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Posts posted by Christf

  1. First, that was a pathetic insult/comeback.

    Second, you posted while I was typing my post. So if you want to get into technicalities, I was still correct as your post I was referring to was still your last post when I started typing mine.

    So, in the end, you fail. Again.

    Well technically we shouldn't of been attacked. I'm done talking to non NPO members that don't know crap about this war. If they want to act like a good alliance that would rather resolve this diplomatically then I will be glad to talk to them in private.

  2. BTW when the bit in the quote says lame that's the boards auto correct the quote was

    "k you're dad is gonna be disapointed that he spawned a f*****t sad.gif

    I hope you were trying to act immature otherwise you have a big immature problem and you should go back to 1st grade.

  3. No, but we would go to war if European Nations tried creating colonies in the Americas, as it is a violation of Monroe Doctrine

    Edited for clarity

    I talked about north korea saying we are lame. Not the monroe doctrine. Plus, we aren't creating colonies.

  4. I cant make people 10hour of driving away from me (or whatever) change their diapers. This game is suppose to represent the real world politics and countries... Don't you think North Korea says stuff on the U.S.? Do we go at war with them for saying America is a bad place to live and they are lame? No. How can you say it's not considered as an alliance? They chose to be small or they would be recruiting and growing way more then that. You asked us to stop the war withing 24hours and we did!

    Also could this discussion only be between the NPO and DevilDogs. Even though its the open world thing, most of the non NPO have no idea what they are talking about and it's really non of their business.

    Sorry I meant aligned*

  5. If the nation that started to tech raid the other guy was able to war him then it was fair. When you asked us to stop we offered peace, and whoever called you lame then I'm sorry but it was one person and not the whole alliance. When they threatened your boards, it was already a war. Then this whole dosing crap came in...

    You told us to offer peace in the next 24hours and we did exactly what you told us to do.

  6. Goodness. Do you people not understand what others say? We nuked them once it was a WAR we never nuked while tech raiding. Do you understand? I'll make it in bold and caps for you if you want: WE NUKED THEM ONCE WE WERE AT WAR. Better? Finally one that understood we didn't tech raid an unaligned nation! I'm seeing more and more intelligent people, even though it's taking some time to find them. Why wouldn't people join the alliance if they are in peace mode?

  7. You will sort of ZI yourself on peace mode if you stay on indefinitely. If you stay there long enough times, you won't be able to pay your bills eventually, and you'll have to exit Peace Mode again. Then.....well................I don't belong neither to the NPO or the DevilDogs, so I'll leave it as such. But you know how this will end :P

    You raided a red sphere nation...with nukes is it not??? I'm surprised the NPO didn't ZI your alliance for that & you should be grateful for it too. And now, a ZI attack....and you claim NPO is faking evidence? Well, I'm not a part of their alliance, but they have established a TRUSTWORTHY reputation w/ the CN community in general.

    If I was protecting the red sphere instead of NPO, and you NUKED a red sphere member over a tech raid- I'd place your entire alliance on perma ZI mode on default and wouldn't bother communicating. The NPO was actually pretty professional, I thought. I wish CN had a feature like "Drag hostile into uranium pits" option after you've deprived them of their land forces....

    Christf, you are more than welcome to tech raid, but not red sphere and what the f--k was there to use a NUKE on a raid? You should be ZI'd for stupidity. I've tech raided too- but not on red sphere (it isin't the biggest sphere anyway). And tech raids are done using TROOPS and CAUTIOUS ATTACKS....nuclear warheads, CMs and airforce jets don't help u get more tech yo. So you werent doing a tech raid in the first place & should be extremely grateful you were spared from complete ZI. Your tech raid was the most idiotic tech raid I've seen in all of my 190+ days of playing CN.

    You clearly have no idea what's going on. First of all I NEVER even attacked them. Some of the nations in our alliance did attack them I don't deny that, but I did not! When one of our members first attacked to tech raid, he didn't nuke them he only did what tech raiders do. But then their whole alliance attacked the tech raider. It's at that moment that some of our members, excluding me, attacked them back. THEN a member nuked them, but that was way past the tech raiding, it was a war.

  8. I cannot believe you have the audacity to call into question the veracity of Moo's statements.

    You surely either are:

    • a. clueless
      b. stupid
      c. have a death wish
      d. all of the above

    You really should have stopped 8 pages ago.

    EDIT: Cookies to those who get the right answer. :awesome:

    Admins I believe that is against the forum rules.

    Gene L enjoy trying to ZI somebody that is in peace mode

    Trilobyte man I never said a word in front of you...

    Afslav: "And no, I've only heard of Photoshop 7.0, young'in". Sorry i forgot you were a 60year old with no life.

    Lordy:"Never said they couldn't decide"

  9. I don't really need to prove I'm innocent really. The only reason I'm actually posting here is because you guys are funny. The reason I don't need to prove my innocence is because I didn't do something to make me guilty. Cheezy, tell me how can I be ZIed when I'm in peace mode? And what am I denying? Because I didn't tech raid any of them. As a matter of fact I didn't even war them. I just woke up with 3people warring me and my leaders telling me we are at war because some alliance is bloodthirsty and uses an excuse(That wasn't even true) to war us.

  10. [9:30:29]Christf: I'm 100000years old and I play cybernations

    [9:30:40]Idkwho: Ya and you ddosed NPO's site didnt you?

    [9:31:10]Christf: OMG HOW DID YOU KNOW, yes i ddosed them!

    I just made these logs up. I know they are retarded, but what matters is that they are FAKE and this proves ANYBODY can make up anything he wants. Whoever gave you "logs" is an idiot and made it all up. The only reason why you are going to believe him is to try to prove us wrong. Call the police and I'll tell him: "Where's your evidence". Because its not some "logs" over the internet that will prove anything, wake up. Also, didn't you say don't ddos us between now and 11days ? So even if it was us, which is not, it's way past 11days my friend.

  11. The doctrine says: Henceforth, the New Pacific Order will extend its sphere of protection over any unaligned red team nation being tech raided by a foreign or domestic military. The nations we attacked were aligned and we made peace after we were told to. This was an alliance war. When they started losing, they went to the NPO for help. The NPO told us to offer peace or we would be at war with them. We offered peace, but you still decided to attack us. Also we have no information on any member of The DevilDog alliance doing such a thing to the NPO forums.

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