Stukov II' date='05 April 2010 - 04:56 PM' timestamp='1270482954' post='2249180']
    You have to understand how CN has changed. Today nations have a lot more aid slots than they did back when NPO was in control. So these reps are very lenient considering it will be much easier for these alliances to pay their reps. It was much harder to send out aid a couple years ago.

    yet it was only 8 months ago NPO had power. You mean to tell me we ( as in planet bob) didn't have WRC's and nooks already back then? The inflation excuse is getting wore out, and really doesn't hold enough water to excuse 700,000 tech in less then one years time.

  6. [quote name='Alterego' date='05 April 2010 - 04:48 PM' timestamp='1270482483' post='2249168']
    Your side is denying IRON any assistance with the threat of force and enabling Gramlins keep this going for as long as they like.

    Alter this situation is only bad when NPO, and friends do it to FAN. As long as its their "side" doing it, it is okay. The side of power has changed, not the actual moral standards that Karma "based" itself on.

  7. [quote name='Arcturus Jefferson' date='05 April 2010 - 04:20 PM' timestamp='1270480803' post='2249133']
    That's amusing with all the calls for the victors to end the war already. The victors in this conflict could have kept up this conflict indefinitely if they so desired, so the defeated here didn't really "hold off" anything.

    The "victors" won on paper.. The actual war battle was won by "defeated". If the "victors" had continued to dance so to speak it would have continued to hurt them more then the "defeated" thus terms came out. Though 700,000 tech in less then a year is still extortion if you ask me, and I can't remember on time in less then a year tC ever collected that much tech. But its okay now cause it's C&G doing it, and CN has mega Inflation apparently.

    So yes, in all stand points outside of being extorted for tech 5 alliances did indeed hold off 35.

  8. [quote name='Timeline' date='05 April 2010 - 06:15 AM' timestamp='1270444541' post='2248683']
    Preemptively (if you are going to use big words, please try to spell then correctly) Relating to or constituting a military strike made so as to gain the advantage when an enemy strike is [b]believed to be imminent [/b] TOP & Co. had no prove or facts yet you seem to miss that part, C&G no matter what TOP and Co BELIEVED was not and had not partaken in any military action at the time they was declared on.

    As to the number games, well at the start of the war, the numbers was on TOP's side, but you would not know about the start of the war, well becuase you fail to look at the bigger picture, TOP believed that they had the support of NpO and her allies therefor giving TOP the numbers.

    Yet more mindless, and fact less drivel (childish, silly, or meaningless talk or thinking; nonsense; twaddle.) coming from a failhalla member, when will they start to educate their members on the actions within BoB, NPO are no longer here to hold your hand.

    Now we were having civil arguments.. thanks to MHA for a meaningless and flamming troll. You just made your whole side look bad. You see how you lose against me every time.

  9. [quote name='Denial' date='05 April 2010 - 05:57 AM' timestamp='1270443415' post='2248635']
    As Quinoa Rex has pointed out, I don't think that word means what you think it means.
    So you had to have someone come fight your battle for you.. no matter how you dress the word up.. its still a deterrent to attack them.. you guys were going after them, they knew it. beat you to the punch. Here, someone on IRC had a good argument for you to use.. Inflation.. CN suffers from inflation. so its okay for you to extort tech.

    Anyways before this turns to a senseless troll fest, or anything else of that matter I will stop posting, as there is still plenty more people calling you on your weak argument. However if you wish to attempt to sway me to believe C&G wasn't planning an attack on TOP, then find me in irc. I will be around for a while.

  10. [quote name='Denial' date='05 April 2010 - 05:45 AM' timestamp='1270442733' post='2248596']
    Are you and shahenshah having a private competition to see who can post the most nonsensical, idiotic commentary within the month of April?

    is that the best you have? really.. nothing constructive? oh we have been fed bad propaganda. That's it. we have been lied to so C&G can look great. okay. Really if your gonna try to argue with me come with something to prove me wrong.

    It was a "pre-emp strike" right out your own mouth. That means for it to be pre emp, you guys were plotting on them, and they beat you to the punch. Now to look good over your tech extortion.. lets say we all were fed bad propaganda.

