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Posts posted by Silent

  1. The last part is of course optional, in fact the whole thing is, it is to create more of a sense of law and equal justice to war reparations.

    Again: why? I don't see any reason to create a fixated system. Let each winner alliance decide for its own what reps to take from the loosing side. That will involve diplomacy. Don't take out the fun out of the game with fixated systems. And same goes for "international laws".

  2. So the point of the OP, and correct me if I am wrong, is for us to create a unified reparations system with pre-set digits based on some form of measurement for reasons that one has to pay reps (as in: war of this degree costs this many reps, roguenuking costs this many and that costs such) and name it all with Somali terms?


  3. I haven't liked you since GWIII and why change that now.

    I hope you're disbanded within the upcoming year and I personally want to see Adolf45 zi'd.


    I, on the contrary, always liked FCO and been friends with Adolf45 since I met him at RGA.

    Congrats guys. Nice to see you still working hard. Let this year be prosperous for FCO.

  4. Oh, right. This makes yours completely excusable.

    Didn't say that it doesn't.

    Actually, I quoted your exact words. You think the snooping was related to this conspiracy where people are being directed to tech raid your nation. Seriously, do people read anything?

    You made it sound like he was in on the conspiracy and was snooping around for its members like a scout. What I said is that random nations in search for a nation to raid may have been all sent links to my nation by some one person.

    Accusations against any of my members will be treated the same.

    Asking if your member might have directed to my nation by some third party is an accusation or insult?

    I fail to see the connection between your tech raids and our parodies of your graphics. If you really wanted to complain about these pictures, perhaps another topic would have been more appropriate.

    If you are not making any accusations, once again, I suggest you edit your OP so Archon and the body of the Kingdom do not mistake otherwise.

    Perhaps. And what exactly you want me to edit?

  5. Silent, you have very quickly managed to go from a "nobody" in my book to an "annoyance."

    If more of this conspiracy dribble or attempts at subtle insulting nonsense come out of your mouth accompanied by the word "TORN", you'll have made an enemy. If you do that, you better start racking up more protection.

    Have a nice day. :)

    Wonder where I accused TORN as an alliance of conspiracies or did subtle insults towards it.

  6. The only reason that would be relevant is if you believed, and were inferring, that because the MK disliked your graphics, we set a price on your head. Otherwise, that has absolutely nothing to do with the tech raids.

    If this is not the case, I suggest you change your OP. Otherwise Archon may believe you are falsely accusing the MK of wrongdoing.

    Never said that all of MK dislikes me or my graphics, but rather that some people in MK do. And did not say that someone in MK put a price on my head either.

  7. People here are stating that because many MK members are posting here, we all have some grudge against Silent.

    However, when a person infers that the Mushroom Kingdom is to blame for a series of coincidences and provides lulzy pictures as proof, you can be sure that the Shroom Squad will come and stir things up.

    We look after our own.

    Commisar made the first graphic because, to be honest, Silent didn't deserve to win that competition. The graphics were sub par, at best. I followed up with the CN:TE graphic because Commisar hadn't shown any inclination in doing so.

    We had nothing to do with these tech raids. And the Kingdom doesn't look kind on those who falsely accuse us.


    Where did I state that MK has anything to do with this? Only thing I mentioned about MK in the OP is about the graphics. And later on I said that I do not exclude any theories, yet I made no claims or accusations, as in, I didn't point the finger at anyone yet.

  8. That you think you are so important that three alliances have engaged in some kind of conspiracy against you is ridiculous. Until today, you weren't even a blip on our radar. Now I, for one, will remember you for all the wrong reasons. :)

    Seriously, do people read anything? I never stated that three whole alliances conspired against me. I said that I suspect some one person sending random alligned nations searching for raid targets links to my nation. And honestly, I was under the radar twice now, but I not always, as you think, and people knew me before this. You can remember me in any way you want.

    Usually those who play the politics "well" don't make blunders like this thread.

    I seen some people do bigger 'blunders' recently, who should be by far better than me with this games politics.

    So which was it, snooping around for some conspiracy or doing research that you appreciate?

    Where did you get the snooping around for a conspiracy part? And I appreciate a person first doing research on who he wants to raid if the nation bio indicates a possible protectorate over that nation.

    And I'm sure that the purpose of this topic was as a reminder and nothing more. That's why you felt the need to post screenshots of anything other than the war declaration. Makes perfect sense.

    Hearing the "screenshots or it didn't happen" phrase after two years here teaches to make screenshots of almost everything.

  9. still stands that you were b---hing about the poison clan member for doing the right thing. I see no retraction of those statements, so I'm guessing you'd like for the right to be wronged then.

