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Kaiser Frederick II

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Posts posted by Kaiser Frederick II

  1. [center][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20081225184951/cybernations/images/6/67/Tgeflag2_m.png[/img]

    [size="6"][font="Times New Roman"]The German Empire:
    The Emperor Strikes Back[/font]![/size][/center]

    [b][size="4"][color="#FF0000"]S[/color][/size]alutations Foreign Dignitaries,

    It is with great joy to announce my return, no longer however as Kaiser Frederick II, but now as Franz Joseph I*, German Emperor of the German Empire. I would like to thank Frederick III for taking good measures and judgement while guiding the ship of state safely out of harms way in my absence. Due to his great loyalty as a servant of the state, and long time personal friend, I am ennobling Frederick III to, Großherzog Frederick III van Hesse-Nassau. Großherzog Frederick III van Hesse-Nassau will be a member of the Prussian House of Lords due to his rank of nobility.

    The German Empire has been founded for a couple years, on June 1st 2007 to be exact I believe. Since then the Empire has faced many trails, ups and downs. In the end it has endured. I am sure its growth will continue once more as it has recently done, and former strengths and peaks met once more will be surpassed.

    I would personally like to thank our present allies, mainly FOK and the International whom I knew for many years for standing at the German Empire’s side in its time of need. I can only hope that good diplomatic relations will continue to soar and prosper. As for foreign alliances who are interested in setting up any diplomatic presence within our Empire, feel free. I hope to meet many new faces on our forums, or perhaps on IRC if I do get the chance. ( #TGE ; Coldfront channel).

    The German Empire has also started an amazing revival recently in these past several days that it has now surpassed the 1 Million NS and 50 Member Mark! Forever onwards Germany![/b]


    [b]A toast to all alliances and independent nations for growth, prosperity and good will.[/b]

    [b]His Imperial and Royal Majesty[/b],
    [i]Francis Joseph I, by the grace of God, Emperor of Germany; King of Austria, Croatia, Dalmatia, and Slavonia; Duke of the Upper & Lower Silesia[/i]

    * Kaiser Frederick II was taken when I tried for some odd reason. :/ I will try and fix this once I wake up tomorrow! Thank you!

  2. [iC]

    You will serve well my daughter, but it is now proper that I retire in Huis Doorn. After all, I have served for almost three years, it is time I let my children govern before they get too old themselves! ;)


    I am surprised I am not suffering mental disorders from all the drama. Haha - but certainly RPing a figure in history, reading on him and his actions and his ideas certainly makes the RP'd character rub off on you.

    Hail to Empress Victoria!

    Hail to the German Empire!

    May the Sun never set of Victoria's German Empire! :)


    His Excellency,


  3. Thank you everyone, it has been nothing but a great pleasure in getting to know who I did. I don't know if I will return, perhaps when I finish and get my history major and start teaching. Haha - Oh and Alfred I hope I did justice in the translation, "You don't have the right to know what the fruit of action is, you only have the right to know what action you did." or the version or translation of Maharishi, "You have control over action alone, never over its fruits. Live not for the fruits of action, nor attach yourself to action." You are all a great bunch of people, and it does sadden me to leave, but I must. One quote I used before for my Senior farewell speech, I don't think it will be as drastic, but the meaning is good enough, "Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened." And you are all more then welcomed to add me on msn, even though I am out the door, I would like to be informed on events and crises. ^_^


  4. Guten Abend!

    I am here to announce my departure from Cybernations. It has been a couple years, reigned as the Emperor of Germany in the German Empire for almost three years, and they have been defiantly the best time of my life in CN. The whole RP aspect and the great community is just, simply matchless. Anyways, I have had some RL issues, rather close family member dying, unfortunately he lived in Austria and that made it impossible for me to get there for his funeral, which I felt terrible about. University is also piling up the load of work, and I can not handle any more unnecessary drama. Cybernations is a great game, perhaps too great that we get attached to it far too greatly. For instance, handling CN issues till 3 am on the school night is not natural and should not occur, however it has. It has opened my eyes that I need to move on and make sure my mind is undivided and completely on furthering myself in the world I actually live in, and not some fantastical world.

