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Posts posted by nShade1337

  1. Hopefully, after this war, those members of FINAL who left to fight along side our friends in Athens will be able to fix the name of FINAL. JD, I am very disappointed in you. Posting this was a very, very bad idea. Either way, good luck. You're going to need it.

  2. Just because nothing is posted, doesn't mean it didn't happen. We/I don't take insults against leadership very lightly. Nice defense, my favorite part is how you don't even deny it.

    You (Master Plo) actually agreed to an apology since Trace was backing you. that kinda went down the drain when I questioned the fact that knew something about all this, when you stated you didn't. You seem to know an awful lot now :v:

    Did you just ZI any loyal alliance member?

    Where are the screen shots of these insults? Not to mention, if anything bad was ever said it was done in private. Meaning, done in private on secure forums. How would you even ever know? :blink:

  3. It has also been stated by AE, that...Initially events arose where there was a spy in FINAL and an agreement was reached that this member was to be permanently expelled from FINAL.

    As no such agreement exists in our .gov forums, nor was any such agreement every communicated to me, can someone show me a hard copy of this agreement? Our senators insisted all the way out the door, that their decision to expel JDragon came from their own deliberations. Someone lied, Tongo was officially acting president. So I ask bluntly 2 questions. 1) did such an agreement occur. and 2) where is it?

    Again, posted on behalf of Master Plo Koon

  4. NOTE: Posted on behalf of Master Plo Koon, president of FINAL. (OOC: His IE is acting up..yes...IE)

    Wow, who could not see this coming for the last 3 weeks. This is utterly the most ridiculous DOW in the history of planet Bob.

    FINAL was then left with a corrupt government who've had a history of being Anti-AE.

    Lets start with that statement. FINAL was left with a one member government(myself), who had been nothing but supportive of the MDP with AE. This is an undeniable fact. It was pointed out, in a meeting held between Sigma(AE), Myself, and Trace (MK) that my support of the treaty was irrelevant, and since I was in the H.O.R when the treaty was canceled (mutually, for that fact, with an agreement to rebuild it from the ground up), I bear the responsibility of the "insulting" nature concerning the treaty cancellation. That was Sigmas official stance to me. That puzzles me though. If my service in the H.O.R at the time of the cancellation of the treaty reflects poorly on me, surely it would reflect equally as poorly on the other .gov members who were serving the day of the cancellation. Regardless of the fact that they supported(and in some cases, even helped author) the treaty. Lets see...who was in the .gov on 5/14 when the treaty was canceled. Tongo of Ognotia, having just passed the presidency to Nightshade was back in his role as VP. Surely this cancellation reflected equally as poorly on him as it did on me. Must not have. 2 days later he resigned from FINAL, sat in a on man alliance for sever days, and is now a member of Atlantic Empire. So much for that line of thought. Lets see....my fellow H.O.R member at the time of the cancellation. Morty601. Surely it reflected equally as bad on him as it did on me. Oh wait, hes now been welcomed with open arms into A.E. Man, this reflection stuff is confusing to me. Well, Serving senator at the time of the cancellation, Kirjath Jearim of Aphotic. He must be even more badly reflected on by the rude circumstances of the treaty cancellation, as he was the ONLY senator in FINAL at the time. Oh wait, hes now in AE too. So Sigmas official stance is, it reflects badly on you if your name was Master Plo Koon. Ok..Now that this is out of the way, lets move further along in the declaration.

    Initially events arose where there was a spy in FINAL and an agreement was reached that this member was to be permanently expelled from FINAL. Well now that guy is back, and is even in the government. Well, we tried to look past that.

    Ah yes, Jdragons infamous spying incident. Lets start with what JDragon said to FJL via PM that got him labeled as a spy.


    Lets go down the damming info that he passed on to AE. We currently have no H.o.R....yep, you don't even need to log into our forums to know this, its right there on the front page.

    We cannot appoint an HOR as per our constitution. Again, linked on our front page, not even a LOGIN required for this.

    Executive order issued suspending elections. Really, the only damning part of this, but it was not not public knowledge.

    Don't let the info get back to our .gov. A very poor choice made by him, and the only point where I would have censured him on. You will all make your own decisions regarding this, and they are all irrelevant. He wasn't tried or even convicted of spying. He was tried for treason. A legal proceeding involving treason defines treason as follows ....

    Oran's Dictionary of the Law (1983) defines treason as: "...[a]...citizen's actions to help a foreign government overthrow, make war against, or seriously injure the [parent nation]." In many nations, it is also often considered treason to attempt or conspire to overthrow the government, even if no foreign country is aided or involved by such an endeavor.

    There was no intent or effort made to overthrow the .gov of FINAL. He spoke out of line and out of turn. But I reiterate, this entire espionage thing is 100% irrelevant to the DOW, as he was not tried and or convicted of espionage.

    This brings us squarely TO espionage. As I pointed out, in a meeting with Sigma, mediated by Trace of Mushroom Kingdom, 2 weekends ago, There was former .gov member of FINAL, now in AE, who has ADMITTED to aiding an abetting espionage against FINAL by receiving posts from a friend of hers still in FINAL, after this .gov member had left for AE, concerning private government communications to our member nations. Mind you, her guilt is not in question. I stated over and over that I had proof (IM admissions by her, PM admissions by her in our forums), that she was aiding, abetting, and safely harboring a spy. So, what we get out of all of this from Sigma is "I will look into it." Not even a request to see the admissions. And certainly no follow up on the topic. If spying were such a concern for them, then it would seem to me that it would be ALL spying. But alas, we are left with "spying is bad, except when AE does it."

    Constant flaming and treatment of AE members in foreign embassies and IRC was also a common occurrence which we do not take lightly. ....to this I simply say SHOW ME. And if you do not show me, then its irrelevant as well. Link to one foreign embassy where we flamed AE. I know that in 2 weeks, AE has not brought a single incident to my attention.

    An apology to Atlantic Empire was agreed on, but never came. How many alliances would apologize to another alliance who harbors an admitted spy and takes no action to correct the situation? Id venture to guess the answer to this is zero.

    We of course would like to offer anyone (well almost anyone) in FINAL surrender terms, because they should not be responsible for the governments actions.....Well to this....I just laugh. And if you read carefully above about how a governments actions reflect on everyone, not just individuals, then you know why I left.

    As for surrender, FINAL will not look down on any member nation agreeing to surrender terms with AE. In the end, this game is about self preservation. If it were about anything else, everyone would always be at war with everyone else. FINALs official governmental stance, this war in unjustified, and as an alliance, no surrender terms will be accepted. We did nothing to AE, except convey our desire to be left alone. Enjoy your war.


    Master Plo Koon

    Acting President FINAL.

    EDIT: Fixed some spelling

  5. The spying that AE is referring to was done by a member of FINAL who, while he was out of place, sent a PM in what he thought was the best interest for the alliance. The PM had no private information within it and was nothing but a simple request.

    As for the current govt being the "corrupt" government, that's funny.

  6. I don't see anything wrong here. Did he say he was a member of the alliance /b/? Did I miss that? If not then whats the big deal if he's a /b/tard? As for banning leadership of people attacking you...thats his right. I don't think the laws of being neutral apply when the entire Continuum starts humping your face.

  7. Sadly, I can see GPA disbanding. They don't have the will to continue to survive like FAN does. Hopefully I'm wrong, but I really don't see GPA lasting long. This will be a quick war and everyone else will have to find a new alliance to get their drama from.

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