    And I complain because I can. I don't have to "do something" about the things I complain about, even though you seem to think that in order to complain you've gotta take action afterwards. I just don't like your graphics and I think they suck, plain and simple. Please get over yourself.

    Where did I say he did the wrong thing? I already posted that I was happy that he at least did his research. What I do find wrong in there is that I added "before attacking" after that. Not what I meant to say, so if you were referring to this - sorry. Should have said "And I am happy that at least your member took the time to do research instead of charging in, guns blazing." Other than this I don't see what you could be complaining about.

    And complaining without doing something is the same as discussing politics in a kitchen. You can do it, but it's really pointless.

  10. I'm sorry, but I do believe you have the definition of "latter" wrong. And... you referenced the wrong critique. I did the CN:TE critique, of which you said only the "lost ****tard" and the "red Australia" comments were funny. I went through my image again and found it devoid of both "gay" and "commie" references.

    Well I wasn't aware that two different people did the two critiques. In that case I say your critique is fine and has funny reference. Direct all else that I said to Commisar Gaunt.

  11. In the original message before your edit, you counted the poison clan member even though he did the right thing. And like I said, if that bothers you, then we can wrong that right for you any time you'd like.

    Also, you're not important enough to start a petition over. The graphics just plain suck, that's all. You may have won, but you did a piss poor job.

    What edit? The OP was posted WITH the "EDIT" part. If it were edited there would be a note below the post "Edited by ... on ...". If you check, none of my posts have that note.

    Also: if you don't like it, but not going to do anything about it, then why complain?

    Correct me if I'm wrong but don't you (Silent) have a protectorate with FCO as well? Or did that get canceled per their surrender terms?

    Yes, it was canceled because of FCOs participation in the war.

    Rest assured though, to throw a hissy fit would mean I would have had to care about the graphics in the first place--lets not get ahead of ourselves, shall we emot-v.gif

    You cared enough to make the critique in the first place.

  12. Adding "Protected by Socialistic Empire" to your nation bio would have sufficed. Making a whole big show like you have done here? Yeah, right. Just want to prevent more attacks.

    Apparently my current nation bio was enough before to warn off raiders.

    Former S-R-I Chairman, Comintern Founder, Brotherhood Father, SWF member, RGA member, Supreme Commissar of the -SE-, presently Leader of an upcoming alliance. Nation is under protection of -SE- and CB.
    No, you can't count 3 nations. The Poison Clan nation did the right thing and asked, since sometimes people merely post they're protected in order to avoid attack. So, if you're going to complain, complain about the nations actually attacking you, not about the one that did the right thing. And if it bothers you that he did the right thing, well, come talk to me, and we'll see how to make that right into a wrong for you.

    Also, your graphics do suck.

    Please count with me: TORN, FOK, M*A*S*H.

    That's 3. I did not count the Poison Clan.

    Also: I am SORRY for winning. I should have tried harder to loose. Start a petition to take down my graphics if it'll make you happy.

  13. What makes you think that taking this to a public forum is going to make your situation dealt with any better than if it were dealt with in private (In game PM's, IRC, forums, etc.)? While I hate when alliances protect some random member in a one man alliance or in None, you can see that our member, Topia, made the right call in clarifying with your protector to make sure it was true. Why? Because there are a lot of nations out there that are lying. Flat out faking protection to avoid the casual raider that doesn't put in time to run background checks. That, or they don't change their bios from when they were formerly in an alliance. Our member from PC made the right call, and while TORN and Fok members might have gone ahead and raided, I'm sure they are making the right call internally in dealing with the situation.

    Now the guy that sent CM's and bombing runs; now that guy deserves the negative publicity. That's a quick boot from PC if you're caught pulling a stunt like that. I'm sure MASH will take care of business internally for that as well.

    Either way, there are better ways to handle your business.

    I hope that Crimson Brigade will you drop you for your antics and I can come say hello myself if you're in range.

    This topic was not made to let me handle the raids I already got in, because I solved half of them by the time I posted. The purpose of this topic is to remind people that I have protectorates, so as to prevent any more attacks on my nation. And I am happy that at least your member took the time to do research before attacking.

    And, unfortunately for you, I know for a fact that CB will do no such thing.

    You know, all of you complaining about the graphic, why didn't you do better?


    Most of you who don't like the graphic have played CN for 2 years now, and don't even pay attention to it anymore!

    Anyway, it's quite obvious that this isn't an accident. It might just be because people don't like Silent though.