    I don't want to talk about my history in CN since I don't have time or the attention span or even the will to do so. My first couple lives in CN was aid hobbo, war deserter, major n00b, and it slowly progress as my friends and I learned the game mechanics. I remember when we almost caused a war between Legion + GATO vs NPO back in the days of the Trade Federation, this was during Legion's world police episode. Good times I had, I won't regret them, I defiantly met some interesting people, be you friends, or "enemies". I won't complain about enemies since they make the world of CN spin, though I wouldn't really consider them enemies.

    Anyways with my leave, I am sure some people will be happy, thrilled, and some sad and taken aback by it. I will respect whatever or however you all feel, cause I have not been exactly what I had hoped to be. I have been nice to good many people, and also very ebil to some. But hell, it happens to everyone. Anyways I am not announcing who is the next Emperor or Empress, it will be only one of those, not some family so no worries. However, it is someone who I thought would serve well.

    Shoutouts is kept to minimum since I have no time, don't feel insulted! If I know you, I most likely have a good view of everyone, even the people who are at times considered "enemies".

    TGE - You are epic, and awesome. Continue to maintain the proud and noble Imperial German RP. :)

    FOK - You protected TGE, and I love you forever and ever, I know TGE will continue and will always stand by FOK as an ally. You have also inspired me to learn Dutch once I get my German solid. Cheers for an unbreakable Dutch and German bond! Hail Wilhelm of Orange!

    INT - Socialists and ebil Communists, excellent people and allies. We had crossed and broken that traditional idea of Germans don't like lolcommies and all that stupid talk, and we had grown to be great and undivided friends and allies. Another state I know for sure TGE will support and back to the end.

    Vlad Dracula - Close friend and loyal ally in my years of reigning as the German Empire. Many people didn't like what you did or said, but in the long run when I went against it, you were usually right. You're a great man, and I expect to continue to keep in touch with you even outside of CN.

    Valdemar - You have been a pretty good friend and person I could go to. I am saddened by the events which had occurred. Best of luck to you.

    I love just about everyone in CN, hell NPO is cool. Sure everyone Q.Q'd at one point about their ebilness, but they just knew how to play the game. I hope that CN never gets stale for all of you, CN is a natural breeding ground for lawlz and drama, and I am sure it will continue to be so.

    I wanted to post this one awesome video I saw, was Wilhelm II's funeral in Huis Doorn, and it had this excellent organ song going on, rather touching to see, however this will do: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4kpAfQtOQk...feature=related I like the song, and hell, it has Wilhelm in it so even better! Good knowing you Ladies and Gentlemen! Take care, you have certainly helped mold me in some way one way or another! :) Oh - if I know you, feel free to add me on msn, jschoner@hotmail.com


    ^ Good old stuff which made me love Imperial Germany :)

  5. The German Empire:

    Government Announcement


    Imperial Citizens, and Foreign Dignitaries,

    I would like to proudly announce the new Imperial German Government which has been placed to manage the German Empire on the 1st of November of the year 2009 of our Lord. This has been yet another peaceful election between the political parties in Germany, however it proved to also be one of historical significance within the German Empire, as the Imperial Monarchist Party (IMP), won a decisive victory against the Centralist Party (CP), winning an absolute majority within the German Reichstag. This was barely accomplished as the Centralists appeared to be able to get at least two of their candidates in the German Reichstag. Regardless, both parties made fairly good campaigns, very creative might I add, and activity of voter turn-out has certainly been much higher, here are some pieces, funny and serious:




    We are sure that the Monarchists will bring forth a new era of progress and growth, congrats ladies and gentlemen, without further adieu:



    The German Emperor,

    and King of Prussia,

    H.I.M Frederick II

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