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Posts posted by Loucifer

  1. [quote name='PrinceArutha' timestamp='1288670400' post='2499619']
    !@#$. damn fat fingers..... thats what I get for being born with fat fingers.... son of a

    Don't feel alone on this one. I noticed the error also and what do I do? I place mine at your coordinates. :doh:

  2. [quote name='Sabertooth' timestamp='1283305306' post='2437700']
    I wonder if there are any other alliances with a major ghost problem? Mostly Harmless Alliance perhaps?

    I know the New Pacific Order has the best ghostbusting team and system on the planet. Maybe Sparta should ask them for some advice on how to curb their ghost problem.

    Since I am retired now, I would like to state... I hope it will be a cold day in hell before NPO helps Sparta with anything.

  3. [quote name='Mesteut' timestamp='1281522053' post='2411012']
    Best I could do with it.


    Note: I think closed blinders are better :awesome:

    While the whole premise of this one is flawed...

    This one is quite funny.

  4. ...are you serious? They essentially announced a suspension of their reparation payments to most alliances. They've also flown to peace mode where they can't send aid from. So it looks to me like they planned to renege on their peace agreement because of the war the world's in.

    Seriously? No really, are you serious? Has your hate so blinded you, that you automatically have to find something to complain about (i.e. make up on the spot) when you see the words "New Pacific Order"?

    While you are at it, please submit Reparations Audit Report G15RP-A7 in triplicate, to the proper officers. We need to correlate the findings with our own internal audit process.

    (Make sure you have the reports from every alliance that we agreed to pay reps to, so that you are using the most current data.)

    Once all data has been correlated and verified by the certified reparations committee, then, and only then will you be able to fully imagine some terrible conspiracy about the (careful, I'm going to use those rage inducing words here.. )New Pacific Order being perpetrated.

    p.s. about the peace mode nations, we are just running some drills to keep in practice, for it seems that is how wars are fought nowadays in this new brave world. The alliance with the most members in peace mode wins wars according to recent events.

  5. [ooc]

    All this speculation is highly entertaining.

    After it was realized that part of my logs were coming up in a search, we both entered into a full security check of our machines, and it was determined that they in fact did come from my machine.

    Why that part is the only thing that appeared on !@#$%*, I can not fathom.

    Yes, I found a keylogger on my system, I also found a lot of other security breaches. whether it was the keylogger itself, or the other comprimised parts of my system I cannot say, as I am not a hacker. I used the term keylogger in an attempt to make it understandable to those who are not computer gurus.

    I thank you for posting this conversation, it has made my life so much better. Now I can hang out with people who have lost respect for me and do not fully believe what i say anymore.

    If you find more conversation, please feel free to post them, as they will help elevate my comfort level among my friends.


  6. Yeah, I should quit stating facts as fact. It tends to get people all riled up for some reason. I humbly suggest you verify your information before you try to call me out as a liar. 211 nations in NPO have seniority of 166 days or less (beginning of Karma War). Now, I grant you this is no longer a perfect measurement by any means, but what it does say is that only 417 nations have been in NPO since before the war. They had over 900 nations when the war started, and I believe NPO Applicant had somewhere in the high 200's. While I don't have exact records on that, I'm sure someone does.

    That's one way of looking at it. We could also, say, describe the real situation. ;)

    Show me hard numbers where we had hundreds of people on our applicant AA, instead of anecdotes, and I will yield this argument.

    as far as the numbers I have seen, we were nowhere near "hundreds" of people on that AA. We police it like we do our main AA.

  7. You also had several hundred in NPO Applicant, most of whom suddenly vaulted into member status during the war, when NPO's member numbers began dropping. When the ~500 number shows up, that's what people are referring to.

    Ya know, you should quit spewing things like this as fact. Until you can prove these so-called hundreds of people using our applicant AA, you are just spewing garbage.

    Quit buying into the tired old rumors, and think for yourself, I'm sure you can handle it.

  8. How much does RyanGDI care about his members? very little. He's telling them to make multi's and use them to ghost our AA to do tech scams. Not even Vox, /b/, GOONS, or any other alliance did that.

    While I a can agree that this is a despicable move. I would like to remind you to make sure of your facts before saying it has never happened before. If I could be bothered to hunt the information down, I could show you where others have used this tactic, including Vox and FAN to name a couple.

  9. We were more concerned with the actual peace document rather than the distribution of who gets what.

    Where the reps go doesn't really matter, we will be paying them anyway, its just another nation to us.

    You folks are really scrounging for something to complain about if your making an issue out of this.

    When the reps start flowing, you can watch to your heart's content.

    If those receiving the reps wish to announce who they have decided to receive them wish to tell the world, you can be sure to find another ridiculously long discussion here.

  10. So how did a nation go from being an MCXA applicant straight to being a member of the NPO - and during wartime no less? Don't you have an application process anymore?

    In case you missed it, there is an option in the "edit my nation" section that allows you to choose your AA. There are no restrictions on what you can put in there initially.

    Just a FYI, this person you are referring to is not masked as a member on our forums and as such is not a member.

    Take off your tinfoil hat.