    The fact is that if I didn't win nobody would say squat. But my submission won, so somehow it is my fault and I get the ridicule. Well then: sorry for the circumstances beyond my control!!!! I should have lost!!! But I didn't try hard enough!!

    Gees its about the techraids, not about the graphics

    Silent just calls it because he thinks there is a relation and probably because by claiming its 'because of the graphics' people sympathise with him :mellow:

    I mean geezzz lets straight out the facts

    -> he is in a protectorate

    -> he gets attacked by 3 players who seem to have no relation (different alliances)

    now I don't understand why on earth he makes this topics and brings it public.. Peace has already been sort out, so its just a matter of contacting the gov from the attackers...

    Also: everyone has his/her own opinion.. When someone makes a drawing, there are people who like and there are people who dislike. Be ready to take critics, if not you should never step forward with your drawings and just keep them on your own PC for no-one to see...

    No, I do not say that the two things are directly related, though I do not exclude the idea that the people who might be directing nations to raiding my nation are from the same group that don't like my graphics and hate me in general. I'd be stupid not to consider all options but I am not stupid to state that the two issues are 100% related.

    You don't? Alright: I made the topic to remind people that I do have protectorates, to prevent further attacks on my nation. This topic is not about blaming alliances whos members already attacked me, it's here to prevent more attacks.

    You'll ask why did I bring up the logs at all then? Well what did you want me to do? Just make a topic "People, remember, I have protectorates". Now that would have looked idiotic because it would have looked like a random statement for no reason.

    Also, if you haven't noticed, I specifically said I couldn't care less about someones hissy fits about my graphics and I found two jokes to be funny.

    And they didn't sign their work, or at least in such a blatant way, either.

    The admin proposed people to sign "GRAPHIC done by: name". Sorry for me blatantly removing the first word, which would have taken up more space. P.S. look above for one of the submissions also signed.

    Okay wow dude this has gotten way out of control and you're starting to irritate. See the Chamber of Tears at TORN forums for the resolution of your case with us.

    Don't know what you're upset about since this topic was not done to complain about your nation raiding me, or any of the others since I got peace from all and already negotiating reps. The topic is here to prevent more attacks. Read what I wrote above about that.

    I take offense to this. I do believe my critique was of the highest quality. I also believe that it was spot on.

    Regardless, I wish you luck with the tech raids.

    You mean your over-usage of gay and commie reference and making continents into $@s was a spot-on critique? Then take it up with Earth for shaping the continents not the way you want them to be shaped.

    conspiracy theories.... sheesh.

    on the TORN raid... our guy made a mistake and didnt read through the entire bio. Appropriate discipline to the nation has been administered. Silent dismissed the need for reps as the torn nation gave him 2mil. Case closed.

    If people wanted you dead, you'd be attacked by 3 nations continuously until ZI. Face it, its not a conspiracy and you will most likely be getting reps for the improper raids that caused damage so really, there was no need to post this in OWF other than to get attention.

    You know I wouldn't have thought that it's a conspiracy either, if only some people weren't asking around about my protectorates before 3 other guys raided me and if the M*A*S*H raider didn't tell me that someone directed his attention to my nation for a tech-raid:


    I am still waiting for his response as to who redirected him to my nation. If it turns out to be random then I will drop my suspicions of this being a staged series of attacks.

    Again I say: the reason I posted this was to prevent more possible attacks.

    And please people, put more "Done by Silent" everywhere. I am only happy to see that.

  14. Just my personal opinion

    Do you really think your worth it for people to 'organize' attacks on you?

    By winning the graphic contest your nation became 'known'. The easiest way to find targets is to

    -> either search for alliance 'none' and then strength range

    -> check the warscreen and see big nations attack each other

    -> 'know' nations

    And if your in a 1man alliance or in 'none'.. Well what can I say, then you deserve being techraided.

    I personally don't care much what people write in their 'about': everyone can claim there are a member of alliance XXX and are being protected by alliance XXX or player XXX.

    If they are part of an alliance then they should have their AA on that alliance

    If they are a protectorate, the alliance should have more then 10 members which means there would be needed permission in most alliances. And then it should be publiced on either CN or be found @ google

    Well since people have organized attacks on me before, I don't see why not. By Sindorin, by fstick when he was in ICP during the S-R-I vs ICP cold war, Kommando once proposed it to the Popular Front and numerous others.

    And I would not make this topic if I were but a one man alliance or none, but it happens to be so that I have two alliances protecting my nation. Surprisingly, when I was none (after S-R-I disbanded and before I joined SWF) I was never raided.