  11. [quote name='Denial' date='05 April 2010 - 05:35 AM' timestamp='1270442133' post='2248560']
    Right, because the New Pacific Order [i]attacking[/i] alliances and then extracting technology is the exact same as Complaints & Grievances being pre-emptively attacked and demanding reparations for damage inflicted. Reparations, by [i]their very definition[/i], were in order here.

    Pre-Emptively attacked to me, means C&G was plotting to attack TOP, IRON, and their friends, but were beat to the punch. When the numbers are against you, you do what you can to even the odds. So what if C&G would of gotten the first punch and demanded tech that would be bad?? But since someone out smarted them and got the first lick, its Okay to extort tech and money and such.. specially for the bandwagon alliances in the war.. I think I understand now.

  12. [quote name='TheNeverender' date='05 April 2010 - 05:14 AM' timestamp='1270440880' post='2248497']
    What. No, really...what. If TIDTT felt that it was fair to pay reps, then something tells me they don't need you wailing to the heavens about injustice of it all or whatever.

    Oh wow.. so its okay for MK to do it.. but it was bad business for NPO, or any of the others.. We see how it is. Good show..

  13. Why are we not past the he said/she said PR crap, and getting to the treaty partners helping out the "wronged" so everyone can have a little fun, and not waste pixels typing? I mean really winning in the PR department isn't going to help you now.. Your allies jumping in to save you may help, but they all have to grow a pair first. That maybe the issue.

    My TL;DR of my post: enough with the words and bickering, everyone just fight..

  14. I suppose Congrats to MHA.. Though for what you ask? They like a few other cowardly alliances turned there backs on tC, and well kicked alliances that were already down. Easy to get to number one that way.. kinda like TOP. Though I just realized TOP has regained number 1. So it was a short lived congrats.

  15. The best growth/war circle. Either want to build this one, or join one. Probably faster response if you pm me in game. However I am active on skype, and will make a point to check in often in here.

    Initial Resources






    Cattle: CloudGT4 http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=168195



    Pigs: CloudGT4 http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=168195




    Bonuses of:

    Fast Food/Construction/Beer

    Effect on Nation:

    Initial infrastructure cost: -33%

    Infrastructure upkeep: -21%

    Population increase: 27.5%

    Citizen income increase: $0

    Population happiness increase: 9.5

    Initial land cost: -15%

    Purchased land area increase: 18%

    Natural growth increase: 0%

    Technology cost decrease: 0%

    Environment increase: 10%

    Environment decrease: -1

    Effect on Military:

    Soldier increase: 35%

    Soldier cost decrease: $-3

    Soldier upkeep cost: $-0.5

    Tank cost decrease: -5%

    Tank upkeep cost: -5%

    Aircraft cost decrease: -8%

    Aircraft upkeep: 0%

    Aircraft limit increase: 10

    Cruise missle cost decrease: 0%

    Cruise missle upkeep: 0%

    Nuke cost decrease: 0%

    Nuke upkeep: 0%

    Reply or here.. or PM me on game. I can be reached fastest on Skype (CloudGT4)

  16. Hello. I was raided by one of your members a while ago, MinMin. I kicked his butt, then he called in two of his friends from the Illini alliance to help him out. I reported the two for multi-like behavior, and they were deleted.

    Now, MinMin has attacked me again, and has demanded reparations for me getting his Illini friends kicked. In his own words: "you kicked my friend out so naturally I have to avenge them."

    I'm curious as to whether the NATO alliance sanctions this kind of behavior. I've read your wiki page, and you guys don't seem particularly evil in any way. :) Is minmin a black sheep? Or do you consider it o.k. for your members to demand reparations for deleting multis? I'm just wondering.

    IRC is definitely your friend. Much faster results, and it don't get you frowned upon for dragging dirty laundry out to the public. Also, I can almost promise you NATO does not condone this action.

  17. I wouldnt call it wrecked, but i would sooner move to red or pink before i moved to purple.


    I been on most of the spheres in the game, and haven't found one that is as unified as purple. Just some of the small things that make it great is the 10k free tech just up and distributed to an alliance coming out of surrender term by purple alliances. Not once was it asked for, it was just giving. There is never a issue in spreading the senate out during each term.

    So I don't see how it was a bad move, its wrecked, or how red or pink would have even remotely been better. Red will be dangerous again in the future, I am sure. NPO was beat down, but they are far from being out. Purple holds good security to it, and all the alliances work together for the most part.

    again O/ BTA and a smart choice.

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