  11. You're irrelevant. Why don't you come out of peace mode and say that? Do something about it.

    This is so beautiful, seeing my enemies put into the position they left me in. Yet instead of man up and take the abuse they sit there, roll over and play like they're the victims of some horrid crime. After the defamation you perpetrated against myself and so many others I find the whining about how "unfair" public perception of you is to be delicious. Keep on refusing to admit your wrongs, that'll get you places.

    Sure Doitzel, I'll get right on that.

    we wont get into the who defamed who argument.

  12. Yeah dude, the NPO is pretty small.

    The NPO is not posting for a very solid reason. Their members have a tenancy to tell the truth on these forums, and the truth has another name. Incrimination. So you'll probably only see posts from IO/High Command folks who are able to properly toe the line and put forward the proper propaganda. Probably even then you wont see them much as folks are more resistant to their usual crap lines right now.

    Yep, propoganda.

    Stand by... I need to find my script.

    Please direct me to anywhere I may have posted propoganda.

    Actually, the quoted post proves my earlier point perfectly.

  13. I should also point out that irony was partially present within the post (thank you for recognizing that) but it was more my intention to try and coax some NPO leaders back into the forums and have them post in here. Koona and Vladimir (to name two) tend to have very interesting reactions to subjects such as this.

    Sorry, the bait is not tempting enough.

  14. While it would be entertaining to engage you folks in thoughtful discussion, any argument I might offer at this time will be twisted and shouted down by those who feel they must spew hatred and bile at every opportunity.

    I tend not to come to this arena very often for that very reason.

    If you are sincerely wanting an answer to your questions, you are free to find me on IRC. I will make an attempt at answering your questions.

    Although if it involves anything considered to be privileged information, I will not be able to answer you.

    Thank you and have a better day.


    NPO Imperial Officer

  15. In no means is this meant to try and dissuade you from your opinions, but, I will try to answer your concerns as much as Operational Security will allow me to.

    Actually, you are wrong. It is most definitely NOT fine that I wanted to leave. In fact NPO's policy is to ZI those who wanted to leave. Unless you are Dilber or some other special member. They can apparently come and go as they please. Me? I'm just a serf. I'm going to be shot.

    If you had left before we were in a state of open warfare, your leaving would have been met with "sorry to see you go" or other neutral comments. Unfortunately, you decided to leave during a full scale war, and then come here and make claims that really should have been left between you and us. You have been around long enough to know our policy for those who leave in the middle of a war.

    Yes, just a few days ago, and after this conflict started I was a loyal pacifican. What has changed since that time? Well mainly my realization that I was going to be forced to fight at the tip of a gun. I will GIVE my honor and loyalty freely but you can NEVER forcibly take it from me. Thank you for your post of my earlier words. It shows that I am not leaving because I am afraid of war. I am leaving because I will not fight for those who do not respect me. You don't threaten your comrades.

    Unfortunately, most alliances are military based alliances, joining them means you will need to fight for them at some point. You stated on your application that you would do so. Now, in that respect, we expected you to fight when we either declare war or are declared upon, which, this time we got both options, how lucky is that? Always good to have options :)

    I definitely did NOT talk to any IO's about this issue beforehand. I have witnessed what talking to an IO will do to your life within NPO. (shorten it). They are for the most part power hungry, egotistical bullies. Not the approachable, touchy feely kind I prefer.
    If you are referring to making a forum post and calling an IO out, most certainly it garners you some disrespect and a lot of members take umbrage at that. If you had approached one of us privately, we are not hard to talk to, In fact, I answer anyone who contacts me, be it on IRC, or PM you will get a response. Ask anyone who has dealt with me if you dont take my word for it.
    I appreciate it.

    Loucifer, Let me give you some advice. You are totally free to ignore it but I will do it anyway. Create a new user account on your forum with a normal member level mask. Pick any name other than your own and go spend some time in your alliance as a normal grunt. Look around and take stock. Watch your IO's interact with the members. Read some of the threads where they have "helped" people with issues. Look around closely and notice whats missing. Notice who is missing. Give it a week. All will be clear by then.

    I don't need to do that, as a bit over 2 years ago, I was in your spot, well not exactly, but a new member as you were. I lurked around the forums for a while and then found something to do within the alliance that interested me, at the time the department was led by Doitzel (who is now Vox), I will always have some respect for him as he gave me that chance to participate. (OOC: Don't get all mushy Doitzel, I still despise your character :P ). All it takes is a little initiative and you can gain a position within the alliance, its not all that difficult if you truly wish to work with those you have decided to join.

    You also need to ask yourself one question. How come so many people on Bob "used to be" members of NPO? I am serious.

    That is one I cannot answer, for I have never felt the need or desire to switch alliances, or been disillusioned enough to want to try and ruin my chosen alliance. So this is one mindset I cannot see. If i had to guess, I would say boredom, wanting a new challenge, expecting something from the NPO that wasn't there, or not accepting that alliances sometimes can and must change over time.

    OOC: I hope when you choose your next alliance, you consider my words, and take an active role within your new alliance, it will not only make this game more fun, but it will also allow you to see that sometimes things have to be done for the sake of the alliance, and that the officers are not some lofty position to rule the members like serfs, they are players like you doing the best they can for those who have put their trust in them.

    Thank you for your time.


    NPO Imperial Officer

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