    Also both my protecting alliances are over 10 members, so that part of your post is void in this instance. Also both my protectorate pacts were published on the CN Forums and I provided links to them in the OP.

    Ahh ok, never heared of him (but then again, I am not really into politics / CN forum)

    But if he is disliked, its normally he gets attacked right? And this is just a game and people are allowed to attack each other, then whats the problem?

    Only problem is that he is a protectorate, which makes it a political 'game' between the agressor and defender... I don't understand why people should act 'sad' or see 'conspiracys' etc. If they dislike him and want him dead, he should just get his soldiers ready for war and take it as a man instead of 'crying' when he gets attacked/loses?

    No hard feelings, but isn't attacking each other the main purpose of this game?

    Also, he is being protected by a small alliance (14 members, low NS).. If a big alliance decides to whipe CB out and attack all members, then what? Making a topic about it and say 'they picked on us'? In that case you should have all kinds of political agreements with other alliances to protect, etc etc.

    Then again: If you can't take it, don't play it?

    Well then read my personal wiki. Link under my sig. Then you'll know of me.

    This game has two aspects. War and politics. I am in this game for the politics part and I play it well, what I am doing now is playing it's political part, but that doesn't in any way mean I can't act pissed off. And the fact is that conspiracies are a part of this games political sphere, and as I said above, I was already target before, bounties were on my head, mercenaries were hired to hit my nation and coups attempted against me.

    And no, attacking each other is not the sole purpose of the game, this game has very big political drives, otherwise we wouldn't have any damn treaties and alliances would attack each other randomly at all times.

    Just because you don't play the political part of the game, doesn't mean that it is not there and that what I do is not actually part of the game.

    I might also point out that once you're tech raided once you're almost certainly going to get tech raided by two others. Tech raids come in packs because raiders check the wars across the globe screen, looking for easy targets that someone else has already identified/damaged.

    If it were just that I wouldn't have made this topic either, however, as the case is, before the attacks happened, people were already snooping around asking if my protectorates are real. So I have valid reason to believe that this is not just a random tech raid growing in size.

    Critiques done by MK.

    sorry forgot to put this in


    Well excuse me for exercising my right to put my signature, as per admins permission to all contest participants:

    You are welcome to put "graphic by: your name" in the bottom right corner of the image if you'd like.

    After all, I was the only !@#$%^& to dare and put his signature on his submission:



    The matter is that people who hate my submission speak out only because it won. If it didn't nobody would make fun of it.

    Have I ever talked to you ? :unsure:

    @ Silent, sorry for the attack, It is not organized it was just a "raid", since you are unaligned and aren't on the red sphere you are a legal target.

    Your bio is a kinda confusing with a lot of strange abbreviations like SWF, RGA S-R-I. Furthermore it only says you are being protected by "-SE-" "CS" There aren't many people who know who these alliances are. Not every single planet BOB nations knows all the abbreviations from all the 200 alliances out there.

    Tip, join the red sphere, our allies from Pacifica protect nations on the red sphere, you should be safe there. You could also join an alliance, they will protect you from techraiders.

    If I was you Silent....i'd go red. People don't seem to talk crap when NPO protects you. I can assure you had you been on the red team people wouldn't feel the urge to attack you unless Pacifica says otherwise. Also, everyone read bio's it just determines if they are afraid of said alliance protecting you. If not they raid. If so they don't raid and keep on going.

    It's mostly confusing to new players imo.

    Yeah I actually thought for a moment to maybe even join NPO altogether. However that thought will have to wait till I get all my reps sorted out. Also I hate the idea of quiting a trade circle to which I was invited just this month.

    Well a 30k nation being 'protected' by an alliance from which the highest ranked NS guy is weaker then the 'protectorat' kinda makes me laugh. Not meant insulting and not meant bad in anyway, but how on earth could the alliance itself protect the player?

    Also, whats the use of '1 nation alliances'? If you guys like him so much, why doesn't he just join your alliance? Isn't the point of a protectorate to grow, become larger so they can stand on their own feet? (just trying to understand, not to insult)

    Yeah, you absolutely do not acknowledge the political side of the game. Political relations do not allow to just strike an alliance out of nowhere. So even if I am protected by an alliance that is filled with nations weaker then my own, it is still great protection because of the political ties an alliance possesses.

    And, since you don't know, I am the founder and former Leader of one of the two alliances that protect me - the Socialistic Empire. Which I left but they still extended their protection over my nation.

    Or just set your AA to "Protected by SE and CS" and explain the acronyms in your bio.

    Now that is a good idea. Might just do that. Also it's not CS, it's CB (Crimson Brigade).

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